miss_shavontae posted a discussion topic 12 years, 11 months ago
My 1st Photo Post - Before & in Progress -   The above picture is me at work yesterday weighing in at 237 =]

miss_shavontae uploaded a photo 12 years, 11 months ago

miss_shavontae uploaded a photo 12 years, 11 months ago

miss_shavontae posted a discussion topic 12 years, 12 months ago
Feeling greeeat! + needing advice. - no more trips to ER. went bck to wrk last week. im getting close to 60oz in but each day it increases. my 2 month surgiversary was Aug 1st lost 45 since surgery & 65 all together w...

miss_shavontae posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
hey loves! update - im out the hospital! - gosh, what a journey. if you've been following my posts yu will see i've ended up in the hospital 3 times since my june 1st surgery. this late time was thee worst. 11, or 12 days ...

miss_shavontae posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
hospital for 3rd time. TPN. Picc Lines. Gallbladde - im back in the hospital. for the 3rd time since my june 1st surgery. ive been here since.. the 10th? whatever last sunday was. spent my 24th bday in here [july 14] & im still here....

miss_shavontae posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
update... its been awhile [long kinda] -  i think the last time i posted i had jus got out the hospital, or i meant to post that i had just got out the hospital, this was june 18th. well since then i've been back to work,...

miss_shavontae posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
drinking water... maybe yu can help? - i listened to a lot of yu all frm my last post & today im starting bck on liquids. here's the new "issue" & maybe im jus unaware but hopefully someone out there can help... ...

miss_shavontae posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
Confused? Hospital Update part 3 -  I got released from the hospital today. it was crazy. all kinds of things was going on with me. dehydration, i needed 6 IV pouches or potassium and magnesium. anyways, i felt fine...

miss_shavontae posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
Hospital Update.. - *i jus copied this over frm my reply on my last post* thanks for the prayers & good wishes everyone. my surgeon is on vacation this week. lucky me. so his partner & bariatric...

miss_shavontae posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
Emergency Room [currently] - been here for a few hrs. been throwing up. can't even keep two sips of water down so im not surprised im dehydrated. been having killer reflux issues too, took some oral Nexium...

miss_shavontae posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
got my hospital bill frm my VSG surgery.. - yu ready...? $33 yes, 33 dollars! Thank the Lord & Tricare lol. Made my day.

miss_shavontae posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
im sorry, can't hold it in.. msg to Frisco!! - I've been trying to hold this in but i can't lol. yur pics has my mouth watering & my sleeve smiling! to kno i'll be able to experiment & enjoy those kinds of food =] i jus went...

miss_shavontae posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
One Week Out & Rockin My Sleeve! update. - i was sleeved June 1st, one week ago & im down 11lbs since surgery! my hospital experience was close to great. i was alone 90% of the time & kinda lonely but other than that no ...

miss_shavontae posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
help? going out to eat. im 6 days out. - im 6 days out & my mom is in town & we're supposed to go out to eat sometime this week [not sure which day].. my question is this, am i 100% all outta options with enjoying somethi...

miss_shavontae posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
i need help.. going out for dinner 6 days out [xpo - im 6 days out & my mom is in town & we're supposed to go out to eat sometime this week.. my question is this, am i 100% all outta options with enjoying something? i'm on liquids. c...

miss_shavontae posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
Posted my stats/weight info on my profile.. - I know I never officially posted my weight and everything so i took the time to do it now... But how do i do those ticker things everyone has? Thanks!

miss_shavontae wrote a blog post 13 years, 1 month ago
My VSG Journey Thus Far. - Stats: *Highest Weight ever was 308 in Jan 2011-Mar 2011 *Gave up sweets/desserts for Lent [March 9 - Apr 24] and ended up at 302 *On Decision Day [May 2nd] I was 299 ...

miss_shavontae posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
Pure Protein [crosspost] - has or does anybody drink the Pure Protein brand shakes? i bought a case of the Frosty Chocolate flavor. 35 g of protein in a can. i've never seen anyone post about it so jus wante...

miss_shavontae posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
Pure Protein _crosspost - has or does anybody drink the Pure Protein brand shakes? i bought a case of the Frosty Chocolate flavor. 35 g of protein in a can. i've never seen anyone post about it so jus wante...

miss_shavontae posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
only a few days into june, who's been sleeved alre - ...& how are yu doing? i was sleeved June 1st & doing well. im getting my liquids in easier today, almost a little too easy at times lol. i guess im still learning my body signa...

miss_shavontae posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
liquid after getting sleeved? - got home yesterday frm being sleeved june 1st & i can't get the 60 oz of water OR 60 g of protein my dr said. im sipping but it feels like im making no progress. *How much were...

miss_shavontae posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
jus got home frm being sleeved on wed! - i was having trouble getting my fluids down but evrything is good now. im still happy with my decision even tho im hurting. this gas is killing me. blah. thank Goodness for meds! l...

miss_shavontae posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
im sleeved! but still at the hospital.. - i haven't been able to get my fluids in. every time i put something in, it comes bck up. ugh. nausea is a bxtch. i've tried walking laps but nothing is working. they've given me al...

miss_shavontae posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
see yall on the other side! - currently at the hospital.. about 2 hours away from surgery =] if i wasn't so sleepy i'd probably be nervous lol. thanks for all yur prayers & good wishes. i'll update as...
About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 05, 2011
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