Feeling fine

Jun 03, 2007

I was just stopping by to say that things have been going well since I had the EGD Dilation. I have not weighted since the last time I posted. I was getting so depressed with losing only 4 lbs. a week. I know that is great I’m just worried that this is really slow compared to what I will be losing when my honeymoon phase is over. I have got some great food ideas from my BAF family, and have starting doing a few of their great ideas. I will post again when I weight for my three month update. I enjoy going out, and seeing people I haven’t seen in so long. The other day I ran into an old co-worker, and she hugged me so long, and just told me over, and over I looked so great. I was like so shocked that people can tell such a dramatic difference in this short time. I’m working out at the gym, and most days I push myself beyond what I should. I just want to give this new chance at life my all. I would like to lose 100 lbs in six months, but if I don’t I will take what God wants me to loose. I intend to work this tool to the best of my ability.  

The last weight in I was at 354 that is a total lose of 32 lbs lost since surgery. That was May 3rd.


6 weeks out 29 lbs down 55 lbs lost total...

May 12, 2007

Things are looking up for me thus far. I have been taking my vitamins, B12, and now I have a little more energy. I have started going to the gym, and doing mostly cardio. I was able to get on the elliptical machine for ten minutes. That was a God sent ability! I have never liked that machine from the time my personal trainer made me try it for five minutes. Those were the longest five minutes of my life. I couldn’t walk for three days, and my fiancé’ at that time thought it was so funny. I did it with not problems, and I worked it until I knew I had done enough. Three days later I still feel it in my legs but, I will be getting right back in tomorrow. I have been able to eat a few more things, and I have been getting in water yesterday I got in 50 oz of water. I feel so much better. I drink it even when I’m not thirsty. I wake up in the morning taking a sip.  

I went to my first after care meeting at NeWeigh, and got a ton of information. The biggest thing I walked away with was I’m going to have the EGD Dilation done to have a better quality of life. One of the RN BSN that attends weekly told me that throwing up everyday several times a day was putting a lot of stress on my HEART! She then talked about how my body is not strong enough to endure by heart getting sick or weak. I’m going to be making that appointment in the morning. I just hope the doctor does not want to see me for five minutes just to charge my insurance company, and me to tell me how he is going to do the procedure. I should be able to say “Hey I need this procedure done can I get an appointment date, and time.” I hope they have something this week. I would like to be able to eat like other people. I sat in the meeting listening to people who had surgery the same week I did, and they are eating, and drinking! Even things they shouldn’t! But, hey to each it’s own. I also learned that water plays a key role in your weight loss working with your metabolism to increase the weight loss. I was given food options to help get in protein without drinking shakes. The most common thread that I notice is that you either can tolerate milk after surgery or you can’t, and the same for chicken. I am one who can’t do either. Chicken makes me sick to my stomach, and milk goes right through me every time. I still drink milk with the Unjury; however I pay the price everyday for trying to get my protein in now daily.  

I have discovered that I no longer like foods but know that it’s essential to my survival. My family took my mom out for Mother’s Day on Friday to beat the crowds! She chose to go to MY favorite restaurant, and that was pure torture. I only ate a few chips, and salsa. The meal came out, and I was stuffed. The chips got swollen, and that was the end of that. Needless to say I took the food home but couldn’t enjoy it later because it was greasy, and the doctor said stay away from reheated food, and leftovers. I have not been making the best food choices these few days since I have been released to a “regular diet” since I have a hard time getting food in I eat what ever my body allows. It that is rice for the day I’m eating rice. What ever it is I’m aware of the amount, and I’m working on getting that changed after I have the procedure done to be able to enjoy regular food.  

I knew this surgery was not a “QUICK FIX” that is why I work, and fight so hard every day to get better to enjoy my second chance at creating a healthier person on the outside to go with who I am on the inside. I still have my fat food mentality when I want something that I shouldn’t but the truth is I want this weight off more. I’m learning to live life without the sweets, and fried greasy foods. However when I’m ready to indulge into those items I will know this is not the way I want to live, and eating it will be something I have only when I have truly deserved it within moderation. It would be unrealistic at seven weeks out to think I’m never going to eat something bad again. I wouldn’t lie to myself like that!

5 ½ week check up!

