Lisa B. 16 years, 1 month ago

Hi! I posted for you on the RNY page...glad to hear you didnt cancel surgery!! Hope your sis is doing better! Good luck, you will do great and hopefully I will join you on the losers bench in 2008!! :o) Lisa

Ludia 16 years, 1 month ago

Lyns, I know you're going to do great. I hope to hear from you soon! Denise

TinaBug81 16 years, 1 month ago

wishing you the best and saving you a seat on the losers bench!! Let me know how you make out when you get home!!

azreggie 16 years, 1 month ago

You're going to do AWESOME!!!!!!

Julie Nolan 16 years, 1 month ago

Hi Lyns! I hope everything goes well for you during and after your surgery! God Bless! Jules

Julie Nolan 16 years, 1 month ago

Hi Lyns! I hope everything goes well for you during and after your surgery! God Bless! Jules

swojo 16 years, 1 month ago

here's to an uneventful surgery an easy recovery and scooching over to make room for you on the loser's bench!

Bren & George 16 years, 1 month ago

Here is to an uneventful surgery and a super speedy recovery, polishing up your spot on the bench! Brenda & George.

MajorMom 16 years, 1 month ago

Swinging some LW lizards for you Lyns!

Valleygirl855 16 years, 1 month ago

Good luck on your upcoming surgery. you will do great and we'll be sliding over to make room for you on the loser's bench. Hugs, Dee
About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 03, 2007
Member Since

Friends 69

Latest Blog 9
5 months post op!
2 month post op!
One Month Post Op!
Buyers Remorse OH NO!
One week Post Op! Me?
Tomorrow is surgery day!
One Month from Today and Turning 30 all in the same week!
Two Months from Today!
