mlwinn77 21 years, 8 months ago

Hi Kris, I wanted to let you know I have my fingers crossed for you. I wish for you a very quick approval. Hang in there. I will have u in my thoughts and prayers.

JC C. 21 years, 8 months ago

Kris, I was denied by my carrier too. It gave me some pause for thought and I took the time to question whether I really wanted this or not. Once I decided I was going to get the approval, I made up my mind and got busy. I got letters and documentation to support my reasons for having it, drafted a letter that demonstrated not only my resolve, but the reasons I believed this surgery was necessary and then sent the whole package back to them. I got my approval, now I'm working on the next phase of the process. You need to get your ducks in a row and put a plan together. If you need help with the letter, email me and I'll send you my letter. I'll make it a point to help you write a letter of your own if you need it. But ask yourself, is this what you want first. If it is, be prepared to fight for it. Prayer helps too, but a plan is where to start. Good Luck.

jstpeachy 21 years, 8 months ago

Don't give up yet. Ask your insurance company what the next step is. For me, it was an enrollee hearing where I was allowed to present my case in front of some "peers". You may also want to contact and see what they have to say. If they are giving you a criteria that is not in the brochure, I'd say you have a pretty strong case. Good luck and let you know how it goes for you.

krisl 21 years, 8 months ago

Insurance denied me. Gave me criteria that isn't in the brochure. According to the brochure, I qualify. I don't know what to do. I have Pacificare Washington -Federal. Please help with anything you can.

Tami D. 21 years, 8 months ago

Kris, Wow how long a fight this has been for you. I pray today you will get the answers you want! Don't give up hope.. Just wanted to let you know you are in my prayers. Try to relax a bit this weekend if you can. Put all this insurance fight on the back burner, and go play somewhere with your husband. You need some down time. Have a wonderful weekend. Tami

Diane G. 21 years, 9 months ago

Kris> Thanks for the words of support. I hope all goes well for you too. Thanks for the prayers.

Valerie B. 21 years, 9 months ago

I usually don't make promises. But I will this time because I know that I can keep it. Everything is going to be OK for you. It's going to get better. I experienced a lot of pre op jitters. But when all was said and done, and I lay in my hospital bed the next morning, I thanked God that I found the courage to go through with the procedure. The days ahead will not be the easiest. But few things in life that are worth anything come easy. I will be thinking about you. You are not alone. You will soon have the life that you DESERVE. God Bless You.

sage 21 years, 9 months ago

September 09, 2002 Dear Kris: It sounds like everything is NORMAL within your marriage. This surgery is causing you to have to look into yourself very deeply; you're in need of immense support, and the one person you're going to expect to supply that support, is of course, your husband. When he fails to offer that support in a manner that's totally free of selfish motive----the only alternative for you is to go balistic and make it REAL CLEAR that you're suffering with a lot of stress. Your husband's insecurities are also probably rearing their ugly heads----your a beautiful young woman----and you know that once that weight comes off other men will notice you----He (your husband) knows that too. Anyway, take a really DEEP BREATH, confirm your love for one another, and just stay on that yellow brick road. Sincerely, Lori Ann

Carmen K. 21 years, 9 months ago

Dear are gonna LOVE the results of your surgery and so is your husband! It will be some real work for the next year but you are going to be so proud of what you've accomplished. As for your wicked MIL, be patient. Right after surgery you lose a great deal of fat and thereby releasing tons of hormones into your body. It can be sort of like the emotional equivalent of having three periods at once. Let your hormones express themself to her. She will quake in her shoes and make the sign of the cross every time she sees you from then on. LOL Just joking, sort of *wink* *wink* but have an easy surgery and speedy recovery and God bless :)

Deanna_K 21 years, 10 months ago

Kris...Take a deep breathe(or TWO) and think about your future in a smaller, healthier body. Imagine those kids of yours running around the yard just as fast as they can with YOU right on their heels!!! Imagine your new hubby sitting on the porch just grinning ear to ear about how healthy and happy you are. Make that your"special" place and when you start to feel the anxiety...GO THERE. You don't want to spend the rest of your life wishing and wondering about the life you could of had!!! BIG HUGS and lots of love from someone who has had those same exact thoughts and my "special" place is what is getting me through.
About Me
Sunnyside, WA
Surgery Date
Jun 19, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
This was my wedding day, my weight went up to 392 before surgery.
Me and my favorite husband Bart, 208lbs