May 06, 2007

I went to see Dr. Jay on Thursday, and received good, and bad news! First, the good news I am officially no longer considered a diabetic on the day of surgery my A1C was 6.8 now it’s 5.6. I was happy about that needless to say. My one month labs did show that I was low in B-12, and he advised me to start taking B-12 sublingual drops under my tongue. I am severely dehydrated, and it’s not getting better. I’m working on it everyday.

Now on to the bad news… Dr. Jay wants me to go in and have the EGD Dilation done, to stretch my stoma, because he thinks it too narrow. I’m still having a hard time digesting simple things like lunch meat, and even water at times. I really don’t want the procedure done. I just wanted this one surgery, and that be final. He thinks I also might have a lot of scar tissue from the hernia repair so that might be causing digestion problems also. I’m going to hold off on the procedure for as long as I can.

My weigh loss has slowed down so fast right out of surgery. He stated that’s because I’m not eating, and I’m not going to lose unless I’m eating. So he gave me the go ahead to start working out four times a week, and I can do water aerobics two times a week. He even said to start weight training also three to four times a week. Dr. Jay is so cute he said “This is the time to get on the ball to maximize your weight loss in the six month window!” I’m so scared I don’t want to be one of those people who have the surgery and only lose 50 lbs. I have a co-worker right now who had the surgery a year ago, and only lost 85 lbs. If you were to see her you would think she never had the surgery. I don’t want that to be me. Now granted she is proud of her weight loss, and she don’t seem to mind the fact she’s still plump. I just want to see the major difference in my weight loss, and look normal. I know what’s normal for you might not be normal for someone else. I just don’t want to look like I need the weight lose surgery a year after I’ve had the surgery; if that makes any sense.

My biggest problem is now that I’m six weeks out what can I eat to get on tract? I’m doing the fish, and vegetables it’s getting a little tiresome. I’m scared to eat other meats because I can’t do the chicken. I’m at the point where if I never ate chicken again it would be too soon. He gave me a list of food but, that was not a great help. The other advice he gave was to stay away from microwave items, and leftovers. I didn’t ask why but that was ok with that because I have noticed that since surgery I can’t stand to have something re-warmed! What am I going to do for lunch if I make it at home how is it going to be re heated at work the next day? I don’t like to eat out he even advised against that. He stated food is not always prepared as healthy in the restaurants. 

So now the real work begins! I star this journey uncertain but, this I know with the Lord’s grace, and mercy I will be o.k.

One month update!

Apr 29, 2007

I have lost a total of 24 lbs for the month. I was a little upset at first then I snapped back to reality! I realized it took me 90 days to lose 26 lbs. So 24 lbs in a month was no small fries. I have little to no energy, but I’m not taking my vitamins like I should. I purchased the Centrum chewable orange flavor. Let’s just say I have taken maybe two weeks since surgery. I will be getting a vitamin after my doctors’ visit on the 3rd of May with my surgeon. I go see the PCP on Monday morning to have the lab work my surgeon wants. I’m going to pray that I have a normal A1C for the diabetes. I’m looking forward to my five week visit with Dr. Jay to see what types of foods I can safely move onto under his supervision. That’s only because the next time I eat something, and it makes me sick I can blame him! LOL just kidding people!!! I take account for everything I put in my mouth good or bad. I have been eating a lot of fish the past few days. Baked, and I’m getting tired but that is the only way that I can get in the protein. 


My mom is going to cook me some beans with smoked meat Monday night, and when I get out of class Tuesday I’m making a beehive straight it her house. I’m sure the three spoonfuls are going to upset me but I will graze all day for those beans. I mean cooked all night in the crock pot. With either smoked poke bones, or turkey wings! Yawl, don’t hear me!! My mom can throw down. That is how we grew up thick azz little girls in the first place. I started losing my weight during my “puppy love” years! That didn’t last long. I loved food more obviously! LOL


I went back to work today Sunday the 29 of April. I’m typing my update at the desk. Things are going so far so good. My co-workers said you can really see it in my face! That was nice. However, I had a wonderful WOW moment at the nail place yesterday. The nail tech said you are getting so “skinny”! I blushed modestly, and said far from it but thanks.  Side note she hadn’t seen me since before surgery. So she’s seeing me 50 lbs lighter. She then moves on the say I am going to be skinny like her. I said you only weigh 89 lbs she started laughing she weights 96 lbs. My bones weight more that 96 so I’m safe. I will take what ever weight God allows me to work down to. I know it will take time I just have to do my part. No buffalo wings… no buffalo wings… no buffalo wings… {sigh} it’s going to be hard! 


