May 29, 2011

I am so down and discouraged :-(.... besides a very emotional personal issue happening in my life, I have just learned that my surgery needs to be postponed because my surgeon will not be here in June!!!!!


I have been told to expect a call in early July!!!! :-(

I am soooooooo bummed out!!!!!!!!


Weight Loss Goals

May 27, 2011

For the first time in my life, I am embarking on this new journey with a very different attitude. Although I really wanted to lose weight in the past, I never felt as I do now. I never set realistic goals for myself and always seemed to set myself up for failure. I never really had any real support as I kept it all to myself. For the first time in my life, I am sharing every step of my journey. Having been married and divorced a few times in the past I never even shared my weight with any of my husbands so it is another big shocker for me to finally be able to let my new husband know all my fears and most embarassing things about myself..... my weight

As I get ready to be sleeved in 3 short weeks, I have started to make a list of weight loss goals I look forward to achieve. I look forward to marking DONE on as many of them as I possibly can

So.... here we go.....

Goals I want to achieve with weight loss

-          -Wear one of hubby’s t-shirts to bed

-          -Go to an amusement park with my kids and go on rides with them without worrying about not fitting

-          -Not be the fattest person in the room or the fat friend.. or the fattest mommy at the school gathering

-          -Able to cut my toenails or tie my shoes without straining myself

-         -Get off blood pressure meds

-          -Wear high heels without hurting

-          -Sit my behind in the bath tub and not wishing I had a crane to haul me back out

-          -Have a bubble bath and actually have the bubbles cover my whole body

-          -Buy clothing in a regular shop

-          -I was ecstatic when I no longer needed to use a seatbelt extension on planes… now looking forward to being able to use my own front table and not have to use my son’s table next to me because I can’t get my own table down over my stomach

-          -Exercise is more fun than torture

-        -  No more worrying about sitting on fragile furniture… or any furniture for that matter

-         - Be able to pray properly and not using a chair (I am Muslim and I am unable to get down on my knees and prostrate so I pray sitting down)

-          -Say BYE BYE to the 300’s (it’s been over 12 years since I entered 300 land)

-          -Become a Loonie TWOonie (200's)…. A day which has not been seen since I was a teenager

-          -Aim to reach ONEderland

-          -To cross my legs, see my feet and have a lap

-          -To be able to see the back of my leg while shaving

-          -Have another baby ( I didn't plan on having more children but last year after marrying again, I was surprised with being pregnant at 40 but unfortunately miscarried at 13 weeks... since then I am obsessed with wanting another baby)

There are many more which I will add at another time..... but these were the first to pop into my head


-    T


About Me
Surgery Date
May 08, 2011
Member Since

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