Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Feb 13, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!!!!!

This is the first Valentine's Day that you you have the opportunity to celebrate as the NEW YOU!!!!   Most of us on this forum, are at one of two places 1) we've made the decision, something in life has GOT to change, you are either researching surgery, your are pre-op and preparing for this life changing surgery, or 2) you are post-op and you are already reaping the wonderous rewards that this surgery has blessed you with.  

Being overweight almost my entire life, I find it is the simple things in life that the decision I made to have this surgery has returned to me.  

1. Breathing being the most important.  I was asthmatic, and a walk from the parking lot at work to the office, was KILLER.   I was embarrassed to walk in with anyone, because they would just be toodling along, and I was gasping for air at a VERY slow pace, and just the look on their faces, like holy crap is she gonna die before we get there, was humiliating.   I no longer take ANY asthma meds, and I can do laps around the parking lot.

2. Getting in the floor to play with my granddaughter.  Her other "grammy" could always do this and with normal 5 yr old questions, she could never understand why "Grandma Cathy" couldn't get in the floor to play.....I happily spent the Superbowl in the floor with her building Lincoln Log cabins and barns all afternoon.

3.  Human respect.   You  really choose to ignore all the lack of respect FAT people deal with daily.  This one just dawned on me yesterday, when a gentleman, who saw me approaching the same door he was approaching, stepped back, held the door for me, spoke very pleasantly and told me to have a lovely day.   I truly can't remember the last time, someone did that for me while I was FAT.  People just ignored me, and I certainly would have had to open that door for myself, after he was long gone.  It's really weird...I never paid attention to that during the fat days.  I guess people are afraid fat is contagious.

4. Loving myself.   I've always LIKED me, but this surgery has brought me to a stage where I LOVE me...not in a self obsessing, me me me way, but in a way that I also had a hard time remembering.  A place where I feel good about me, about the choices I've made in my life, a place where I know I've always tried to do my best, and be a good friend or family member.   It's a place where I know God blessed me with this life changing surgery, so that I can inspire others, give back to the OH community and be able to show people that a positive attitude, a respect for self, and God's love, can enpower you to do anything and everything you want to do in life.

I wish each and everyone that reads this the LOVE of Life that you so richly deserve.....and if YOU are in the research stage for surgery.....know that you are not reading this blog by accident....but by God's design.   Everything we do is by his design.  May God BLESS you this day and everyday of your life, as he has me.


5 mos post op

Feb 10, 2010

I'm now 5 mos postop and find it hard to believe I'm the same person!!!!!   I am 7# from losing 100#.  I can breathe after walking, I do a regular 1/2 mile on my treadmill in about 7-8 minutes and am not even winded.

Have had a number of really WOW moments when I see people who have not seen me in a while.

Life is GOOOOOD!!!
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2010--the year fitness began :)

Jan 01, 2010

HELLLLLOOOOO 2010--after such a fantastic 2009 I can hardly wait to see what wonderful exciting things God has in store for me this year.  Life is SOOO good!!!!  I am so grateful for my family and friends and the grand support system that I have on my journey to health.

This year (4 mos postop) I'm ready to add workouts to my life and get my butt moving along with the rest of my jiggly parts.  I know Weightwise wants you to start sooner, with the rapid weight loss and the fact that I was already so out of shape, everytime I got on the treadmill I thought I was going to pass out.  Fell off once and that wasn't good (oh I should probably say I had a head trauma abt 10 yrs ago, that left me with no hearing or sight on one side and with really bad balance issues--the fall was nothing related to WLS).  The more I lose the better my balance gets, so I'm ready to GOOOOOOO!

I also signed back up with SparkPeople.com, for the extra motivation.  Those goofy little points help me focus, who know's why.  I guess I'm more competitive than I'd like to admit.

We purchased a home gym pre-op and now I'm so excited to get to start using it.   My son is going to come over every night and work out too, so that's going to help push me to my fitness goals as well.  His motivation is to get back healthy enough to ride his motocross bike and mine is to be around to watch he and the grandkids enjoy the sport.

I'm loving life!!!!!!!
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So I forgot to blog at 90 days so today is day 118

Dec 26, 2009

oooohhppps was busy in December I guess, and forgot to update.  As of today I'm down 81 # and 26.25 inches.   I can wear a size 18 jean easily, just a bit baggy, and thank God I had some ancient ones in my closet, because I'm in big trouble trying to find a comfortable jean in today's styles.   I'll adapt as time and size goes on. 

I had some WOW moments this month, 2 days before Christmas, one of the boys my son grew up with, was mid conversation when I walked into the room, and he absolutely stopped what he was saying to say MAN Cathy, have YOU lost weight!!!!   Same day about 30 minutes later at our favorite restaurant, I walked up to my daughter-in-laws parents, and her mom didn't even recognize me when I walked up....and she's seen me lots of times in the weight loss process.....that was TOO cool.

I started working out yesterday, and that will begin a whole new chapter in life.

Loving the process, following all the rules, having SUPER results.
Happy New Year to all!!!!!

