new life

Sep 28, 2011

just realized I havent been on here in like a year and a half.. A ton has changed in my life.. I hit goal, went well below, then gained back to my comfortable 155. a size 10.

I am no longer married, been seperated for 10 months or more, waiting on divorce.. I have a wonderful man by my side, Josh, I fell in love with him right away and he is my superman. I will post some pics... Me and him and my girls live a simple, but good and happy life... I love it.

surgery on tuesday 4/27!!sucks

Apr 23, 2010

having several cysts, an ovary and we well see about the other ovary, removed on tuesday.. also a D&C for polyps in cervix.. i was soo sick last year, honestly the thoughts of being in the hospital or having surgery again make me want to VOMIT!!

I am ready to be done with it already.. will be a few weeks recovery time, they are going in thru c-section scar.  Just want to me my normal mobile self..... dont want to be down physically AT ALL.. i know i have to be and i will rest, i just reaaaaallly want to bounce back fast.
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1 year

Feb 11, 2010

Well i had my1 year checkup today.. Doc says i have lost 79% of my excess body weight..... whooohooo! said that is "remarkable" i am vary pleased but still disgruntled at myself b/c i want to get down to a size 10 and weigh about 155.. i am teater tottering between 167 and 170. have been for a few months

i am  super happy to be at this point in my life, and am VERY commited to never going back to that person i was before.
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getting back to normal

Nov 24, 2009

I am happy... my hair is starting to come back really well.. got it colored. Man did that help it look better.  am down to 175,, 20 pounds to go! whooohooo... i am in a 14, well, they are a little big, but 12 are a little snug for my taste.. I am soooo excited.. and am so thankful for my RNY..

It saved my life and mind!



Sep 28, 2009

I am tired of my hair not being there and I want it back! I want my old style back.

Wow moment

Sep 21, 2009

Well,  I have been taking Tang Soo Do (martial arts) for a few months now.  I absolutely love it.. I have class 3 days a week and its wonderful.. This past Sat (sept 19)  I had my whole family come and watch my testing.  I tested to go from white belt to 9th gup yellow belt.. It was completely AWESOME!! I did my "kata's" or forms, the kicks the punches, the defensive drills, and broke a board with a kick.. IT WAS INSANE!!!

Afterwards was very hard for me to contain my tears.. my family was all telling me how proud they were of me and that I had come a long way... Thats when the emotions hit me.. I was fine till then........  I realized where I had come FROM... 1st of all, the beginning of this year, i was a 314 pound woman who barely wanted to move, walking from here to the other end of the hall winded me and with no effort at all i would sweat like a mad woman.  Then, i had surgery, and for about 2 months, thought those were my last days on this earth.. I couldnt eat, lost ALL of my muscles.. I litterally couldnt lift my leg up a stair b/c i had no muscle there anymore and was so weak.

When that all hit me standing there in the dojo, I almost could not contain myself.. I fought tears and ended up smiling so much that i am suprised my cheeks didnt fall off.  Its hard for me to fathom the person that I was, and the person I have become.

I am thoroughly happy with my life and my outcome after WLS.  I  cannot explain to you what I am feeling at the moment.. course, i probably dont have too. I know you guys have probably had those same dumbfounding moments.

Overlook all the goal posts please

Sep 15, 2009

forgive me for all the goal postings.. i did a blog on it once, but never knew where to go to actually put my goals online till today...

Overlook me please...

1..... not a 3 or even a 2!!!!!!!!!

Aug 17, 2009

I weighed this morning as is my weekly Monday routine.... and the scale said 199.0!!!!!!!! OH MY GOSH!!! I was so excited, i thought i was gonna faint.. ha ha....

I havent seen a 1 in front of my weight in like 14 years... HOLY COW!!!!!!!!  all in all everything is great... I dont get sick often, watch what  I eat, excersize regularly, have Tang Soo Do class 3 nights a week...  although sometimes discouraged at the side effects of the weight going so fast as it has, like losing A TON of my hair, and seeing all of my scalp when its wet and using powder fibers to cover my scalp with my new style.... which is GREAT(and i had thin hair on top before) and the other thing is the skin... holy cow, if i could get rid of the skin on the back of my legs and arms i would be 100% ....

but still loving everybit of it..... although i have to admit i have been pretty depressed and cried a lot about my hair...  I am still very thankful for being the weight i am now... I am still in a 16, getting looser, hoping for a 14 in a few week or so...


Hair loss and vitamins

Jul 15, 2009

Well.  I have been taking multi-vitamins, iron, calcium, and b-complex vitamins for a while... I am SUPER concerned about my hair loss.. i know its normal most everyone who has WLS has it.. but i really truely am scared i am going bald..

Luckily for me the hair cut I have has kinda helped conceal that so far.. but it is getting much thinner. can see my scalp all over when i move it from my current style... I lose Handfulls in the shower, brushing, moussing my hair. i am afraid to even touch my head!!!

So, after some research I have added 5000mcg of Biotin, vitamin C, and Vitamin E to my multitude of dailies.  Also, Nutriox(sp) shampoo/conditioner and leave in treatment.....Lord, please let this work...

101 pounds GONE!! OMGosh!

Jul 11, 2009

OK, i really knew in the back of mind that i would eventually lose 100 pounds but i also told myself that there was a chance i wouldnt.. even though i have this wonderful tool (RNY).

Today I got on the scale and it said 213........... OH MY LORD!!!!!!!  I was 314 when i started this journey... i was ok and soo excited..until............ i spoke the words outloud to another person.. I CRIED!!!!!!!!!! i couldnt help it.. it just hit me soo hard all of a sudden that i had litterally lost a 6th grade child!!!

I cannot explain to you the excitement that is in me right now.....  it is beyond words... now i have to figure out how i get that century club card!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


About Me
callaway, VA
Surgery Date
Jul 31, 2003
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At goal

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