Wii fit Plus

Aug 01, 2010

I have really started to enjoy exercise.  I do a 10 minute workout in the mornings 6 days a week and I get to the gym 3-5 days a week after work for an hour of cardio and/or strength training.  

I recently made a large goal of 100lb loss and as a reward I asked for a WII Fit.

I finally took it out of the box yesterday and played with it.   


I can see this quickly being added in as a 3rd type of exercise.  I don't think I want to replace my current exercises but I think I will try to do this every day in addition.    Even if I just do 10 minutes, it is 10 more minutes of movement.  

What I really love for those who haven't had a chance to see it yet; not only is it fun, (they make everything a game) but, it also tests your balance, posture etc.   Every exercise has a target area to keep your posture in and then shows you a graph after wards of reality.   I have only used it yesterday and today but I can tell already that one leg is much stronger than the other and that I tend to stand with my body off center.  This is of course perhaps part of my knee and back issues.   By making this a focus I now can strengthen the other side and work on making them equal.      Traditional workout at the gym would never have pointed this out to me.

The one downside is each exercise is 2-5 minutes and then you have to take the WII remote and choose the next, so for aerobics you have a cool down in between, not too good for continuous exercise.   That is why this will be supplemental to my current workout instead of in place of.  

The Fit Plus has a few more stuff than the original Fit.   It has aerobics, yoga, strength training etc but it also has crazy games like downhill skiing or penguin tilt or juggling.    Stuff that really makes working out fun.    It is actually sort of addicting.  I find myself saying "just one more" instead of saying "oh man I have to do more".

So, for now my workout plan is the following:
-M,W,F - 10 minute Leg exercise in AM.  Pool for 1 hour in PM at Gym,  10 minute WII in Evening when arrive home.
-T, Th, S 10 minute upper body in AM, 1 hour treadmill and weights in PM at Gym, 10 minute WII in Evening
-Sunday  My gym is closed on Sundays, plus day for God and family anyway. I may do the WII if I get up before Church early enough like I did today.

I almost always do the M, W, F days.   I tend to struggle with the T, Th, S days because my job often requires me to stay late.  I have limited days I can do the pool due to the gym having classes in the pool (I prefer to do my own exercise instead of the classes) so my team at work knows I will just leave on M,W,F to make it to the pool and nothing can stop me even if I have to go back to work after. It is harder to do that with the treadmill days since I can do them any time so often they get overwritten.    Now at least even if I don't make it to the gym I can do this at home and at least still get 2 workouts in each day even on T&Th.


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Kent, WA
Surgery Date
Jan 24, 2010
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