Hey. My name is Louise, but most everyone calls me Lo.

I'm a an almost-university-graduate that is currently looking to better herself in a way that I have not been able to do before. I REALLY want to lose weight and KEEP it off. I've always been a heavy girl, but things really started to get out of control when I turned 20. I've tried so many different plans and diets and regimes with limited success. Things tend to go well for me in the first two months, then plummet after that. I was content enough with myself for trying and thought that I would figure things out on my own one day.

Then when I was 21, my Dad died of a heart attack. He was always a plump man and for as long as I can remember he was always being told to loose weight (which he did), bring down his blood pressure and control his diabetes. His death rattled me and threw me into a bought of depression. With help I got myself back on track but in that dark period, my weight ballooned and my eating habits went down the drain. Since then I have tried a few more things to try and bring my weight under control but with no success.

Things have gotten a little more real/scary for me since the last time I went to donate blood. I was told that my blood pressure was border line high and almost ineligible to donate. They let me anyway since I have a rare blood type but ever since then I have been searching for some way to make the commitment to change my life and life style.

I'll probably be haunting the message boards for a while, reading up on information and first hand accounts. I'm pretty sure that I could convince my family doctor to give me a recommendation, given my family history, but I'm still petrified to bring up the idea to my mum who has been very successful in shedding the pounds the old fashioned way.

In any case I'm very excited to be here. I hope everyone here is met with the success they deserve and I hope to one day do the same.


About Me
Mar 07, 2009
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 5
