I got a date!

May 22, 2009

I'm happy to report that I have a surgery date! June 22!

I'm unhappy to report that my second encounter with my surgeon was not so good.

I'm excited to have a surgery date and I know that I need to work hard to lose more weight so that on the day of my surgery it is safe to operate. I know all about shrinking the liver and all that jazz. (I swear sometimes I think doctor's assume we are stupid). I've worked very hard the past several months to get off the 14 pounds that I got off.

First of all.. he wrote that I only lost 6 pounds on "charts"! WTF??! Don't cheat me of those 8 extra pounds man!

Second of all, he barely spoke to me at ALL! Forget making small talk. He made it known that I didn't "lose very much weight" (I thought 14 pounds was pretty good considering everything).... and proceeded to type on his computer and frown. I tried to make some small talk... he pretty much ignored me. It was a very uncomfortable appointment. I find myself wondering if this guy has something against me? Besides my name and my medical stats... he knows nothing about me. Why on earth would he dislike me??

I don't know.... I just feel it. Bums me out.

I guess I should consider the fact that not everyone can have everything. I mean, sometimes a person is really intelligent (like a surgeon) but lacks social skills. I know I could never cut anyone open and take out most of their stomach, but I can sure as hell talk your ear off!

So back to working hard on my diet and getting a few more pounds off before the big day. Wish me luck!

Any ideas on a tolerable method to losing a good bit of weight in only 3 weeks..??? I'm open for anything.


About Me
Surgery Date
May 02, 2009
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