17 days post-op....(still in PAIN)

03/13/08 - So I finally have come to the conclusion that I am the biggest baby to pain...yesterday I couldn't take the pain anymore, so I called up my doc & he told me that although he feels I'm healing normally, if I want - I could go get a CT Scan.  So I did!

The doc had the results by 4:30pm & the end result was that NOTHING is wrong.  Whew, what a relief!  He checked for a hernia, leaks, blod clots, strictures, and even if I bruised any ribs due to sneezing/coughing.  Bottom line is that I need to walk more, drink more (though I am getting in my 8 glasses a day), and basically suck it up.

I weighed myself this morning & although I KNOW it's all water weight loss since I'm getting no excersize, I get a thrill when I see the numbers go down.   Today I weigh 245.5 lbs = 18 lbs lost since the surgery 2 1/2 weeks ago.  The main difference that I can now see is that my ankles & fingers aren's swollen anymore.   That is a really nice change

15 days post op & still in PAIN

03/11/08 - I am really getting fustrated ...the pain under the main incision is STILL killing me to the point that I cannot walk more then 2-3 minutes at a time. Taking a shower today was almost impossible - I had to get out & sit on the toilet TWICE and I wasnt even washing my hair or anything.  The only thing that helps is to either lay down or sit in my recliner chair

I'm starting to get nervous that something is wrong & this isn't just gas pain or the muscles healing.

I made an appt for this friday with my GP who isnt just an internist but is  also a gastroentologist (traveling into manhattan to have my dr look at this would kill me physically). I pray there is nothing wrong with me!

Another grief I have is with the Montclair Bariatric Center.  They have support group meeting on the 3rd Wed of the month, which is next week.  I figured I would go & get some insight from others.  I was told when I called up the practice that I had to register with the nutrionist cuz it wasnt open to the public.  Huh????  I thought all support groups were just that - support groups.  Nope,at the Montclair Surgical Assoicaites...if their surgeon (Dr Karl Strom) didnt work on you, then you are NOT invited to their meetings.  Bah-Humbug!

I just did some reasearch online - there are open meetings at 3 places:

- St Barnabas Hospital - 1st Wed of the mth

- Hackensack Univ Hospital - 1st Thurs of the mth

- Morristown Memorial Hospital - 2nd Tues of the mth

i wish I found out about the Morristown one earlier today...I would have gone.  Guess I now have to wait unitl next mth for a meeting  

12 days post-op

03/08/08 - Pain-wise I'm still not where I thought I would be, but I woke up feeling a bit better.  I'm guessing this pain under my left chest is just the muscle healing...but i sure wish it would hurry up.  This morning halfway thru my shower I had to get out & sit on the toilet cuz the pain was just unbearable. At least I was able this time to go back in & rinse off the conditioner.  Yesterday I was just 2 minute into my shower - didnt even get the shampoo in my hair & I had to get out & sit on the toilet to relax - I almost passed out due to the sharp pain.

Anyone who tells you there is NO pain - is just dang lucky.

I've also given up on the pain meds - vicadin seems to do NOTHING for me - I'm now taking 2 extra strength tynelol every 5 hrs & keeping the binder on with a heating pad. 

Techcially my doc said if I felt ok, I could move onto the next stage of mushy food (tuna, egg salad, etc).  I think I'll hold off until the sharp pain goes away.

I did get back on my scale this morning...I know I should wait unitl the next dr appt...but that's 3 weeks away & I couldnt resist.

I now weigh 249....I weighed 263.5 at the hospital last monday.

That's a total of 14.5 lbs lost so far!  If you ask me right this sec if the pain is worth the weight loss, I'll tell you NO...but ask me in a mth & you'll prob get a diff answer from me

9 days post op - first dr checkup

Mar 05, 2008

03/05/08 - so today I visited the dr & he took all my bandages off.  I though he would put them back on, but nope....it's all uncovered.  The 2 holes where the drains were were a bit weird to look at in his office, since they were open - but by the time I got home they were all closed up.  The rest are teeny slits...well 2 are - the one under my chest that has been giving me the pain is about 3/4 inch long.

