Been kind of crazy here!

Mar 30, 2009

Ok so it has been a few weeks since I have updated.  My fill.. stinks LOL  I am going for another one on April 8th.... I have not lost a pound.. but haven't gained a pound either.  Still hanging out at 182 and still wearing a 12 in jeans and 10 in kahikis LOL  So not much new to report on that.  BUT I can't complain.  I also haven't been to the gym in 3 weeks, and I have been eating out a lot and eating junk.  Yes I know... shame on me.  BUT I haven't gained and that is what matters.  The boys are on Spring break this week.. next week I begin walking in the morning to prepare for the mini!  I will start with just a 2 mile walk in the morning and work my way up from there.  I expect that after my fill on the 8th and all that walking, I should start losing again.  At least I am hoping so!  JJ on the other hand is now down to 200!  He is sooooo close to ONEderland!  He can't wait!  He has been doing great.  This last fill for him must have been a good one!  So good for him!

So it has been crazy around here because we some of our tax money we had the house painted!  A man that is currently out of work did it for us and did a great job for little money!  SO our entire house got a facelift!  And I absolutely LOVE IT!  He also came today and did a tile back splash in the kitchen which I have always wanted!  When it is complete with curtains and all I will post some pictures!  It is nice  though!  SO between that, work, and the boys, it has been busy!  And now.. spring break!  And today is day number one LOL Today we did nothing because the tile was being done and I work tonight.  Tomorrow I am sure we will run some errands then Trey has therapy.  Wednesday I am not sure yet.. and Thursday we are off to Great Wolf Lodge... not a warm sunny place like Florida BUT at least it is warm and wet and fun and close to home.  Better than doing nothing all week long and the boys really enjoy it.  So Thursday and Friday will be fun at the waterpark!  I am definitely looking forward to that.  And not so much dreading my swimsuit this year.  Oddly enough I had to buy a size 16 swimsuit.. but I think I always buy them bigger then my pant size?  I don't know.. but it is cute... I think any way.  And the tanning bed has helped my pale white legs LOL  Now if I could only justify getting a pedicure this early! LOL  I think I will wait until May for that.

So that is what has been going on here.  I hope everyone is having a nice spring break and enjoying vacation if you are on a vacation!  I can't wait to hit 179!  I have never looked so farward to seeing a 7 on my scale before!



Mar 19, 2009

So I finally got a much needed fill yesterday!  She gave me .3 which is ok with me... EXCEPT for the fact that she isn't doing fills for weeks in the month of April which will suck when I need another one and can't get it for another 3 weeks.  BUT I will manage.  I did not even lose one pound since my unfill.. which is ok.  This is my first REAL plateu so I can't really complain.

But I have to say.. it is nice to wake in the morning and NOT be hungry!  I have had some cheese today.  And I will do some potatoes later and maybe some pudding.  I am hoping to lose 10 pounds this month.  Which is definitely possible because I will be making out my walking schedule to prepare for the mini.  My first walk will be 2 miles.. shit that is 2 more miles then I have walked in a LONG ass time!  So I figure I should drop 10 pounds this month no problem as long as I continue to walk like I plan to do and the weather and schedule coroperate with me.  I am ready to do this.. the walking that is.  And in the mean time of preparing for the next 6 weeks I should drop some pounds I hope!  We will see.. I am sure I will keep you all updated.

JJ is doing good.. he is soo close to being out of the 200's he can taste it!  He is waiting on test results to see if he has MRSA again.  He started getting boils on his body again that looks like MRSA.  So if he has it again we have to be treated for it.  Lets hope not...

Other than that.. I am experimenting with paint today.  I have some color on the walls ebcause our house will be painted in the next few weeks and I NEED to pick out a color badly!  So far I like the color I have for the living room.. still deciding on the kitchen color.  And then it will be on to the bedrooms and bathrooms... I WISH I knew how to decorate.  Then this wouldn't be so streessful!


Surely not...

Mar 10, 2009

Surely I am just not meant to be 180 pounds forever?  I know I need a fill.. and I did call.. last week but couldn't get in until the 18th.  But still... I have not lost one pound in 3 weeks now.  Damnit.. I KNEW I shouldn't have gotten that freakin unfill!  Oh well... I mean don't get me wrong, I am happy and thrilled with where I am and how fast I lost the weight.  BUT I do not want to be in the 180's forever.  I WANT to be thinner.. and damnit I better get there.  Yes I haven't been at the gym as much as needed.. it has been busy around here.  But I am getting there again.  I will be there 3 days this week.  But then of course next week I have something going on every day.  so I won't even make it there once next week.  It just sucks!

