Have I eaten enough today?

Mar 13, 2007

Early Morning - Strawberry/Raspberry/Blueberry Smoothie

Breakfast - 1 pack oatmeal

Snack - Carb Conscious Yogurt and 1 Pollo String Cheese

Lunch - 4 Oragnic BBQ Meatballs, Carb Conscious Yogurt and 1 Pollo String Cheese

Snack - Baby Carrots  and 1 Pollo String Cheese

4 bottles of water, and a Starbucks Coffee and all my vitamins

I dunno, I look at that and I am like at dinner gotta have more protein, but my problem is I haven't been feeling like myself today, I really only ate to keep my system going b/c I know I have to! Not having a good day again. Feel sad, I think today I am going to write in myspace blog, private entry of course, oh yeah if you want to hit me up over there my link is www.myspace.com/dachocolateprincess 

This angel is feeling like a lost angel this week. I go to therapy today so hopefully that will help. Anywho, let me get ready to get outta here, I need to change into my workout clothes. TTYL

Finally a reason to smile today!

Mar 12, 2007

To say that today has not been one of my better days is an understatement. I truly feel down in the dumps. I think pre pms and just a lot of things are on my mind right now that don't have me feeling too good. Well, on lunch break I went home and checked my mail and I had a package.  I received my Master's Degree in the mail today. I needed a pick me up. It helped a lot to see my hardwork paying off and having the paper in front of me. Today, I duuno, just ain't been a good day. Got a lot on my mind. Anywho, going to the gym after work then I gotta finish unpacking, or atleast attempt to.

Oh how I hate my job!

Mar 10, 2007

Today starts my new schedule of working on Sunday...urrrrghhhh!!! As if I already didn't hate this place now I have to be in here on the weekends.  Let me tell you, Friday night I had the nerve to go back in the gym and practice some of the exercises "Army Amy" taught me. Needless to say, my body is still freakin' killin' me. Plus yesterday I FINALLY cleaned out my old apartment. I was going up and down stairs so much yesterday my legs are saying to me "ooohhh bitch are you crazy??" And to top it off I am bloated and my period is due in a matter of days and now the cravings are coming I want a damn backyard burger minus the bread and some waffle fries. Lawwwdd, help me to not yield to temptation. I have started my day so good, strawberry/banana/Raspberry smoothie, bowl of South Beach cereal with fat free milk, water and my vitamins. Anywho. Let me pretend like I want to work. Wish me luck as I continue to search for a job.

My Personal Trainer ain't no joke!!

Mar 08, 2007

Let me tell you, "army amy" as she has been called by many of the men in my gym ain't no joke.  It's amazing how many men stopped me last night to say I feel for you she is gonna work you crazy. And LAWWDDD she did!!! One thing I found out last night is my Body Fat % went from 38.3/88lbs to 37/84lbs!!! So that was a small victory in the batte of the bulge. She had me working with the ball that you work the abs on. I am not afraid to admit it I have always been afraid of that ball b/c the "big girl" inside of me makes me think I am gonna sit on it and deflate the ball. Then she had me work my hamstrings with the ball by lifting my entire lower body with the ball. You want to talk about PAIN!!!! OMG!!! Eventhough it hurts and boy did it! I am so glad to have worked with someone that is teaching me exercises to work my troublespots. I will be back in full form again tonight doing the damn thing!! Gotta stay right!!!

I made it!!!

Feb 20, 2007

I finally got thru 9 days of fruits and veggies and lord that was a struggle!! I lost 7lbs so the scales are finally moving thank GOD!!  It's funny though, doing this made me very aware of some of the eating mistakes I was making before. I thank Ms. Cookie for her support in this endeavor. I can start eating meat today, oh boy am I happy to have some chicken, but I still had a smoothie for my early morning and my oatmeal for breakfast so I think that this detox period has helped me reclaim control of my eating!!! Anywho I am in the process of moving this week and trying to get out of this emotional rut that I have been in, I found myself on the floor last night in tears crying out to God asking for his help b/c right now I just don't know what to do. I am trying to get my weight under control and keep my exercise in check, but my heart is lonely and my spirit is sad. I really just don't know. I talked to my therapist about it last night and I just don't know ya'll I just don't know.

WOW moment while shopping!!