I told the doc that I was still having the sharp pain (and when I mean sharp I mean STAB-STAB-STAB-sharp) under my chest where the untensil incision was.   He gave me a shot of steriod.  It still hurts to walk, but he told me to keep my
abdominal binder (the BEST THING I wear now that I wish someone emphaised I get before the surgery) on for about another week & I should be fine.   I hope so - I really havent gone out yet & if it wasnt for that one pain (nothing else hurts...NOTHING), I'd be mall shopping by now.
             ab-binder.jpg Binder picture by mishNotmush
(btw - this isn't me - LOL - it's a model from the website...but I can dream right now that if I work at it my waist will look this nice & flat)

So how did I do as weight loss goes?   I lost EIGHT pounds.
When I was weighed in the hospital I was bare a$$ed in my gown with slippers & nothing else & today I had on sneakers & jeans....so although it's not official - I bet I really lost TEN pounds.

Holy moly.....10 lbs in 10 days!!!!

7 days post op

Mar 03, 2008

03/03/08 - ok, it's now one week later  & i was hoping that 7 day "GREAT" feeling would kick in.  
I'm ok, but I wouldnt exactly say "great" just yet - I am so glad I have people taking care of me!

When I look at my stomach, tho I have 5 bandages only one still hurts - it's the one right below my chest where I beleive the instruments were used.  At times I dont feel anything, but then ""ZAP"" this sharp pain hits me right there.  What sux is that it's right below my bra strap, so i will not be going out in public for extended time periods any time soon.

Due to that one shooting pain - i'm still taking my pain meds.  I feel like such a wimp when i read about others who didnt need anything after - but right now, I dont care.

Beyond that, eating the "thin puree" diet isnt awful (tho i cant wait unitl next week when I can update it to "thick puree").   My family is getting really creative with my mini food processor.  One thing I really like is pureed califlower (just steamed from frozen) and then swirl in a teaspoon of Greek Yourgut.  I've been eating that for dinner for the last 3 nights.

Will write more after my dr appt on Wed.

review of my stay at Lenox Hill Hospital

03/02/08 - so here is my review of my stay at Lenox Hill Hospital.  Personally, I've never had surgery before, so I had nothing to compare it to.  Let's just say if you are expecting a big private room like what you see on BIG MEDICINE...ummmmm - nope.  From what my parents & sister who visted me told me - it's on par with every other hospital (ie: the rooms are clean, the nurses do their job...nothing more / nothing less)

My surgery was scheduled for Monday at 3:30pm & I was told to arrive at 1:30pm.  I got there at 1pm & was taken in right away.  I was told that Dr Roslin was ahead of schedule & I might go early which I was excited about. Nope, but it was ok cuz after the first 20 min with the admin nurse - my husband, mom & dad were allowed to wait with me (and I was sitting in an extra-extra-extra large gown..so nothing showed). Dr Roslin stopped by & said hi to all (and to answer my mom's last minute questions), so did the pain nurse, the anestesoligist & the admin nurse kept comng back to check up on me.

Finally at 3:30 it was surgery time - I had to kiss all goodbye at the waiting room door & walk down to the surgery room.  I have no idea why, but for some reason I got REALLY nervous - it's a long grey hallway & I was jumpy.  Luckily, the nurse noticed I was getting shaky & held my hand. Whew..I was literally on the verge of tears for i dont know what reason.  I walked into the room & there were like 4 docs besides Dr Roslin.  Everyone said "hi" to me, I got on the table, was covered by a blanket & within a minute in la-la land.  Woke up by I think Dr Roslin to say it was done, I'm fine & they are going to send me into recovery.  Went back asleep.

Woke up again in the recovery room. I was more figidity then uncomfortable.  I had a morphine drip, so whenever I woke up I pushed it.  Unfor for me - by the time I was ready for a room, it was "shift change" time...so I was left in recovery unitl after 10pm.  That part really suxed, cuz except for the first 5 minutes after I woke up - they never brought my hubby back (and I asked for him over & over). 

FF to 10:30pm...I was finally rolled up to the 8th floor.  I had a semi room - which truthfully was fine by me.  I wasnt by the window - but again fine by me (I kept waking up every few hrs that first night & it was easier to call the nurse when she passed that way).  I know others say "bring a fan", which I did, but it stayed in my bag the whole time.  I did bring an eyemask & earplugs & that was totally worth it.  Be prepared - it feels like you get either a thermomether or your blood drawn every 2 hrs & by 6:30am, the residents make their rounds...so they will examine you. 

