my life as a tripod

Jan 09, 2009

(a prior blog)
My life as a Tripod
Current mood:  creative
Category: Life


Okay, so this analogy keeps coming back to revisit me.  I've shared it twice in the last twenty four hours with ppl close to me and can't quite get away from the idea that maybe you might benefit from it too.  One time a very wise person told me that I should see myself as a tripod.  You know one of those camera thingys that keep your camera steady so you can get the best shot.  Well, knowing this was a wise person sharing this, I knew that once the lesson was complete, the picture of me as a tripod would come into focus.  And it did and it never leaves.  Just when I or someone close to me needs it, I am able to share it too.  So, now I share it with you.  Feel free to share it if the need ever arises.

As human beings, we are three fold creatures--(thus the tripod analogy)  One leg is the physical, one the emotional and one the spiritual.   For us to be fully balanced we must be careful to tend to each area of our lives.  If we are physically challenged, but emotionally and spiritually tuned, we'll lean, but be able to stand.  And visa versa.  But if we neglect any one area, and bring about death to that third of our being, we cannot stand, no matter how much we try. 

It is so very imperative to care for and nurture each of our legs of our tripod.  We must do our best to be physically, emotionally and spiritually sound so as to lead a well adjusted, well balanced existance.

I have learned in pursuing my desire to be all I can be and to be an encouragement to others, that if I'm neglecting any of these areas, I just cannot give of myself. 

So, think of me and think of you as tripods and see how straight we can stand, and see how clearly our lifes are photographed as we be all we can be!


lumps in my soul

Jan 08, 2009

(a blog from back when...)

lumps in my soul
Category: Life


in a down time, in a low place, i picked up a pen and put it to paper and in the twelve lines you'll see below, i was transformed form down to up and from low to high and i believe it has everything to do with God and so very little to do with me.  See, i picked up and stirred a gift (talent) that was within me.  A long time ago before i even recognized the Gift-Giver, i recognized i had a gift for writing.  that gift or talent is in need of polishing and refining so i'm doing my best to "stir up that gift" that is within me.  Below is the unedited, unpolished, unrefined twelve-line poem that transformed me as i obeyed God. that day.  I share it in an effort to encourage you to search out your gift (talent), remove it from it's shelf and begin to use it and see what happens!
lumps in my soul

there are lumps in my soul
where i've become hard
like a cancer's invasion
hidden from the Lord

and with His great search light
He illuminates the dark
and with His gentle scapel
He removes the hard part

then my soul becomes soft
as God wants it to be
and once again I'm free
to be one with my Maker and me


Jan 08, 2009

Below is a treasured piece that has spoken volumes to me in the past, has been saved for just the right moments for encouragement to others, and is always at my fingertips for times when my soul is screaming for a bandaid.

I am known to be Pro-active!.  A hands on kind of person.  Very passionate about the things that are dear to my heart.  Throughout my life, I have jumped in with both feet to ignite the spark of an idea or dream only to have a naysayer come along with a very sharp pin aimed at my balloon.

For the most part, I've learned to be my own cheerleader, and push thru to get the task completed.  At other times,  I struggle to get my feet replanted in the right direction.  Yesterday was one of those days I found myself struggling.  I looked in several directions for someone to be my cheerleader.  For someone to hug this hugger.  I didn't really get what I was looking for.  But in the long run, I'm probably better off.  I did get inspired to look up my "anyway" piece. 

So this morning I am in an "anyway" frame of mind.  It's a new day.  I have been given fresh energy as a result of the "anyway" piece below.  And I am (as Paul said in his letter) "pressing on".   Hope you find some comfort in the following.  You may want to print it out and keep it handy, when you are low in the cheerleader dept.  or in need of a "hug".  This always does it for me!

A Letter to African Pastors


People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered.

Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish motives.

Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.

Succeed anyway.

The good you do will be forgotten tomorrow.

Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.

Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest people with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest people with the smallest ideas.

Think big anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.

Build anyway.

People really need  help but may attack you if you help them.

Help them anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and you'll get kicked in the teeth.

Give them the best you've got anyway.


This poem was written by a missionary to Africa who was later martyred.


Eight weeks ago today...

Dec 21, 2008

Two months ago today I bought a ticket for the greatest thrill ride of my life!  Now 45 pounds later, I can say the money was well spent.  For a person whose life has been a roller-coaster ride of ups and downs, there is no comparison for the excitement and satisfaction I have experienced in the past eight weeks.  I have formed wonderful relationships with people who now mean the world to me.  I have stood in awe each time I board the scale for my weekly readings.  And I haven't  even begun to mention the health benefits which have been afforded me as a result of this miracle of miracles in my life.  I am no longer in need of blood pressure medicine or blood sugar medicine.  My llfe has gone from sedentary to moderately active.  Just last week, I shopped with my shopaholic sister for 7 (yes seven) hours at our local mall.  Yesterday morning I walked her two large dogs (at the same time) and did not need a breathing treatment!  I  have attended several parties and celebrated Thanksgiving without gaining an ounce.  I just want to say thankyou to God for this miracle of miracles in my life.  And to post this as a form of encouragement to anyone struggling with saying yes to wls.  I'm so glad I did!
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Heaux, Heaux, Heaux

Dec 18, 2008

Twas The Night Before Surgery

'Twas the night before surgery,
when all through my gut
not a morsel was stirring,
not even a nut."

