Sat - long week

Aug 10, 2007

Last night I had chili from Wendys and got real sick. Not sure if it was cuz I drank iced tea before I ate it, or if it was cuz I put ONE packet of hot sauce in it, or what I did, but I sure ended up screwed. 
Gotta figure out how to make my own iced tea. 
Gotta get to cleaning this apartment - and my car -- both are in serious need of some cleaning. 
Had Monday off, worked 7-330 on Tues, 715am-830pm Wed, 720am-8pm Thurs, and then 720-5pm on Friday. Good week, got a lot accomplished, but it only reinforces how very far behind I am at work. 
Cats are making me smile today. Am tired, even though I just got up. Am hungry. Gonna go get a jello -- pretty sure it's been almost an hour since I took my meds. Or a yogurt.


Aug 06, 2007

Why do we let ourselves believe?
Why do we let ourselves believe someone may love us just for us?

Dear Kim - our kids

Aug 06, 2007

Dear Kim,
Am going to put this in my blog so I can keep this message forever. 
Got your message a few mins ago about the burials and not being able to walk to the gravesite, and about you going with your son to college to see around there. I need to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You've reminded me of what I need to be doing and why. 
For me it was my daughters kindergarten class, where I'd been a volunteer since the beginning of the year, and about 2/3 of the way through the year, a boy named Casey said in class, loudly, that he hoped I wasn't going to be with them volunteering on the day of the pizza party because I was so fat I'd eat all the pizza and there wouldn't be any for the kids. 
I didn't know how to deal with a statement like that from a five year old. I'd like to think that now, at 41 instead of 24 ---- at 382 instead of 290 --- that I'd have handled it better, not have let it change me, but it sure did. 
My daughter, now 22, had to beg me to go to school whenever she had need of me there, for a concert or whatever - I've limited myself severely is what I'm saying, and it has hurt her - she's told me many times how my limiting of myself into public situations has hurt her feelings -- that she, like your son said, "Needed me there" ---- which is why I'm so proud you went. 
Went in the chair or walking -- you WENT. You didn't cower at home - you went. 
I'm not so good at that. 
Sorry if this is too public - it's something I want to keep in mind as I make this journey to who I want to be from who I am. 
Hugs, L

Another Thursday - more pills to list

Aug 01, 2007

My lab work came in - nurse called with it this morning.
Vitamin D ----- it's a 14, and it's supposed to be 40
Iron is low -------- am to get over the counter pills for that
Potassium is low - she's sending me some slips to get tested for that around here
Eat lots of bananas
Praise the Lord - one more full day after this one - I am so ready for the weekend, even though I have to go to a funeral - well, the burial - of the only man in my family other than Dad. And Dad sure doesn't count as a man, or any kind of trustworthy-meaning word.

