Home From The Hospital

May 03, 2009

Day 4 post op and I am home from the hospital.  I had an open DS and my gall bladder and appendix where removed as well, a lot of work.  I am finding that the more I move around the better I feel, so I am walking around the house picking up things with my gopher and walking out all the aches pains and water from IV's.  The few days were excruciating but I am much better today and hope to be better each day forward.  I do not feel like eating much of anything.  I have a low grade fever and have tons of swelling, mostly from the IV's.  But I am drinking and I am thirsty for water.  I guess I will have to sleep in the recliner for a couple weeks, which stinks because I love my bed.  But at least in 6 months or so I will not be snoring like a buzz saw all night long.


About Me
Mar 23, 2009
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