Yeah, so I copy/pasted this from a board post...I got nothin'.

Feb 20, 2010

With everything going on in Scranton and preparing for the funeral and such.....I have been lucky to get 3 meals in...and they're not necessarily good ones.  My water intake sucks and my stomach is in stress filled knots.  what am I to do?!

Yesterday I had laughing cow cheese for breakfast, a greek yogurt for lunch, and soup for dinner.....I keep trying to drink the protein drinks but I just can't get them in. They make me feel ill.  I don't get it.

Not to mention the food ppl keep dropping off at my parents' house.... hellooooo carbs.
Scones, wraps, etc......and I would give my i-teeth for some comfort food......fries with gravy, hell, even a bagel would be wonderful - but I am trying to stay the course.  It sucks.  God and my Grandmother are testing me with my will..... and I am trying like hell to pass.  

Thanks for listening.  I'll talk to you all when all is said and done - today and tomorrow are going to be among the worst days of my life....I just hope I make her proud.

Laurie =)

PS.... Keep my fam in your prayers, please....this journey has been healing to a certain degree, but the reality has not hit some of them yet.  My aunt and cousins are really going to be hit hard when they see Nan.... and I worry for all their well being.  Thanks for reading!  <3

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