Feb 18, 2007

I can honestly say that last week I was ready to choke a bitch, that is just the way I felt about EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY!!! Anywho, Saturday I was in Target looking for a card for a babyshower I was going to. My homebody Bryan, which I want to kick him in the grill for talking too damn much caught up with me and he was going to Kohls, so I went along with him and they were having a sale so I went over to the Misses department to see what they got. I walked up on these pinstriped paints and the hanger said 9, but I was like these pants are too big to be a 9, they were actually a 12 and I was like hmmm, let me just see, well, they fit, they fit great!!!! I just bought my first size 12 pants for the first time in my life. I HAVE NEVER bought a size 12 pair of pants. I can't believe it. I was so excited I called my homeboy over to the dressing room and told him. He was like I'm happy for you but your called me all the way over here for this. I am like you don't understand I went from a 26/28 to a size 12!!!! I was so excited. For a brief moment, the weight of the world didn't seem so heavy. Anywho, almost done with the 9 day detox period of the Fat Smash that Cookie has me on. I got on the scale Friday and according to it I have lost 6lbs since we started, so I am VERY excited. Ready to eat some meat, but very excited. Anywho, I just wanted to share the moment. TTYL

Lawwwdddd, what did I agree to!!!???!!???

Feb 15, 2007

Let me tell you something, this only fruits and veggie thing came at the worst week! My period came on!!! My job gettin' on my nerves! NYPD is on my hit list, hell people in general gettin' on my fucking nerves this week!!! Lord, but I have to stay focused, as much as it is KILLING ME!!! I tell you, the ONLY part I enjoy is going to the gym, thats because it seems going at night I get to see some really delicious eye candy!!!! I have been everyday since Sunday, so I am taking a well deserved break tonight, but back to it tomorrow!!! Anywho, let me pretend like I want to work!!!

Thank You Cookie!!

Feb 12, 2007

I made it thru day one of the Fat Smash Diet!!! If you have considered doing this let me warn you now, you will be one with the porcelain God!!!! OMG there is a reason this is called the Detox period. I have now started making my own smoothies at the house with fresh fruit, ice, 1/2 soy milk and tablespoon of splenda. I am impressed with how my smoothies came out. I would like to personally thank Miss Cookie Lucious for putting me on to this experience. She is my partner thru this I HAVE to report to her everyday what I am going to eat and my exercise. She doesn't play or accept excuses which is why I seeked her out when I needed a partner to keep me on track. Dr O challenged me and I intend on making him eat his words when I see him on 3/2/07. I am commited to my new life and no matter what the world may throw my way I have to stay focused. I have come to far and spent TOO much money to go back to where I came from. 

As for my workouts, I do a minimum of 60 minutes of cardio 4-5 days a week and my weight training. My workout pants are now an 11/13!!! That is so scary for me to be able to put that size on my body. And this shirt that my sister bought me for christmas was a medium at the time it didn't fit, now I can put in on, but its a little snug in the arms, so I give myself one more month and I am hoping to rock that shirt cause its hot!!! Anywho, wish me luck as I embark day two of the Fat Smash Detox period!

Dinner with my sisters

Feb 11, 2007

On Friday night, I went out to dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse, I had grilled shrimp and veggies, OMG, it was to die for!!! I split if for lunch the following day, but OMG!! Longhorn is on point!! My sisters hadn't seen me since 2/6/06, when they walked in the door, they were like OMG!!! Your so small!! Where is the rest of you!. It actually felt really good, we joked, laughed and had a good time. It was great seeing them! 

Well this week I am starting the Fat Smash diet as a way to I guess shock my system. Nine days of fruits and veggies only OMG!!! This is day one, wish me luck!!!


Feb 08, 2007

Wow, I sure have been missing in action. I didn't even come back for my one year anniversary which was 12/21/06. I went to see Dr. Overcash that day and he was mad at me saying I hadn't lost enough weight. Blah, he is never happy so they say, but he didn't break my spirit, the key with him is not to argue with him. Admit your mistakes and renew your promise. So, I will see him again on March 2.

NYPD, oh what can I say about him, since December he has been trying my patience over and over again. I am TRYING not to break my foot off in his ass, men, they can be so damn trying. At the end of the day though, he is just as damn quirky as I am, I think that is why we get a long so well.

I used to be on BAF a lot, but after a personal conflict I decided to back away, I learned a hard lesson that the people that you think are your friends may not have you best interest at heart. BAF is a great place, but I would suggest to keep it to WLS support only, getting to  personal with people can backfire as I so painfully learned.

I am still at the godforsaken job, at this point I am learning to just deal with it and collect my paycheck and keep it movin'

I FINISHED MY MBA!!! I am officially a Master of Business Administration! WOOHOO!!!

Anywho, that is the update in my world, right now I am a "protein train" and committed to 5 Days a week in the gym for at least an hour of cardio. I am trying to get this body moving and the metabolism reved up. Anywho, I am going to try to be better at this. TTYL!

About Me
Chicago, IL
Surgery Date
Oct 31, 2005
Member Since

Friends 81

Latest Blog 93
Happy 27th Birthday to ME!!!
The Man of My Dreams
The Netherlands Update
I got a new job!!
10K training here I come
Renewal to myself
Militant Bitch Brigade
Yesterday was an ok day.
Ace and Ace and a Spade a Spade