Okay, here's the current skinny on the fat me.
Went to the Rochester program last July - weighed 456 pounds. With the nutritionist issue, which lasted from October to March for me, I went down thirty pounds - twenty the first month, ten the next set of time. When I had the surgery, I was up by ten pounds --- I weighed 436 - water weight, really, since I wasn't allowed to take my meds the couple days before the surgery.
At my one week appt, I was still 436, somehow.
At my five week appt, I was 407, so I'd lost 29 lbs. I saw this as 29 pounds in four weeks - 7.25 lbs/wk
At my twelve week appt, I'm now 382, so I've lost 25 more pounds. I saw this as 25 pounds in seven weeks - 3.6 lbs/wk.
Total weight loss since all this began is 74 pounds, precisely.
I'm not cheating - much. Frankly, every time I try to eat a piece of toast (not allowed to eat crust), I end up puking it back up. That's about the extent of my cheating - oooops - I forgot about the oatmeal cookie I've been eating on this week.
One thing for sure, the surgeons work severely limited my ability to eat ---- exactly what I needed --- precisely what I needed. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
My surgeon's place says my three pound per week loss is great, as the slower it comes off, the slower it comes back. What an in-freakin-spiring thought.
I'm now allowed steak, and lettuce, though celery and other stringy foods are dangerous to me.
I can't drink milk - it simply does not like me anymore - and they added a calcium pill to my existance this surg visit. So now I'm on twice a day heart pill, trinsic pill (for B12&iron absorbtion), calcium citrate pill and anti-gallstone pill.
Once a day I take a multi-vitamin. And will eat at least a banana a day, and the iron pill and I'm pretty sure she's sending me a script for a vitamin D pill - thought that was the sunshine vitamin - which I am in far too much. Well, parts of me are. Okay, it's just my drivers arm that's rather crispy.
Lately the humidity is killing my head - sinus headaches, runny nose and migraine headaches - pills for the migraines work for about seven hours, with the headache back in the morning, yet I'm only to take one dose per 24 hrs. I worry about taking too much pills - I worry about that alot. So I live with the sinus and try to treat the worst part - which means I'm continually living with a stuffy nose. My cube-mate has to listen to me sniffle all day.
Doesn't help that where I work they keep the humidity up, the AC is set up high. Nor does it help that we're under a heat advisory on both sides of the border here in the Niagara region. Some ninety-eight percent humidity (bring the damn rain!!!). Sitting on the border crossing each evening, for anywhere between twenty minutes to ninety minutes (and yes, this is at the fastest bridge around) means my being sick each night when I arrive at my apartment is just part of life - I'm praying for winter, and the dog days of August have yet to get here.
And to my friend who asked – yep, I live in Niagara Falls and work in Canada – and yep, that’s two bridge crossings every blooming day, but lots of people do it. It’s all about choices.
Just so I can compare later, I can sure walk better. Danny told me this morning he sees a difference - me, I only see that I'm losing solidity ---- I have flab now that I didn't before. Butts starting to feel WEIRD. Term is 'draggin ass' --- I think maybe I might know what that means now.
Best thing to happen to me lately is that my guy and I had a big long talk last night. I tried to really get out in the open what I’m feeling --- seems I’ve been dealing with my physical side and not really being open emotionally about anything other than the surgery.
It’s funny – they talk about how the surgery is a tool, that it doesn’t change your life, and me, I really gave that a lot of thought – and the reality is that being able to walk, to live better functioning than how I have been is really the part of life I most needed to change, which is exactly what the surgery has done for me.
The part it doesn’t fix is that I’m still so scared of losing – loving and losing it – a part of life that for too long I’ve not stepped up to the plate, not worked at, content for the most part to love myself and my daughter, and not have to worry about the rest of the relationships I should be having.
Until he walked in. He walked into my life holding hands with God and I could not look away. I couldn’t think of him as a man for a long, long time – this man with a heart the size of Texas. I admired him, and was so pleased to be his friend, and as time went by, I was so disgusted at myself for drooling over him privately. It felt like I wasn’t being honest, which is a really big deal to me, as it is to him.
Then he decided he loved me. And I realized he made me quake inside, scared of how I was feeling. Here it is over six months later and I still quake just thinking of him, of the fact that he wants a future with me – ME!
He’s so SURE, and yet I’m so sure I’ll screw it up.
I was married from age 18 to 22, so when it comes to screwing a relationship up, I seriously know how I’ve messed up. Now I’m 41, so I should be ready to try again – and I do want to marry this wonderful man, but I don’t want to hurt this wonderful, kind man.
So patient and sure, he thinks things through, yet I don’t have the ability to tell him all the messing up of things I’ve done – I don’t even think there’s room in a relationship for a rehashing of past misdeeds.
But I let go and fell in love with him. I have a big heart, and I do love my friends, people who have supported me so much over the years, but him, he makes me think of growing old together, no kidding.
Anyway, last night we talked a bit of it out. I felt better when I woke than I have in a good long time. I can love him with all my heart, and I can share with him my fears, not just about life, but about love. He’s so open to me, and when I get scared real bad, I think about something I was feeling awhile back, about wanting him so much that if I could, I’d crawl inside him and be content there for life. I was feeling that way and he brought up about living inside me, that he’d feel complete even if he could never take another breath, so long as he could live inside me. Someone I want to be that close to, to have him really sure he wants to be THAT close to me – surely the Lord brought this man to me.
Every day I thank Him for the new day to appreciate, and for allowing me to be loved.
Well this sure turned out to not be about my surgery. Oh well. Back to woyyyyk.

