Three months out

Sep 28, 2009

Things are going great! I'm getting in all my vitamins and finding that I can eat just about anything in very tiny portions. The best part is... I'm satisfied! It's such an amazing feeling to be able to eat small portions and actually be FULL! I LOVE my sleeve! It was the best decision I have EVER made for myself and I wouldn't change it for the world.

I've lost just under 50 pounds in three months! (I haven't weighed myself in a week and last week I was down 48, so I'm thinking its got to be somewhere around the 50 pounds gone mark!) I've been swimming to get my exercise and I LOVE it! My knees and back have been a serious problem for many years, and I'm finding that swimming is definitely the way to go for me. Walking puts too much impact pressure on my knees and ends up making them ache. I am seeing a specialist now for osteroarthritis (which is what I've been diagnosed with) and she seems to think that once I get most of this weigh off, my knees will stop hurting! I can't wait for that to happen. Daily pain is no fun.

The only thing I'm still having trouble with is getting in enough liquid. I find that I'm just not that thirsty. I know I need to make myself drink more...and I'm trying. I can go WAY too long without having a drink and that is not a good thing. I'm just so sick of Crystal Light and Diet tea. bleh. I am NOT a water drinker. Plain water makes me gag... so I'm trying to experiment with different sugar free beverages to see if I can find one that I can handle.

I broke down and bought myself some new shirts tonight. I know I shouldn't spend the money on new clothes since I won't be able to wear them for long... but I'm SO sick of putting on all my shirts and pants that are huge on me now. I need clothes that fit! Hopefully I can give them to someone who needs them when the time comes.


About Me
Surgery Date
May 02, 2009
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