Holy Crap - Less than 48 hours!

Jan 23, 2010

OMG - in less than 48 hours, I'll be sleeved and in a hospital room.  The prospect freaks me the eff out, but excites me at the same time.  I pick my parents up tomorrow afternoon - which also stresses me out.  Damn, I'll be thrilled to be on drugs for the first day or two after surgery - I won't have time to worry about my dad falling down my stairs, my husband remembering to eat, my mom having problems with her eyes..... BUT, on the flip side?  There isn't any other group of ppl I would want with me in those first couple days.  My husband has been amazing - my mom is super supportive - and my daddy loves me and just wants to be here to watch me.  I'm so fortunate.

We have to go shopping today - groceries for my parents' stay, a second magic bullet (that thing has been my Godsend), and storage containers for the food my mom has decided she's going to cook and puree ahead of time for me.  I just don't know where to start with that stuff.....I'm gonna hit the message boards.  

See you on the loser's bench!  Lots of love.....
HW - 361/CW - 339/GW - ONEderland somewhere

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