Saturday 7/28/07 in way high heat

Jul 28, 2007

We're on a heat advisory and yet on Saturday I walked from my car to the observation tower without stopping and WITHOUT MY DAMN WHEELCHAIR! The kids were so impressed, but not nearly as thrilled as I was. 
Guess I really was so thrilled because even though I knew I had to rest, which I did while the kids explored the tower/area, I knew - I JUST KNEW I could make it back to at least the top of the hill. 
And I DID!
After sitting there awhile, and smiling at the myriad of languages around me, I was ready to go when the kids got back, and up up up the hill I went, a long, long way. 
And when I got home I was sore and in pain, particularly in my knees, but I was proud that I'd done it, myself, for real. 
So Saturday was spent walking around the Aquarium, then to the Tower, walking all the way since the trolley was PACKED. And Sunday was walking around the aviary on the Canadian side of NF - I'll post a pic so you can see! Between Alex, my Heather and I, we took over 240 pics that day with my not-terrible-but-rather-crappy digital camera. I had a great time.

A Thursday - what it means in Boofalo

Jul 27, 2007

Got through a Thursday in Buffalo - and am now hitting on Friday with open arms - here at lunch - getting lots accomplished, actually. 
Yesterday was so frustrating/maddening/hair pulling  that today could not help being better by comparison. 
Got to talk to a friend for a couple minutes today, explained some things and had some explained, so that helped. 
 Wanted to put in here a bit about last night. For the past couple weeks on Thursdays, I take my daughter and my nephew to the music concert in downtown Buffalo. I let them out, park my car, wait til they call me (which I call free time - free to read, to slowlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy take an hour to eat a baked potato, that kind of thing) to pick'em up. So last night I got a good parking spot for a change, and they went to walk around - a 22 yr old and a 13 yr old off to examine the world, poke around a bit at it. 
It rained (read POURED ) which had me putting up the windows all the way til it was over---- which after spending an hour waiting on the bridge at customs after work, I was simply not cool enough to deal with, even with the ice water I was pouring all over me. 
Kids got soaked - within an hour and a half they were back at the car, ready to head back to the apt. I was ready to go, though by then the windows were back down and I was getting into the HP book my dear kiddo had left for me. Love that Harry!
On way home, asked if we had any bread - which my nephew goes through alot of, and no was the answer, so we went to the closest Wilson Farms to grab some stuff, ended up spending a bit more than I thought I would, and bought myself something I'd not had in a long, long, long time - Hostess Cupcakes. 
Frankly, I thought I might be able to get one bite of cake down, but that's why I'm writing - I ate a whole cupcake - even the inner white goo. 
Woke up feeling good, not hungry, just thirsty, about 510 --- a full hour before usual, and I got up, got dressed and was at work at 630 --- my start time is 7 and I am usually here about 715 or 730 or 745, whenever I do the hustle, which also depends of course on the border crossing guards and how much of a lineup there is when I get there. 
So I'm here at work, feeling damn good, and wondering how much of it had to do with that cupcake I was sure would have me puking. 
Gotta figure out how to find stuff like that on this site..... 
Dr appt is next Monday - can hardly wait!
Better get back to work before my 30min lunch is completely over. 
Have for lunch a water, a <1oz chunk of longhorn colby, and two crackers. Not hungry yet enough to eat my turkey I have in the frig. 
Well, that's it for today! Over-n-out!