The suitcase was packed
by the back door with care,
in hopes that a new me
would soon return there.

I lay nestled,
snug in my bed
while visions of calories
danced in my head;

And me in my plus size
pajamas and wrap,
had just settled in
for a long restless nap

When deep in my mind
there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my dreams
to see what was the matter.

Away to my fridge
I flew like a flash,
ripped open the door
and drooled at the stash.

The moonlight reflecting
off the beautiful snacks
gave a luster of radiance
to all on the racks.

When, what to my wondering
eyes should appear,
but an array of the comfort foods
I hold so dear.

With a familiar feeling
of all those I'd pick,
I thought in a moment
I just might be sick.

More lovely than angels
their voices they came,
and they whistled and shouted
and called me by name;

"Now ****a, now french fries,
now chocolate galore
on cheescake, on ice cream,
on donuts and more!"

From the tip of my tongue,
to the bottom of my toe,
I will miss you all more
than ever you'll know.

As an addict that shakes
and stirs as he sits,
I'll mourn the loss
of my delectable hits.

So back to my bed
I went with great haste,
and settled back down
with nary a taste.

And then in an instant,
in pre-op I sat,
nervously waiting
to no longer be fat.

As I sat deep in thought
and adjusted my gown,
in came my surgeon
in one single bound.

He was dressed all in scrubs,
from his head to his feet
and he seemed very calm
as he eyed me like meat.

He looked at my chart,
with his scope gave a listen;
I don't think he noticed
my eyes start to glisten.

He was chubby and plump
he could lose some himself,
and I laughed when I saw him
in spite of myself.

A wink of his eye
and a twist of his head,
soon gave me to know
I had nothing to dread.

He spoke barely a word
as he prepped for his work,
he paused for a moment,
then turned with a jerk.

And laying a finger
aside of his face,
and giving a nod,
out of the room he did race.

He checked in the next day,
to his students gave a whistle,
and away they all flew
like a down of a thistle.

But I heard him exclaim
as he walked out of sight,
"speedy thinness to you
and a healthier life!"

Author Unknown


7 Weeks Out

Dec 14, 2008

And I am so amazed at this journey!  I am down 43 pounds and two clothing sizes.  Wonder of wonders I have a new lease on life.  I never dared to dream that I can be delivered from the bondages of food. Wow!  I have new friends and a new network of people in my life to cheer me on.  And during these holidays, I am actually not afraid of gaining several pounds!  Another Wow!
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I needed a hug from God

Dec 07, 2008

And He used my WLS Angel, Faye Smith to deliver it!  This is how it happened.

Saturday I went to a Christmas luncheon with 2 dozen ladies from my church.  We were instructed to bring an ornament for exchange. And I went very excitedly to meet with my girlfriends to celebrate. I even brought four extra ornaments so if anyone forgot to bring one, there would be no need for anyone to leave empty-handed.  I was given a ticket along with the rest of us  and the first ticket called belonged to the lady sitting accross from me.  She had to open it and everyone admired it and oohed and ahhed and then my number was pulled.  I was told I could take hers or one from the table.  I have never participated in this kind of "game" before so I was floored that I could take hers.  After all, I sat across from her and saw how much she loved it, and how much I love her.  (Call me niave but I have never participated in this sort of thing before) So I went to the table and selected a bag from among the packages on the table.  All eyes were on me as I unwrapped 'My" ornament.  I had not had time to process this entire thing as of yet so when I opened "my" ornament and fell in love with it, I announced how much I loved it  and immediately made it clear I was not playing their game.  I would not  give it up and immediately put it away.  The hostess came to me and told me she was ashamed of me.  And here is where I have to interject what was going on inside of me.  I still don't have all of the insight of why I responded the way I did but  I was at that point dealing with emotions from Christmas's back in my childhood when in my very dysfunctional family our day would start out wonderful and then dwindle to survival mode as my dad's alcoholism progressed.(Not just Christmas but all holidays and weekends in general.) The fact that my friend told me she was ashamed of me, no matter how privately she said it felt like a cloak of SHAME weighing me down.  I was paralysed momentarily and at a loss for how to respond.   My prayer was God, please open up the earth and swallow me up.  Exiting was not a choice because I rode there with a friend and I am not one to run away from a challenge.  So, Anyway, as a small  child I learned the "art" of disassociation and on Saturday, I stepped outside of myself just long enough to "protect" myself from drama and being violated. I cannot remember what anyone else got because the rest of the "exchange" is a blur but I am relieved I was with people who love me right where I am.  As we said our goodbyes and I hugged each lady I asked there forgiveness for not being a good sport and was reassured by almost all of them that it was no big deal.  Most of them thought it was hilarious.  One day, maybe I will too.  I have spent most of the weekend asking God to heal those areas of my life that are being uncovered as the weight is coming off.  I never want to be an offense to anyone or bring shame to myself or others.  I cherished each of my hugs from my friends but still left there a little bruised and emtionally "drunk".  So here's the God-hug part--