I was soo hoping to be 170.. or in the lower 170's by Spring Break which is the first week of April... still possible I guess.. if I get one hell of a fill and am able to get to the gym.  It is just annoying.. but I know I can't bitch too much because I have done great in my opinion.. as far as losing steadily.  Now I am finally at the famous plateu everyone talks about.  Oh well.. life goes on.. and those last 20 to 30 are always the hardest to get off and takes the longest right!  Well... I know eventually I will get there!

JJ is doing great though.  He got another fill on Wednesday last week and is down another 5 pounds!  He will be breaking into ONEderland soon!  He is at 204!  He is very excited!  I don't think he has been in the one hundreds since our wedding maybe?  even in 2006 when we lost all the weight he topped out around 210 I think.  So he is thrilled!  Looks like a completely different man.. well the man I met in college any way ;)  

I feel so lucky that he is on this journey with me.  He wasn't thrilled about it when I mentioned it for myself.  I think he thought I was kidding.  The more I learned, the more I talked, then when I did it... he was all for it.  I could not imagine going through this alone.  Not that I couldn't do it.. I think I would have just felt bad for leaving him behind (Still overweight) as I lose the weight.  So I am glad we are doing it together!  It has been a great experience and nice to have some there to talk to and that really does understand!  He is a great!

So, nothing else really going on here.  I am ready for Spring, ready for Spring break for Great Wolf Lodge and just more time together and a break from work!  Not that I work THAT much... LOL  But a break in routine I guess I should say!

Stokley is still doing ok... I now warm up his food with water added and add garlic powder to it.  He wasn't eating and lost a bunch of weight.. now he is eating again.  We are still dealing with the allergies though, but not near as bad.  I tend to think it was a chicken allergy because it got so bad when I put him on the chicken based food.  So hopefully in the next week or so he will be feeling a lot better!  He is still a great dog.  I am getting used to the dog hair and the slobbering LOL  I might have to buy that Dyson vacuum though!  I get a nice discount at work at least!  So we will see!

Hope everyone is doing well! 

1 comment

Things are going...

Mar 01, 2009

Sorry to keep you hanging after all my posts LOL Well no one ever called back about my x-rays and I guess I must have pulled a major muscle or something because the pain finally went away on Sunday!  Almost a week of my back hurting every time I would breath in.. I thought I was dying or for sure something was wrong.  I have a very high tolerance for pain so when I am in pain I mean business. LOL  Funny that the doctors office never even bothered to call back LOL

Oh well... so since my back hurt so bad last week I only made it to tan once, and the gym once.. which sucks.  And today I am not there either.. my sister's car is in the shop and she needed to borrow the Pilot because she had a meeting this morning.  So I am stuck home with no car :(  It sucks!  But I plan to maybe go when JJ gets home from work.. we will see.  I really really really want to go to the tanning bed damnit LOL  Which in turn makes me work out too LOL  funny how that works.

On top of everything else, I have not lost a pound and I know I need another fill.. so I will calling the doctors office to get in again.,  It is funny how I haven't lost a pound but yet the size 12 misses Kahiki pants I bought are baggy now?!  Weird how that works.  My jeans still fit though so I am sure it is just the brand.  But I will take it!


Oh my...

Feb 24, 2009

Its funny.. I have this cycle every year.  I am at a point where I am desperately seeking warmer weather.  And most people do yes.. but I am just funny about it.  I crave it... I long for it.. I want it BAD!  Soo I start going to the tanning bed.  Yeah yeah lecture all you want.. it makes me feel good.  And it doesn't wear off as soon as I get out.. I feel it all day.  I smell the lotion on me and like it LOL  I can't wait to have a tan.. of course I tan very slowly so it will be awhile before I even notice.. but tanning really does get me in a better mood.

The funny part?  Once Spring comes.. I am all excited and motivated, outside every day, taking th eboys everywhere.. going good.  Thinking I can't wait for summer and to swim and be active and blah blah blah... then they are out of school.  And within two weeks into summer I am BEGGING for it to be August LOL  Then I am begging for fall so it isn't so hot and miserable LOL  It is just funny how that cycle works... especially for stay at home moms LOL

So although we aren't going any where hot for Spring Break... I am looking forward to having a little tan and going to Great Wolf Lodge for some swimming and at least feeling on the inside like it is warm outside.  LOL

Ok so enough of that :)  If I didn't mention I did get an unfill and am glad I did.. but also not glad I did.  Why?  Because I can eat just like before my fill.  So i will be calling and going back for another small fill.  Thats ok though...