FF to the next day, Tuesday....I was sent down around 10am to have the upper GI - they asked me if i wanted to walk or a wheelchair (HA...like I wanted to stand around). I choose the chair & was wheeled down. I drank the barium & laid on this machine where they xray your stomach.  You really only have to drink an inch of the liquid...it tastes like crap...but at least it's not a bottle like others here have mentioned!  After that they took a chest x-ray in another room & then I was wheeled upstairs.  About 3 hrs later my nurse got the ok that there were no leaks & she removed the cathether.  One hint of advise - I didnt have to pee until almost 7:30pm...and I was threatened that if I didnt pee by 8pm, they would put it back it.  No way was I going to let someone put that back, so I sat on the toilet & even tho it wasnt a lot - I made myself go. 

Don't waste your time with bringing pj's - the gowns are plenty big to wrap around a 400lb person & they would just get in the way with the drains & the IV anyway. Even walking the halls I was fine in just the gown & the slipper-socks they give you.

I was released around 3pm on Wed afternoon (after nagging for hrs & hrs).

I hope this recap helps!

Now on the losers bench (4 days post-op)

02/29/08 (2:20pm) - whew,  this has been one long week!  

It's now 4 days post-op & I'm still pretty worn out. Eventually I will write out a fully detailed synopsis of my stay at Lenox Hill Hospital (this is my first time in a hospital  & didnt know what to compare it to - I've been told from my friends it was on par of every other hospital) for others, but I cant sit still that long right now

I came home to my parents home who have been fussing over me (which I have to admit I love). It has been tough on my hubby - I'm just glad he was able to be with me before, during & after the surgery.   I can't wait to head home to him this weekend.

So how do i feel?  Well, I def feel like i just had surgery - the area with the bandages under my chest are tight feeling at times (I have 3 bandaids from the surgery holes & 2 gauze pads where they drains were taken out).  I thought by this weekend I'd feel back to my old self - but i am really glad i'm taking off another 3 weeks from my desk job.  I now understand when they tell you not to strain or bend what they mean.  Just wiping my butt after a BM (I know this is gross) takes me a bit longer cuz i dont want to twist.

All in all...........at 4 days out - I'm good   

As pain goes - I'm mostly at a "4", but after I eat - I'm at a "6" if i had to rate the pain (and i'm a HUGE baby - i'm the one who tears up when they stub their toe), so I am currently taking the painkillers (Vicodin) & antacids (Axid) the hospital prescribed.  I'm not sure if the painkillers are actually doing anything, cuz I'm not numb like I thought I would be...but then again I would prob be at an "8" all day long if I wasnt taking them.

All those that sent me messages - THANK YOU - i really appreciate your support!!!!

tomorrow is THE DAY!

02/24/08 - I am sooooooooo excited!!!   

My kitchen is full of Thin Mush & Thick Mush food (some of my old nutrisystem puddings might actually work well during this stage since they are low in sugar & high in protein).  I'm 99% packed & all I now have to do is have my hubby take one last pic of me (at 263.5lbs) for my BEFORE ALBUM.  I'm scheduled pretty late in the day (3:30pm), so I'll write again in a few days when I'm on the "losers side".  

     ok, so here is my "BEFORE" pic:
     2008_02_24_front.jpg Feb 24 2008 picture by mishNotmush

my surgery is approved by OXFORD

02/14/08 - whew....that is a BIG relief! Now I can relax & have an enjoyable valentine's day

so close & so far....

02/09/08 - I finally rec'd a call yesterday from the scheduler at my doctor's office & was told that she does not process the application with the insurance company until the WEEK OF SURGERY!  I started to throw a fit, but was told that "Oxford is a good insurance company & as long as I was diagnosed as morbidly obese, I wont have any problem with approval".  I was NOT re-assured, but it's basically out of my hands.  

This person is the same scheduler who told me she would make the appt for all the pre-op tests at Lenox Hill Hospital for me.  What she didnt tell me FOUR WEEKS AGO was that I would have to wait until the week before my surgery for her to tell me when my appt was (?????)

ummmmm....NO (I am just not that person who can wait until the last minute - I have to have everything taken care of asap)

I gave up & immediately contacted my primary physican who (bless his heart) gave me a 7:30am appt & took care of everything - the Physical, the Blood Work & the EKG (which was pretty weird). Then, he gave me a script & I drove over to Moutainside Hospital in Montclair, which was only 5 minutes away, & got the Chest X-RAY.   I was done with everything in an hr & half!!!!

Later on in the day I treated myself to a few new pairs of RECOVERY P.J.'s 

About Me
North Jersey, NJ
Surgery Date
Jan 08, 2008
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