cleo718 20 years, 7 months ago

Nannette you dear person, I freaked when I started losing my hair. It has slowed some and I don't think it will be bad enough for you to see your scalp. Hopefully anyway. If it does, well we can just bleach it to the scalp doesn't show. LOL. Hang in there. I does get better.

Nannette 20 years, 7 months ago

It's official - I've been in denial about it for two weeks now, but can't deny it anymore. I'm losing my hair! It's coming out in clumps when I wash it and every time I put a brush or comb thru my hair, I have to clean out a handful of hair. I know this is only temporary, but how long does it last? Will it get to bad you can see my scalp? Any helpful suggestions or reassurance is helpful. My husband teased me about it this morning - said it was only fair since he is losing his hair due to the chemotherapy he is going thru, that I should lose mine too! I teased back saying that mine would grow back on my head, but his would only grow back in his ears and nose, since there is not a whole lot on his head anyway! LOL.

summewe 20 years, 7 months ago

Nannette - You are doing awesome! Congratulations on your terrific weight loss.

Nannette 20 years, 7 months ago

10/16/03 - Just a quick update. I am exactly four months post op today -- weighed in at 256 this morning for a total of 80 pounds lost. Hoping to make it an even 100 by the end of the year, but they may be wishful thinking! Still having trouble getting in all my water - doing better with my vitamins and keeping the carb level low. Also doing better with the exercise - one positive (maybe) aspect of my new office location is that I have to walk a mile from Port Authority in NYC to get to it, so that makes two miles a day I'm walking, as well as my frequent (4x week) visits to Curves! It's official now - nothing that I wore prior to surgery fits. Everything has either been donated, given to others on their own WLS journey or trashed. For the first time that I can remember, you can see "space" between the clothes hanging in my closet. I have to curb the urge to fill it up! Everyone have a great day!

Nannette 20 years, 7 months ago

Wow - when I logged on to my e-mail, I was floored by the number of messages from you in response to my post of yesterday. I'm sorry, but I cannot respond to everyone that contacted me, but please know how much your support, prayers and kind words mean to me. I even got two kicks in the ass! Ouch! Although I was definately feeling down yesterday, I got the support I needed here! Today was a new day and I took the correct vitamins this morning, ate only protein (so far) today, and got in 1/3 of my water so far. Good progress. I WILL DO BETTER from now on. I'm even going to leave work a bit early today and go to Curves too! Bouncing up and down will help! I also believe those extra prayers for my husband's health worked some last night -- this morning he wasn't in as much pain, and felt good enough to go for a short walk around the neighborhood. I left for work this morning smiling because he was smiling and feeling better. It made it so much easier to leave the house! Thank you all again and keep those prayers coming -- I haven't yet given up on a miracle for my beloved DH -- or at the very least -- more time with him! Thanks especially to Wanda W. Vonnie S. Linda Wasserman, and Trish Foley -- it all helps! Good luck to all of you, whereever you are in your WLS journey. This board continues to help us all! God Bless.

1800Bev 20 years, 7 months ago

Nannette, There's a lot of talk about angels these days and about all the things people say they can do. It's not always easy to know what to believe, but it certainly would be nice to have a few angels in our lives. I picture them as being near us day and night and especially whenever life seems trying and difficult. I like to think that angels are taking special care of you right now, and I hope you can feel their gentle prescence, day by day...Just as I hope you feel the nearness of all the loving thoughts of those of us who care so much about you. Hugz

marymargaret 20 years, 7 months ago

Dear Nannette, I have no great words of wisdom but want to offer you an ear anytime you need one, you appear to be a very brave woman. I admire that, please know I will have you in my prayers every day, that God will give you and your husband peace, courage and a chance to laugh together as much as possible. I am thinking of you and sending losts of hugs. Mary in Anaheim

donnaa62 20 years, 7 months ago

Nannette I will keep you and your husband in my prayers.. I hurt for your hurt.. I pray that he is at peace with what is happening and in little pain now.. I know it is hard for him to leave you and the family.. now if I can be a little facious.. bend over and i will give you a swift kick.. but seriously rest assured that our prayers are with you and the family... I cant emphasize that enough..

janetms 20 years, 7 months ago

Nannette, I will keep you in my prayers and hope that God gives you the strength to handle the challenges you have now. Best wishes

Debbie B. 20 years, 7 months ago

Nannette - I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles...however, don't beat up on yourself. You are've already proved that. Give yourself some time to grieve through this latest news and then try to enjoy each day as it stands and make sure you take some time for yourself each day. That's the only way you can be good for your family and for yourself. Just remember, let go and let God.
About Me
Toms River, NJ
Surgery Date
Apr 16, 2003
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