When I arrived home, my girlfriend said, Look Marie and as we gazed thru her windshield onto my front porch we could see "tons" of NEW pants, shirts, sweaters, coats--you name it hanging on my front porch.  The clothing ranges in four of the next sizes I will be in shortly.  And was arranged there by my ANGEL Faye.  She had gone through her closet and wanted me to benefit from her "loss/gain"!  I sat in my girlfriends car and wept at how Good God is to me!

(So, here I am--an open book--a work in progress--who doesn't know a lot--but knows that LOVE COVERS A MULTITUDE OF WRONGS!  I wipe away tears even now in amazement of the work that is being done in my life.  ThankYou God for this miracle in my life, for my Angel, and for this forum where we can be transparent in the hopes of PAYING IT FORWARD!

My first PARTY since my miracle

Nov 30, 2008

Yesterday I attended a party (my first) for my godchild for her 26th birthday where all kinds of food was served.  I didn't do without.  I selected a small plate and had a tiny serving of the things that appealed to me.  I drank my SF Grape Koolaid in a wine glass and enjoyed the gumbo without rice in my very small bowl.  I was on top of the world!  When cake was served, I sat next to my godchild and had a jellybean-sized bite of cake!  The "full" feeling I got came from inside of my heart instead of my stomach! 
To coin an old cliche' this was A PIECE OF CAKE!  Thank you JESUS!

My PCP and Me!

Nov 21, 2008

Today I went to see my primary care physician whom I haven't seen since my surgery.  He walked into the room grinning and asked what I'd been up to.  I confessed that I had surgery since I didn't consult him beforehand.  (Kids do not try this at home!)  I didn't meet with him prior to my surgery because I did not want to take a chance he'd talke me out of it.  Anyway, He already knew because my surgeon consulted with him.  He was so delighted with my weight loss so far and wanted to hear all of the details.. (This is a doc who hasa file that is two inches thick on me and has been with me thru the back surgeries, neck surgeries, hand surgeries, all the respiratory junk.) I think he would have hugged me except that I'm sneezing and feverish and probably contaigous. Doc didn't just see a "smaller" me today, he saw a "happier" me today.  (Thank You Jesus!)

How do you spell HOPE?

Nov 11, 2008

For probably the last 22 years my health has been in the toilet.  First there was the back problem and the horrendous complications in 1986 from a very simple out-patient procedure to which I had to have numerous surgeries and procedures to resolve that.  (My life remained sedentary as a result of unresolved back issues and the pounds added.)  Then there was the courageous attempt on my part to resolve the back pain in 93 with the surgery to remove the corrupted discs.  More sedentary lifestyle, more packed on pounds.  In 2000, I had surgery in my neck and both hands to remedy the challenges of living in this messed up body.  More sedentary lifestyle, more packed on pounds.  Throughout it all, I have had multiple hospitalizations to treat an uncontrolled asthmatic condition.  One of the major forms of treatment for each of these conditions is steroids and guess what steroids are known for--packing on pounds.  It would be unfair to place blame totally on my health or lack of especially in light of the fact that I live in South Louisiana where food is a celebration, a medication and a hobby.  Today I am carrying around what amounts to another person in the form of poundage and believe me, it is no easy chore.  The past few years have caused me to enter into depression as a result of pain, fatigue (and hopelessness).  And so there you have the picture of my existence until a couple of weeks ago when I met a lady in my community.  We hit it off instantly and I soon learned that she had recently lost nearly 100 pounds as a result of bariatric surgery.  My interest peaked and I turned it into a prayer.  "God, if this is for me, then open doors, if not, then close each door along the way."  And the rest is almost history.  I discussed it with my family and my pastor and we prayed because God had to make a way for the finances since my insurance would not cover $14,000.00surgery they say is elective.  In this day and economy with investments taking a dive, what better time to use some of that (retirement) money to invest into MY future. From the scheduling of appointments and tests, to finding parking places, this has been smooth sailing.  Today I am scheduled for my final apt--a psychiatric exam before I report for my surgery on Monday.  I'm a little anxious about the psychiatric visit and hope that the doctor doesn't recognize that I have been mascarading as a normal person all this time!  (smiling).  Anyway, if you are reading this, I spell HOPE as this chapter I am in right now.  Hope that maybe I can get moving again.  Hope that the next astma attack doesn't do me in.  Hope that I can walk, even run again. 
Hope--an Amazing Virtue!
Thank you God!


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Donaldsonville, LA
Apr 29, 2003
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