
Apr 06, 2009

EEEEEE!!! I got this big award this past weekend at the year end banquet for RA's, Don's and house committees. I was one of four recipients, two of which were Dons. Its a pretty big to do around campus, when you're up against about 150 other ResLife staff. It was a huge surprise too! I was expecting it to go to one of my team mates, so I was razzing on him pretty hard when my Don went to give his speech. Needless to say I was floored when I heard my name. Since my Dad died my Don's been the closest thing to a father figure. The things he had to say made me bawl!!!

It made my year without a doubt. I'm still all giddy about it!

that being said I'm really sad that I'm leaving a place that I've come to call my second home. Especially when I think of all the people I'm going to leave behind. Truly some of the best people anyone could ever care to meet.

Banquet 2009

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Mar 07, 2009
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