
Mar 19, 2009

So I've been talking to a few friends about the fact that I want WLS. One of my closest friends (known her for 10 years) was actually a lot more supportive than I thought she would be. She's a worrier so I thought she would panic and try to convince me not to. To my surprise, she asked some smart questions, which I was able to answer, and then she said, "Go for it!" I'm still nervous as hell to tell my Mum about it, but I've decided that when we meet for lunch this Sat I will tell her that I want to make an appointment with our family doctor to ask about a referral.

In other news, I can tell that I'm actually very serious about this since I have noticed little changes (and one big) in the way I act and think throughout my day. I look at the food I'm eating and debate whether I will be able to eat it as often if I have surgery, what bad habits of mine will I have to break (aka driving EVERYWHERE) and most importantly, I've quit smoking! Now I was maybe smoking a pack every three weeks, but it's been had giving up a smoke or two a day anyway. I quit for various reasons, but the final push came from the possibility of getting surgery and knowing that if I quit it would help hasten my recovery time.

Anyway, It's getting late where I am and I still have a lot of work to do before work tomorrow, so I'm going to head out. Night.


About Me
Mar 07, 2009
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