I will try to update more often. I love the replies from people supporting or just to say high. As always I believe this is a road worth traveling. If you have faith that is all you need. If he brings you to it! You already know the rest!


I also want to take this time to thank a few people who have been here for me since I took this walk. My Angel Genie for getting me off those potatoes, and the advice to get this train moving! Girl, I am a work in progress! Thanks for caring. Angela for calling to check on me daily more than my family, {girl you’re family now} and giving me tibits of knowledge that will help me. June 5th baby then it’s your turn! Girl, and laughing with me over my silly mistakes, and not judging. Then calling back to make sure I’m alright! Queston for called, and checking on me even though she just crossed over to the losing side. {Whispering}even though she has lost her 29 lbs in three weeks. Hey, I ain’t hatten girl I’m proud of ya! Wish it was me! Rhonda, Shelia, Maryama, Safiya, all wonderful people that I have bonded with over the months talking on the phone, and sharing emails. To everyone that sends regular emails to check on me to see how progress is going. Thanks! Golden, girl we going to talk on that phone one day. I have never had such a time meeting up to talk to someone. Don’t give up on me!! LOL Girl, thank you for all the wonderful emails just to check on me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I thank God for each, and every one of you, and pray for you, and your families. Until next time…




Three weeks out 20 lbs gone….

Apr 20, 2007

Sorry it took soooo long!

Well let me see where do I start. I had surgery on March 26, and everything went great! I got to the hospital about 4:30 am. When I arrived the security guard was sitting in a chair like he was at home, and I was a guest visiting. He beckoned for my mom and me to come in, and told us to have a seat while he went to get the triage nurse. Everything happens so fast. The team at First Street Hospital was truly amazing. The entire staff came out to greet me, and introduce their self. They took me straight to my room, and had everything on the bed that I needed to get that day started. I changed into my night gown, and socks at that moment it felt “Real!” I knew as I got into the bed I was on my way. The nurse came in to start the IV. My mother sat in the corner quiet, and serious. She was so sweet, and tried to not let the fear take over her face. She walked this path four years before me, and now was her child’s turn to talk this walk. I found out that I was going into surgery second after the first case of the morning. I was told that my surgeon assisted the other doctor on his case then the doctor assist him on my case. Either way I was there, and was not going home until it was done.

I was rolled up stairs at 9:51 and put into surgery holding until my turn. I stayed there freezing until they rolled me off to surgery at 10:57. I lay in bed, and looked at this picture. I talked to God, and remember thinking how blessed I am to get this chance to regain my life, and be healthier! The Holy Spirit comforted me, and at that moment I knew everything was going to be ok. When you you’re a child of God have faith he hears your cry. I can not tell you I was never scared or worried. Call it crazy if you want but when you go in with the right attitude, and for the RIGHT reason God really will make a way. I didn’t know what was going to happen I just knew I was going to be just fine. I really am just that fine! It was so long that I asked the nurse to tell my mom that I had just went back so she wouldn’t be worried about me any longer than she had to be. She was surprised she thought I was already under the knife.

My very first memory after surgery. I woke up in the same holding place. I remember seeing Dr. Jay walking by waving. I asked him when was I going into surgery, and he laughed saying I have done the surgery, and everything went great. He followed that he removed my gallbladder, and had to repair a very bad Hital Hernia. So I had three surgeries at one time. He then said let me check your drain. I was like not the drain I never wanted to have a drain. I was scared of the unknown, what did the drain mean for my recovery. In the end it was noting it was removed right before I went home the very next day. When it’s removed it DID NOT hurt at all. I explain it like pulling a string through your fingers. Just take a deep breath, and it’s done. I was upset to know that Aetna only approves you for one day in the hospital. I thinking I had extra work done shouldn’t I be allowed to stay one more night? Nope, they threw me out!

