It's a stall at 2 1/2 weeks out!

Dec 14, 2010

Well, I wanted to blame PMS and that may still be part of it, but I've stayed at 238 for several days now.  I guess I wasn't expecting a stall so soon.  I can tell I'm still getting smaller so that's good.  I cranked up the workout today to an hour on the treadmill at 3.5 mph.  I re-read some of the information in my books on plateaus.  I know I'm doing everything right so it's just a matter of time. 

I've started doing more puree's, but tend to slip back into the comfort of liquids.  I whirred up some shrimp with light mayo, onions and herbs in the food processor.  It was really good until I put too much garlic powder in.  I have to get some more shrimp to whir up in it to offset it.  Shrimp is high in protein so that's why I went that route.  I've also whirred up beef/bean soup and plan on trying sweet potatoes soon.  I've had a few instances where I knew I ate too much so I'm still learning how much is too much with the purees.  It's a lot less than liquids. 

This is my last week off.  I go back to work next week and will have to adjust to that routine.  It's been great to have three weeks to get used to my sleeve, but reality requires a return to work. Nothing else exciting going on.  TTFN!

Stall or PMS? Will see tomorrow.

Dec 09, 2010

I've been really tired the last couple days.  I exercised yesterday, but was wiped after that and wiped today.  I decided to give the exercise a rest today, but have still been up & about.  It could be PMS or just my body say halt for a moment. 

I was floored when I gave in to weighing myself & found I was losing 2-3 lbs per day for a few days.  I don't have an exact weight loss because I didn't weigh myself right before surgery.  However, I am already rummaging around my "next size down" storage tote of clothes.  Murphy's Law dictates that as soon as I start doing that and projecting weight loss that I would hit a stall.  This morning's weigh-in was not a 2-3 lb loss but a 2-3 ounce loss.  Go figure!  It's only one day and I knew a stall/plateau would come at some point.  I'm still thrilled with my loss in only about 10 days.  I can hope it's just PMS too.  Evil periods!!  They could have taken my uterus out with my stomach while they were at it. 

Mentally, I'm ready to advance to puree's, but physically I don't know.  I'll be good and wait until Sunday to test it.  My husband's having a colonoscopy tomorrow so he's getting a taste of a clear liquid diet & deprivation.  Each time a food commercial comes on, he's got a comment.  I smile and say welcome to my world!   At least I didn't have to do the bowel prep part.  He thinks he may do the puree diet part of the diet with me lose a few pounds.  We'll see how long that lasts, but he's been a great sport thus far. 



Exercise Helps! Pushing Food Limits Doesn't!

Dec 07, 2010

I was kaput after yesterday's exercise, but reaped the benefits today.  I had a lot more stamina, did more time & intensity on the treadmill and my incisions hurt a lot less.  Hubby says the activity helps prevent developing adhesions/scar tissue and increases the blood flow to the area to promote healing.  I accomplished more this morning than I did all day yesterday.  I was pretty busy all day, but I'm tiring now. 

I suspect I'll sleep well tonight.  Since I'm a side sleeper, I've been using an extra pillow for support under my leg and abdomen similar to a pregnant woman to keep the incisions from pulling.  I'm needing it a lot less and may try to go without tonight. 

I found out what happens when pushing the limit of food stages.  I thought cottage cheese might be pretty similar to yogurt, but no go.  Within a a few bites, it was obvious it wasn't going down and it was going to come back up.  It did.  So, don't do what I did.

Tonight I was having my hubby's homemade butternut squash soup.  It's all liquid.  However, apparently it's too thick.  Though it went down, it was a little painful so I thinned it out with some milk.  I was looking so forward to advancing to mushy foods next week, but based on how things are going, I'll have to play it by ear.

Pounds are coming off which is exciting.  I told myself I wouldn't weigh myself, but I started yesterday and again today.  I'll try not to become a scale addict.  Oh!  And, I finally had my first real poo today!  So exciting!

Okay, back to my soup!
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Developing a Rhythm

Dec 06, 2010

I didn't blog yesterday as my brain wasn't fully functioning.  I read that happens for awhile after surgery because of the calorie reduction and anesthesia.  It's an odd feeling for me as an overachieving Type A personality.  So, I feel like I was moving in slow motion yesterday and today.  We did get out yesterday and do some walking.  We took a drive & I got a few chores done, but otherwise it was quiet.

I did manage to recreate my protein drink to make it more tolerable.  The Premier Nutrition protein drinks are killer in that they give 30g of protein in less than 12 oz.  However, the extent of that chocolate just gets nauseating.  I put the drink in the Vita-Mix with additional milk to dilute the chocolate & added an Unjury vanilla scoop to further offset the chocolate.  Whipped it up and though it had a lot of air, it was a lot more palatable.  Plus, I got nearly 60g of protein in one two-glass meal (able to drink more now).  After that worked out, I reworked this week's menu plan so yogurt in the morning (12g), mongo protein drink at lunch (58g) and then I can have a nice soup for dinner like carrot-ginger, butternut squash, tomato, cream of broccoli, etc.  I miss my veggies.  I think that will make this week much easier. 