work stress

Jul 26, 2007

I know I should not let work stress me out so much, but lately, oh it sure has. I mean, I've rescheduled my latest follow up appt with my surgeon because we're so buried and yet have decreased in staffing by half. I can't be gone right now. I'm the only person who can do what I do. 
Job security run amok. 
AND I HAVE to get these two teeth pulled - have put it off for geez, ever since I lived in Michigan, but now the cracks in the one are pretty painful - glad I'm on a pretty soft diet, actually. The other one seems to be separating from the gum - like I can feel a layer of tenderness between the tooth and where the tooth is in the gum. Weird - have to get them done - could be damaging myself internally that I don't know. 
My dear nephew Alex is here, to visit, and instead of spending time with him, I'm actually not doing so - though I did get my tv turned back on because he was simply so bored. Poor dear - hasn't learned how to entertain himself without television - makes me so glad my incredible daughter can disappear into a book like I can, as easily as into a movie. 
At work I'm tripping because I can't catch up to what we had before my friend went on leave - I cannot do her job and mine, yet she truly believes she can do absolutely everything all by herself - and I'll be so glad to get out of here and let her work that kind of magic - no problemo. 
I just know I can't do it myself............. some days I've been here, puking in the bathroom for having drunk water too fast, or ate lunch too fast, or something didn't agree ------- I miss her being here because I could go home an hour early when that happens, instead of just being so miserable and unable to leave, to take care of myself. 
Thank heavens my irritation and rage at myself for failing to keep up does not show in my demeanor. Poor kids have to see it at home, for sure. 
I do try to keep to myself. 
Sometimes I just feel I'm going to explode. 
And on Monday I have to go to see my surgeon - so I'll have to put some time in on the weekend, make up for that time.
Need to cook something good, like a roast, even though I can barely do it even a modicum of justice. 


Jul 25, 2007

Had an email from a friend that remarked about how she was finding that she has balance problems - and I had not attributed it to muscle breakdown as she did - how amazing to think that this awkwardness may go away.


Jul 15, 2007

Found this place about a month ago that made GREAT scrambled eggs - easy going down - best thing I've had since the surgery - tasted great too!
Went back, different cook. Went back again, different cook again. 
Went back tonight on way home from Ohio and got the woman I'd hoped to get --------------- and she even came out and told me how to cook'em myself so I'd not have to wait for a trip home to Ohio before I could have some. 
I'd asked on the trip down when we stopped - and I got disappointed again - if the cook "Mary" would be working 'tomorrow', and was told yes, she starts at three. So at 3:15 we were in the restaurant. 
At 3:45 I was eating the fluffy, not hard cooked scrambled eggs that made me smile so big!
Tipped her bigtime. 
So I'm not hungry and of course, I could only eat one of the eggs, and one of the pieces of toast, but the other egg and the other piece of toast is in a box so I can heat it up for breakfast! Or a snack tonight. Wow that was good. Needed something filling, for a change. 
Now if I could have just gotten home in time to get my fortrin pills - wasn't sure if we'd have enough money to get home if I used the forty on the pills..... as it is we're way close - $47 left over!!!!
A pretty good weekend - not great, but not bad. Got my nephew now - he's such a sweetie - he'll stay for three weeks, like he did last summer. 
Was good to see that he'll miss his mother.

A long, long, long ten weeks

Jul 10, 2007

July 16th will be my 10th week anniversary - appt at surgeons is July 19th.   YEEPS!!!
Am looking forward to what the weight loss is, as I know I've lost a bit of weight in how I can move better.

I'm happy to announce that the 
Harry Potter opening night 
is TONIGHT and WE'VE GOT TICKETS to see it at the IMAX!!!!
It's just hours away!!!

About Me
May 28, 2007
Member Since

Friends 17

Latest Blog 29
Sixteen months out!
Last days of January I'm taking charge!!!!
Christmas Already?????
A Thankful Thursday
Saturday - sick - hair falling out
Today I walked a long, long way
Stomach Acid taste??? I SUCK AT COOKING!!!!!!
Sunday - bright and sunny New York
keep - reminder