When I got to my mother’s house I was like this is where the real work begins. It is real work people I will not lie or sugar coat it to you. I have family, and friends that stop by with food to eat right in front of my face. The worst one of all was my ex stopped by eating a burger, fries, and a chocolate shake. I was sitting there thinking I hope his azz choke on that food. He didn’t but I was strong. 

You have very little energy, and you get very easily winded. Now before surgery I had great lung capacity. The most annoying part of recovery was the injections I had to get for ten days after surgery. I didn’t want to give them to myself so I had my mommy to give them to me. They had to be administered in the lower abdomen mine is now black, and blue. The heprin shots they gave in the hospital were the worst they burn like crazy. When you see the nurse coming with heprin tell them in your stomach not your arm. My girl Que got one in her arm, and let’s just say it wasn’t nice. 

My personal trainer came over Thursday the 19 of April, and he pissed me off. I told him what I just went through he pushed me too hard, and me not saying anything got sick, and threw up in the middle of our session. Needless to say that ended before it was time. I’m not going to see him again until after my six weeks. I went, and weight in and I was down a grand total of 20 lbs. I’m very proud of my success! I have hit a few bumps since I have been out but the faith has keep me going. I was driving two weeks out, and have not stopped. I wend back to school two weeks out. Everyone is different. It just depends on your level of strength, and recovery. I really go not have any regrets, and have never asked WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MYSELF!!!!! That question has never popped in my head. I knew what I was getting into when I sign those papers asking Aetna to approve me for this surgery. You’ll have your good and bad days. But it’s all worth it in the end. I have lost a total of 46 lbs. since I stated this journey on November 22, 2006. I’m loving life, and all that it has to offer.

What A Difference A Day Makes!!!!!!!

Mar 19, 2007

God is GOOD all the time, and all the time God is GOOD!


“I am approved for surgery” I got that call this morning at 10:55. Kim of Neweigh called and was like hello may I speak to Lesley. I said, “This is she!” Kim said “How are you doing?” I said “FINE?” She said, “How would you like to be finer?” I said, “What do you mean?” Kim said the most beautiful words to me. YOU HAVE JUST GOTTEN APPROVED FOR YOUR SURGERY A FEW MINUTES AGO!!!! I screamed so loud I was speechless, and then I quickly came around, and was like what to do next. She asked could I come in today, and weight to see how much more I had to lose of the 30 lbs that the dr. wanted. I said wait a minute I though it was 40 lbs to lose before surgery she said nope! Kim said when can you get here I said in an hour. However, I waited until after their lunch and got there at 1238. I hurried to the back, and weighed in to see I lost 7 lbs since my last weight on a total of 20 lbs since I started this journey on November 22, 2006.


I then had to wait on Deb to come in to schedule my surgery date. We walk to the back to her office, and she ask how much have you lost I say 20, and she said we can rock, and roll! Deb tapped a few keys on her keyboard, and said, How about next Monday I said, sure. It was all happening so fast. She got on the phone to call the hospital to see if I could do pre-op today, and they had room.


I arrived at

First Street
, at 1:52 pm. And things moved very quickly, and the staff was so awesome. Everyone is hugging you, and congratulating you on the up coming surgery. I was like this is REALY going to happen! I felt a since of calm come over me as I did my test.


First, I did some paper work for all type of personal information. Then, by 2:35 I was going to the lab to get my blood work done. Afterwards, at 2:41 I was going to get the EKG. This took a while because after I got out the shower I had baby oil on so the leads would NOT stick on my legs. She had to take them down. Then the tape wouldn’t stick so I said if you have alcohol I would wipe off the oil. The RT did it for my said “BABY just lay back, and relax!” I did when we finished with a NORMAL EKG, she then pulled out the Spiro meter to show me how to breath on it after surgery to help clear the lungs. She talked about the pillow to your stomach when you get ready to cough. After that MORE paper work was needed. Sign form, after form. Then finally I was off to get the chest X-Ray done. I asked is this the same room you do the barium swallow test in, and she said yes it is what you know about that. I said I have a few friends who’ve been through here. After that I was out the door, and headed to my moms to share the good news… Please stay tuned for further updates!


I’m so calm, and have perfect peace. I’m a child of God, and I know that HE is in control.

