Out of the 250's

Feb 06, 2011

 FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!  The scale said something this morning that didn't start with 25X.  It said 249!!!!!!  Which means I lost another 2 pounds.  I have figured out that during the week I really don't lose, it seems to fluctuate some.  But by the end of the week/weekend the scale typically starts moving.  Which is ok, just means that I need to stop weighting myself everyday because it is only going to be a distraction.  
I bought a gym membership.  Got my car fixed over the weekend so I am ready to go.  I called the gym this morning and they told me that I can't bring my son with me.  He can't even sit at the tables by the front and wait for me....so what was the purpose of getting the membership in the first place?  And I signed a one year commitment.  What a waste of money.  So I can pay someone to watch him, which makes it poinless.  So I have to try and cancel my membership, and find one somewhere else.  I thought about the YMCA because they also have an after school program that I could enroll my son in....not sure what I am going to do yet.

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