I was also sick with strep last week.. so I ended up not eating for 2 1/2 days and got down to 180 pounds LOL  Too bad when I ate again I gained it back.. so I am hanging out at 182.  But thats ok... I know I lost them from not eating... so not in a good way.

But today was back at the gym and the tanning bed.  The tanning bed being at the gym is what will keep me going there at least 3 times a week!  Can't really walk into the gym and tan.. but not work out for a little while LOL  That would be just wrong!  So that is a good thing.. not to mention it is only $10 a month to tan :)  Even better!

Did I mention JJ & I are in the mini-marathon on May 2nd?  Yeah... thanks to my sister talking us into it.. it is 13 and some odd miles.... like 4 hours of walking... all around freaking Indianapolis.  Now I hate walking the way it is..  let alone 13 miles.  So we will be starting to walk outside as soon as it is half way warm out!  It is a lot different walking outside on a road then it is in the gym so I need to practice the realt hing.... or I may not survive!

So another week has gone by and I am still looking forward to the 170's!  I will get there!


A Colonoscopy?!?!

Feb 17, 2009



I know I have posted in the past about my constipation issues.  My doctor gave me some new drug called Amitiza back in January and it worked great... for a few weeks.  For the 3 weeks of samples I had i worked wonders!  I felt normal!  Then I spend $200 on the script (crappy insurance remember!)  And it stops working!  Needless to say I haven't had a good poop now in 2 weeks :(  A little but nothing to write home about LOL


So I called my doctor yesterday because she had mentioned if this doesn't work then I need to see another doctor.  She knows I am picky about doctors so she said a doctors name that is a colon rectal surgeon.. not because I need surgery but because she knows I will like her and feel comfortable with her.


Well the nurse called back yesterday and said she was sending me to a GI doctor.. and I said no Dr. G said she was sending me to such and such.


So tday while I am taking both boys to the doctor because they both have strep (nice huh) they call and left a message and said they had scheduled my colonoscopy and their office would be calling me soon and mailing me a packet!  WTH???  What happened to the office visit and hearing what she has to say?  Do I really need to jump into a colonoscopy at the age of 27??  Surely there is some other test that can be done or something?


My mom has had all these tests done and all came back fine.. it is a family thing.. she stil has problems going.  Do I really need to do this.. now?  I would think there would be like a "meet and greet" with the doctor LOL  Not a "see you on the table" for the first time meeting   LOL


I mean.. yeah its cause i don't want to get it done at all.. but also because I would think she would want to meet me and go over my history or an exam or something before we go that route ya know?!?!  So of course I am going to call tomorrow.. but if they suggest going on with it.. would you?  I know it might come down to that in the end... but..... now??  It could be the pelvic floor thing ya know?  LOL


Any way I just wanted to see what you think.. and if you have had it done how bad is it?  I see online that they don't even put you to sleep???  Are you kidding?  I would want to be UNDER for that.. it would be bad enough going to sleep knowing what they are doing.. let alone being awake during the thing and hearing them talking and what not... I don't think I could do that.  Don't get me wrong I am not a weenie by any means.. been through plenty of surgeries.. but this is different LOL

Ok I know this has now turned into a novel... sorry!


Yes.. an unfill!

Feb 16, 2009

So I went this morning and got .2 or .3 (can't remember) taken out and I feel better already!  I was up 3 times last night with the hiccups for no reason!  It sucked!  So I feel better and I ate lunch already!  So the 4 pounds I lost those days I am sure will come back.. but then I will lose them again.. so thats ok.  I would rather play it safew and be able to eat, then to starve myself!

Maybe an unfill?

Feb 15, 2009

The "tight or too tight" is always the big question after a fill.  I have been too tight one time.. back in September.  And it was horrible.  I really think I probably wouldn't have been too tight but I may have eaten a piece of chicken in a hurry too soon after my fill and got stuck.

So I got .5 at my fill on Wednesday... and once again as usual I am questioning on whether or not I am too tight.  Although I really think this time.. I know I am.  My period is gone.. thank god... yet I can't hardly eat anything and have reflux.  I have a burning sensation in the back of my throat with even drinking water or nothing at all.  So I think I know I am too tight.  So a phone call to Dr. Gupta is what I will be making tomorrow morning to get A LITTLE taken out.  Thankfully I haven't screwed up and try to force myself to eat and get stuck and swollen causing her to take out more like what happened the last time.  I will ask her to just take out .3 or .2 and see how that goes.  Hopefully it won't take several days to get in though!  It is no fun being too tight.  You some times feel like you can't breath.. you get soo thirsty yet you can barely drink.  You lay down to go to sleep and you keep burping and it burns.. it is no fun.  SO we will see how it goes.