Now I just have to sit back, and enjoy this next week of getting ready for the surgery. I have gotten everything together. I have bough all my water, sugar free popsicles, jello.

My housekeeper comes on Friday so everything will be in order for Monday morning at 5:00 am. Ain’t God GOOD all the time!


Waiting... Prayers needed!

Mar 04, 2007

Well, I have been on my all protein diet for three weeks, and it’s going horrible. I have been waiting for my Unjury to arrive. It has gotten here, and I have missed placed a whole container. The chocolate one at that I have looked, and made phone calls no one has seen it. So I might have to shell out more money for a new one. It was in my lunch kit, and I dropped my truck off at the Mechanic for routine repairs, and now I can’t find it. I just hope it turns up. I cheated Thursday, and Friday. Friday was my Birthday!!!! My family had a small BBQ for me, and it was nice. My sister made me a special Brownie Triple Chocolate Cake it was off the charts good. I had never had that before. Thanks Moneca for giving me the best pre op B-Day cake ever. So Sunday night I’m sucking on my last Ribs, with BBQ chicken macaroni salad, and dirty rice. {Please Stop Licking Your Lips} So now I will go full circle with my pre op diet while I wait for my approval. I called Aetna Friday to check on the Pharmacy Formulary, and when the clerk asked “Could she help me with anything else?” I said, “Yes do you have an appeal for WLS?” She tells me let me check to see if you insurance covers that. I was like it’s not a matter if it covers it’s about whether or not the request has been submitted. Long story short NO they have not gotten the request for the appeal. I did not worry because I know that it is coming. I just hope that it happens soon! So pray for me people that I can get the strength I need to stay faithful on my ALL liquid diet. Here it is just incase you want to see the torture I go through everyday.

P.S. I’m going through a rough patch with a very close friend, and find myself wanting to just go out to eat at the buffet. Prayer, changes things! I will rejoice, and be glad in what ever situation I find myself in. 

Breakfast- 8 oz. Skim milk

                  2 scoops protein powder 
Lunch-      8 oz. 2% milk

                  2 scoops protein powder
Dinner-      8 oz. 2% milk

                  2 scoops protein powder
Snack-       16 fl oz. Isopure drink 
Total:         880 Calories. 


Rounding Second Base!

Feb 28, 2007

Let me see where do I even start. First, I have completed my 90-day Aetna required Nutritionist/ doctor supervised diet. I only lost 12 lbs. So unfortunately I have been place on the pre op diet BEFORE I EVEN GET APPROVED! My paperwork goes in by the first of March! The funny part is I wasn’t even upset when they told me this. Because I know that I did this to myself. I lost track after the holidays, and I kept saying I have time to get the weight off.

I even took some Magnesium Citrate. Oh, my have mercy on me. What the hell was I thinking? I was even smart enough to take it at 10:30 pm. While driving home from work I damn near had an accident trying to get to the restroom. I had to run a few red lights to make this happen. Lawd, if the police would have pulled me over he would have to follow me home. I kept saying PLEASE let the police be somewhere resting or in the middle of shift change. Let me tell you. If they would have tried to stop me I was going to keep driving until I got HOME.

When I stood before the judge the next morning, and asked how do I plead I was going to say NOT GUILTY! I was just trying to get to the restroom your Honor. {Side Note} HPD don’t play they would have taken my behind to jail for not stopping when they put their lights on for me to pull over! I might not have even made it to the rest room. They so Teaser happy down here, they would have probably gotten me when I stepped out the truck.

However, all jokes a side. This has been a hard week not eating food. I have decided that I was going to eat one meal a day until I get my Unjury in the mail. I can stand the OTC protein supplements they have to offer. If after surgery I can’t stand Unjury I am screwed. I don’t know how I will get my protein in even after I get released to regular food.