2 months postop today

Nov 09, 2009

Hard to believe it's been 60 days since surgery. 
I'm down a total of 67#, 30# pre-op and 37# postop. 
I've lost 19.5 inches and am down from a size 26/28 to a 18/20.
Most importantly I can walk and breathe at the same time
Saturday we went to the zoo with our granddaughter (she's 5) and I was really excited that I could keep up with her, her legs maybe short, but she RUNS everystep she takes.   This was hugely exciting for me!!! 
Can't wait to see what other great things lay in store.

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1 Month Post Op Today

Oct 09, 2009

Wow, I can't believe its been a month.  I'm down 51# total (21# since surgery and 10 inches total).  Yesterday, I cleaned out my closet to find I'm dropped 2 full sizes and 1/2 way through a 3rd size, they're baggy but wearable.  This has been the most miraculous experience.  I'm beginning to feel and act like the old me.  My knees feel better, my feet feel better.  I'm loving this sleeve.

I have a 1/2 day vacation today and I'm off to shop, and for the first time in a long long time, I'm not totally dreading it.

First 50 pounds gone

Oct 04, 2009

Whoo hoo....the first 50 are history.   Thirty pre-surg and 20 post op.  I've had great fun emptying the closet and re-finding favorite clothes I can wear again, thanking God, I usually purchased "classics" instead of fads, so I can wear the oldies, even if it will just be for a short time.  Went to an amusement park with family yesterday and had a blast.   Since I'm just 3-4 wks post op, I find myself trying to do too much and getting too tired, forgetting that I had major surgery....but I'm trying to watch that.  One thing is for sure, I sleep well.  

I started talking about surgery at work, I didn't pre-op because I didn't want the "garbage truck people" dumping their horror/failure stories on me.  The people I've told have been supportive.

I'm noticing I have to be careful what I read on OH.    I have to protect my mind while I'm getting information from the forum.  I can't read the "excuses" posters, just have to realize they are what they are, and get out of them.   I can't let other posters choices affect my mindset.  I've made an investment in my health and I can't buy in to "please tell me that it's okay that I don't do what I'm supposed to do".  Hold on, don't shoot off a hate message to me.....I do understand that not everyone that has had surgery is/was mentally READY and strong enough to have had the surgery and they are working through the process at whatever level they are and can...or they don't have a strong support system in place that is helping them be strong and make the life changing choices they want to make.    The support of this group is very important and I think the fellowship is probably a Life Line to many.  It's really surprising to me though, that people can spend the money, and not follow the rules....after much thought, I think it's a good thing my insurance didn't cover the cost...it "vested" me in the process, because I'm actually financially tied to my choices.   please again no hate mail, I'm just processing information as I type, trying to understand....and re-enforcing to myself why I can't let excuses, reasons, or thoughts of failure slip into my mind.  

Daily affirmations like "everything I touch turns to gold"  "No toxic thoughts ever cross my mind" "God has blessed me with this wonderful gift, and I will use it for his Glory" "My future is so bright I have to wear sunglasses all the time" keep me focused on my goals.  I'm on a mission and I hope all of you that are on the same mission have the same great successes as we progress through.

I am so blessed and Life is so GOOOD!!!!
I hope you all have an OUTSTANDING day today.
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A week and a day

Sep 17, 2009

A week and a day....wow time is flying.  Gratefully this has been a breeze so far.  I've successfully gotten in my 64 oz of fluid, had no pain meds since day 3 and returned to work full time on Tuesday (day 6).   I've started parking at the far end of the parking lot and walking in from there, which still tires me a little, but seems to be good post op start back exercise.    Every now and then my incisions give me a great big "stab" if I try to turn to quickly or reach to far for something.  They're a very interesting shade of yellow and purple bruises now, but don't look as bad as I thought they might.   Life is good :)

Surg is Over--all is good

Sep 10, 2009

.....and we're off!!!  Surgery went very well, and I got to come home yesterday afternoon, I would have been able to come home yesterday morning, but I didn't get all my bottles of water drank quickly enough.  The Toradol (SP?) they were giving as an antiinflammatory, kept knocking me out for a couple of hours everytime they gave it, so I was too slow drinking, LOL!!!!

Couple of things I've learned quickly is that I can not "gulp" any more, you guys really mean sip, sip, sip. Gulping  was an easy to learn lesson, only had to do it once.

I gained 10# exactly during surgery, they said it it the IV fluds, etc, and that is totally expected.  I have six little incision, four that don't even hurt at all, the two on the left side are very senstive.  They seem better today, then yesterday, and of course some good old fashioned muscle soreness.

Hope all my date mates surgeries went equally well.
Everybody have a great day!!!!



Sep 07, 2009

Tomorrow is my big day!!!!   Today I'm doing pre-op clear liquids all day.   No nerves, no worry, absolutely positive I'm doing the right thing.   I know positively the message to go ahead and do the surgery came from God and that gives me complete peace.     He cleared the path and removed all the obstacles and allowed me to move through this in 60 days from the day he told me to do it.

Extra prayers and good luck wishes to all my "date-mates", as we begin the journey to our improved selves.


About Me
Norman, OK
Surgery Date
Apr 01, 2009
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