On the plus side of being too tight (which I do NOT reccomend) I weighed myself today.. yes I know it isn't Tuesday but I couldn't resist.  I weighed 184!  Awesome!  Can't wait until Tuesdays weigh in!  And 170's here I come!

Did I mention I bought a size 12 over the weekend?  Well I did :)  Awesome!

And have I mentioned my pooping issues lately?  I got an awesome (well I thought it was awesome) new drug from my doctor.  The samples she gave me worked GREAT!  I was going like a normal person!  then I fill the script and pay $200 for the drug.. and it has now been 17 days.. and NOTHING!  It is not a generic... it is the SAMETHING.. yet I haven't pooped nothing like what I should be.  Little hard balls.. yeah i know.. TMI.  But it sucks.  I know when I call her and tell her it isn't working any more she will send me to the "butt doctor" and then they will start all those awful awful tests.  And I am soooo not looking forward to it.  But I am also tired of not pooping too!  Something has to give in.  I think I am more scared of the possible outcomes or reasons for my pooping issues then the stupid testing.  So we will see how it goes.  I will keep you posted.

Although pooping issues do run in the family... Levi is also having problems and Trey used to.  Levi is still getting Miralax (which doesn't work for me any more) and he has been complaining of his butt hurting even though his poop isn't hard.  But I thought I saw some blood in it when I wiped his butt.  So I am calling his doctor tomorrow too.  Guess we can make it a family affair at the "butt doctor" LOL  Well Levi will go to Riley for his.. I don't think they would take me!  LOL

Any way.. so hopefully we can get in to the several doctors I have to call tomorrow in a descent amount of time!

Hope everyone is doing good!


There really is nothing better than a fill!

Feb 12, 2009

Seriously.. it is the BEST way to get things moving again.. at least for me.  I was at 187, then back up to 189 and have been there for 2 weeks.  Today... 186.  Not only that but not waking up hungry, not feeling hungry at all and just knowing you need to eat is a great feeling.  It feels so good to be back on track again.. and to know that for sure.. 170's are coming very soon!

And it helps that I took a sleeping pill last night and actually got some sleep.. and cleaned the house this morning so it looks good too!  Next thing is the dogs bath.. which I will be doing tomorrow.. and then cleaning that tub again LOL  But thats ok.

And MAN I love this weather... the sun is shinning.. it isn't WARM but it isn't COLD!  Life is grand!


Back from my fill!

Feb 11, 2009

Let me first say... Tracey it was nice to finally met ya!

Secondly.. losing weight and all the suddent having a period sucks.. but I will take it.  I am on Seasonique birth control.. so I should have a period every 3 months, but for some lucky ones they will stop all together.  So for the past few years I have had NO periods.  Which has been awesome.  Yet now this is my second period :(  Yes it is still only every 3 months but without going into much detail.. I HATE having a period and havign to wear pads and not tampons.  yuck.

Any way so things are once again explained by the period showing up this morning... being soo tired.. not sleeping.. being moody... but it sucks.  I haven't been too tight like I was the last time I had a period though, so I was/am stressing over getting a fill.  Look back in my blog for the last period I had 3 months ago!  I got super tight and couldn't eat a thing.. which is common with the band.  But not so much this time.. not yet any way.  I have until Sunday to find out.. so we will see!  

Dr. Gupta was happy with my weightloss.  My last office visit was December 10th, and I have lost 15 pounds since then.  Well 5 more really because their scale with my clothes on always show 5 more than mine LOL.  She gave me .5 of a fill which hopefully will be a good one but not too tight.  We will see how it is in a few days or better yet next week when this period thing goes away!

Also when the nurse measured my waist I had her tell me for the first time what it was.  My first visit it was 50inches starting out.. and today it was 37 inches!  That is 13 inches!  Which is awesome!  Any way so the appointment went good.  She did not stick me but one time.. but she did have to "dig" around a little to get it.

JJ got his fill today.. he also got .5 and she got his on the first try!  He lost 9 pounds since his last visit in January!

Its funny I had one of those moments yesterday.  Well first off.. I have been feeling "fat" lately.. which could be for a lot of reasons... just not being myself.  And yesterday was my day in Trey's class.  And at the beginning of the year his teacher took pictures of the kids with their families on "meet the teacher night"  Let me say that we look like a totally different family!  Yes I take pictures every month.. I see the difference.. but seeing it in a very "unformal" picture was even more shocking.. and that was after losing 30 pounds.  I will ask her if she has a copy of it still.  Back in August I weighed around 234... so I definitely see the difference.

Any way it has been a fun ride... and I am looking forward to the 170's!


About Me
Indianapolis, IN
Surgery Date
Nov 13, 2007
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