Let me say this, I have had support from some wonderful people on this site. My very first Anglette, Genie AKA {dreamgirl119} has been wonderful. I started calling her right out of surgery to check on her now that she’s a LOSER! We still talk, and support each other as she goes through the up, and downs that follow WLS. So now she is doing the honor of being my very own ANGEL! I thank her for being there for me with all the ups and downs with my mom over the last month. Things have gotten better. I also want to thank you the visitors for stopping by just to give those words of encouragement to me. You all will never know how much it means to me. You see I am the person that everybody can call when they need a favor. But, you never see me calling asking for one in return. I give until I have no more to give. I am a natural people pleaser. So see when someone from OH stops by just to say high, and even just add me to his or her friend’s list it means so much for me. I don’t worry about what other people think of me because not only do I know Who I am, I know Who’s I am ya feel me! My walk with God has been short but oh, it has been sweet. I took the Lord as my father, in 2002 and have not looked back. I might not have always done everything pleasing to HIM, but I know one thing for sure he forgives me even before I can forgive myself! That is priceless. So as I begin the journey called Weight Loss Surgery! I know that he has got everything ALL taken care of. The race is won! The victory has been claimed. I’m just waiting to get on track so I can run this marathon so I can get to the finish line, and take me seat on the winner’s bench! I have made peace with myself, and everything that I need in order to safely get to the losers side. I still ask for prayers because you can never have enough. We all know that anything that is good to use we love more. Prayers sooth my soul, so any prayers you want to give. I will graciously take them.



To all the newbie’s if your reading this please know that this road will get tough but it is someone who can ease your pain. I have gone to bed with tears in my eyes the last week from shear hunger, and I know that it won’t always be this way. I have two jars of Unjury in my hand so now I get on to my three protein shakes a day until It is my turn to get on the losers bench.



I wish you all the best of luck in what ever your life's struggle may be. Please free to drop me a line when you get a chance.



Smooches, and Blessings,




Press 4!!

Feb 06, 2007

So here is the deal!! I have been trying to get one form from my OB/GYN office to fax to NeWeigh for a copy of my medical records... Well when you call, and get the recording you listen to the list, and wait for you option. So for Medical Records {Press 4}. I do this, and the young lady always forwarded me to a Lavern. Lavern ain't never a her damn desk. So today I {Press 1} to make an appointment. The young lady at the front desk answers the phone. I was sweet, and professional. I simply stated, “Yes I'm calling because I need a form to release my medical records for WLS to NeWeigh”. The lady said oh, yes what is your fax number. I give it to her, and she say's it's on the way. Simple as that!!! The next time someone ask me to do something, and I don’t really want to do it you know what I’m going to say. {Press 4} 


Anyway, thank God I got that taken care of so now I only have to focus on loosing the rest of my pre op weight, and I’ll be o.k. February 27, 2007 is my last weight in. I need the scale angels to show up on this day, and allow me to have lost the required pounds.


Things so far...

Jan 31, 2007

Well let me see... I had my psych evaluation on 01/22/07. That was the most boring test I have ever taken. I mean really 567 questions about you hear voices? Do you love your parents "If their alive"? The real questions should be what are your true expectations from WLS. Give me a break. The only good part about that was the doctor faxed over the report the next day. Yes!!!!!!!!! I’m not crazy. LOL.


However, now I have to deal with my OB/GYN to get a copy of my medical chart for the two Lap surgeries that he done. I love this doctor but his medical record people are really starting to upset me {smile}! I didn’t know that after you complete everything you then have to start trying to get all your medical records. Neweigh is doing a wonderful job of letting me know what I need to have on file when they submit for my appeal. I just pray that everything falls in place so that I can get a quick return on my appeal. It should I got a quick denial letter!!!


Well, I have starting telling people, and I am getting the most wonderful response. My co-workers are so excited, and a few even want to jump on the WLS bandwagon! Isn’t that great we can all be support for each other. I just dislike the fact that my mom is still not happy, and she isn’t talking to me about it very much. When I mention something that I have to do she gets real quiet. I just want her to be happy for me nothing more. Her support would be wonderful since she’s my best friend. Moneca my sister is happy for me, and she’s going to be there every step of the way. 

Keeping the ball rolling, I turned in my papers to the surgeon’s office for FMLA, and Thursday the 1st of February I’m signing up for AFLAC. I changed all my beneficiary information to update it. I know that I am going to do just fine, but I didn’t want o leave anything out. Well that is all for now hopefully the next time I post NeWeigh will have submitted for my appeal. Thanks for reading my blog. I wish you the best of luck where ever you are in you journey to WLS.

About Me
Houston, TX
Surgery Date
Dec 10, 2006
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I Know It’s Long Ova Due…. I’m One Year Out!
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