
02/05/08 - I'm a bit confused at what is going on with the staff at my doctor's office. Each time I've been there in person - everyone was super nice.  Now that I have a surgery date no one seems to ever return phone calls!   Its pretty fustrating that the only person I ever speak to is the front desk.

My last appt was over 3 weeks ago & that was when I was given the date for surgery of Feb 25th (YIPPEE).  Before I left that day I was told that they would schedule with the hospital for me to do the pre-op work (blood, ekg, chest xray, etc)...and it needed to be done approx 20 days before the surgery date so there was enough time for the results to come back to the doctor to review.  Well, I've been calling 2x a week to find out what date I am scheduled for this - and so far NADA!  

Today I called OXFORD to confim that my surgery has been approved (the same person who said she would set up my pre-op appt is the person to follow thru with the insurance company).  Lovely surprise today when I was told by oxford that they havent rec'd ANYTHING from my doctor yet.

Am I missing something??? 

I'm gonna be a bridesmaid again!

01/28/08 - it's almost like I was looking for a goal & my friend amie plopped one right into my lap.  She just got engaged a few weeks ago & they just set the date: Nov 15th....and it's going to be a destination wedding in the carribean on St John.  I'm so excited!  The surgery is scheduled for Feb if all goes according to plan, I'll be at least halfway to my goal weight by November. It will be sooooooooo nice to be able to be on the beach w/o a big t-shirt. 

I have a surgery date

01/21/08 - Met with Dr Roslin last Wed (Jan16th) for a review of my tests.  All look ok, so I'm scheduled for surgery next month: Feb 25th!!!

I have to say I was NOT impressed with the nutrionist (who was very patronizing) or the psychologist (she reminded me that no matter what i said, she would approve me for surgery).  I dont think I sat with either more then 25 minutes.

He did give me another round of tests to complete before the surgery: I have to go for a Complete Blood Work, EKG and Chest X-Ray.   I will prob have them all done at the hospital where i'm having the surgery (Lenox Hill Hospital).  One of Dr Roslin's staff is scheduling all those tests for me to take care of in one day - I cant wait until these are all done!

Now I have begun the task of telling my friends & my remaining family (only my husband knew about this).  So far I got 3 supportive responses & 1 judgemental responses.

Girl Scout Cookie Season

Jan 09, 2008

01/09/08 - me & my friends at work have been trying for years trying to find the Girl Scout Cookie hook-up.  No one has daughters that age. FINALLY, this morning someone came thru....and I decided to pass on ordering.  And let me tell you - I LOVE Thin Mints & Somoas, but they wont be delivered until March & hopefully by then I will have had the surgery.  It would kill me to look at them in the cupboard & not munch down on half a box!

so it begins........(FIRST POST)

Hi All - I'm just at the beginning of my journey & hope to be sucessful like so many others on this site.   This is where I am so far:

12/04/07 - attended the seminar at Lenox Hill Hospital.  Dr Shah was conducting most of it.  He is quite cute & charasmatic. At the very end Dr Roslin jumped in & I have to say I liked both of them.

12/12/07 - consultation with Dr Roslin.  Weighed in at 267.4 lbs (OMG!)  He reviewed a few things from the seminar & then gave me a once over.  Just like others have mentioned - his cell phone went off in the middle of the consulation & he took 5 minutes to talk to his wife about his son.   I was prepared for this, so no biggie.   Told me what pre-screening tests I need & asked me to schedule a time to come back for his review of the tests & to tell me if i qualify.

01/7/08 - had an Endoscopy (at Montclair Hospital - everyone was SO NICE THERE!!!!).  I was expecting the worst & it was pretty quick.  Dr Kottas performed it

01/08/08 - had a sonogram of my legs to detect blood clots (bilateral sonovenious doppler).   I wasnt sure what to expect - it was a breeze...basically felt like a leg massage.  I used Dr Ahmed, who happened to also be located in the 110 E 59th street building (suite 10C)

About Me
North Jersey, NJ
Surgery Date
Jan 08, 2008
Member Since

Friends 70

Latest Blog 135
