
Mar 01, 2009

First... the food:

B: Scrambled egg with 1 TBL Ketchup (8g)
S: Scrambled egg with 1 TBL Ketchup (8g)
L: 4 ounces of 90/10 ground chuck with sloppy joes spices (30g)
S: Protein Shake (30g)
D: about 1/3-1/2 cup mashed potatoes with crumbled bacon (10g)

Total Cals: 800 cals (getting close to my personal daily goal of 1,000min)
Total Protein: 86g (Right between the 60-90)
Total Liquids: 80 ounces so far, should hit 100 ounces

Okay... so the reason why I am pumped ... well I guess there are 2 reasons, but 1 stands out MUCH more in my head! I'll talk about that one first!

Dinner!  So, I had already hit my protein goal for the day, but I knew I needed more carbs and fat (I need some energy, and if you don't get enough fat in you can cause permanent damage to your brain... no joke), so I figured mashed potatoes, and I'll cook up a few slices of bacon really crisp and crumble it as I would then be able to chew chew chew it to make sure it went down okay (it did!  No puking or pain at all today). 
Okay so here's the deal, about 1/2 way through I felt "full" ... WTF! "full?" What the hell is that feeling said my body to my brain.  I looked at my plate and saw food left, my brain told me, eat it you can't be full yet, but I listened to my body, and it told me ... "if you eat more, you will feel pain, you are happy and satisfied right now" (I felt a very slight pressure in my pouch). 
I had no clue know how different this feeling of "full" in a pouch was going to feel.  I wasn't sure what I was waiting to feel as far as "restriction" to be able to eat the proper amount of food.  I now know!
When all my swelling goes down, and they start filling the band, I now know what to aim for as far as restriction!
If this is how eating is going to be the rest of my life ... I can do this, and I know I can loose weight.  I am on cloud 9.

My other happy news... I do my weigh-ins on Sunday... Well it's Sunday, I am down 5.6lbs since surgery morning. I am down to 422.2.  It's nice to see the scale still moving the right way.

I am feeling about the same energy level as yesterday, and my arms are still weak, but I did manage to go grocery shopping with my wife today.  We made sure to walk every isle to get some exercise in for me.


About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 15, 2008
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