I was still moving slow today with brain function, but I followed my plan and did make it to the gym this afternoon.  I did a little over 30 minutes on the treadmill at 3 mph which is slower for me than usual, but was just right for my incisions, stamina and diminished brain function.  I was happy with it and a little light-headed afterwards.  Didn't run my other errands, but that's okay.  Came home & started rehydrating.  Just waiting for hubby to get home.  Also, as I learned on the forums, I'm a little on the needy side and missing my husband (who's simply at work) and my parents.  I'm not being very Miss Independent! 

Hope everyone else is doing well in adjusting to their sleeves one week post-op!


Day 2 at Home - Each day is a little sleeve easier.

Dec 04, 2010

I slept better and longer last night though still using a pillow to provide support so my incisions don't pull.  I was still up early, but feeling good.  Today was eventful because I put on make-up & did my hair for the first time in about 10 days.  We went to town for all of an hour at most.  I was feeling light-headed like on antihistamines so the crowd at the store was overstimulating and I was ready to come back home.  However, we got what we went there for, got the Christmas cards mailed and I got the release of Eclipse. 

I don't know why I thought Jello had protein in it.  Well, I can guess why I thought it, but let's not go there.  When I got home, I was ready for some chewing sensation with Jello.  I was disappointed that there was little protein in it.  Gatorade was disappointing also as it lacked flavor but came recommended because of the electrolytes.  So, bummer on those fronts but oh well. 

I did succumb to a nap this afternoon.  Hubby says I was totally out for several hours, talking in my sleep and oblivious to everything around me.  I must have needed it.  I'm still about 12 oz behind on my fluids today and only about 2/3 of my protein, but doing the best I can.  Things did go down easier today with a little less percolating.  My incisions are less painful today also.  So, it's getting better each day.  I am wondering when I'll make a poo though.  I may post that as a question. 

I haven't gotten on the scale yet.  In fact, I haven't been on the scale since mid-November.  I've been trying to focus on behaviors instead of numbers.  Curiosity is getting to me, but I think I will wait until next week though.  I can tell a difference in my face already.  My ass will be the last thing to go.  

Today's Intake:  warm tea, Unjury vanilla w/milk, Jello cup (disappointing), Gatorade (disappointing), protein water, tomato soup with milk. 
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End of Day One at Home

Dec 03, 2010

Well, I made it through day one today at home.  They want me to have 2 liters or 8 cups of fluids today be it from any source, but that has been quite the challenge.  I'm working on my last protein water which will get me to the 8 cups and over half my protein, but it's an ongoing thing.  I always have to be working on something at this point.  If I had taken a nap today, I'd be behind.  Sheesh!  But I'm up for the challenge and the percolating feeling I get when I swallow. 

Today's Intake:  Decaf Tea, Premiere Protein Drink, Protein Water, Tomato Soup w/Milk (never tasted so good), and now another Protein Water. 

I kept busy with some minor chores, but nothing major.  I was up and about regularly which made me feel the incisions a lot more.  I think I'll be able to do a lot more once the incisions aren't so bothersome.  I can't possibly imagine the WLS patients that have to have an open procedure with one large incision.  Crapola, that would be bad! 

I really don't think I'm going to get all this water down tonight, but will work on it.  I didn't do too bad for my second day of being able to keep things down.  Tomorrow should be a busier day when I can get out of the house and not be a little stir crazy. 

Good night everyone!

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I'm Home Finally!

Dec 03, 2010

I'm finally home from Monday's surgery.  The procedure itself went totally fine.  It was post-op where I ran into problems getting liquids in and keeping them down.  Anything  that went in ultimately came back up and this was hard on my incisions as well as everything else.  So, I had to stay in the hospital one more day and almost another after that. 

11/29 - Surgery Day

Had surgery in the morning and was pretty out of it the rest of the day.  I don't even remember much of it.  My husband was there, but finally had to leave later to take care of our pets back home.  My Dad was there, but I didn't see him go that I can recall.  He was apparently pretty torn up at the sight of me.  I was in & out of sleep the rest of the day/night.

11/30 - The Day After
I was more alert this day, but still in and out of sleeping.  I was trying to get water and the protein drink in, but it would all come back up in a matter of minutes. 

12/1 - Second Day After
More of the same as 11/30, but more alert and getting frustrated.  By now, we had about five different things going to mitigate nausea.  This was the day I would have been discharged, but it was obvious I wasn't ready.  My surgeon told me ot just lay off of trying to drink anything to give the sleeve a rest.  They also started injections of anti-inflammatories to attempt to reduce the swelling in my sleeve.  That and some more time seemed to do the trick. 

12/2 - The Third Day
This was the day I kept everything down.  I got water in, a whole protein drink and some milk.  I also felt soooo much better, was alert & antsy.  I had stopped my IV pain meds the day before as I wasn't in much pain.  No gas pains.   I wanted to be disconnected from the IV cart so I could move around more without my trailer cart that I often stubbed my toe or heel on depending on whether I was pushing or pulling.  My surgeon came in a checked in on my at 2:00 and I told her I was ready to go.  She was going into another surgery and she wanted me to continue working on my fluids until she was done.  She didn't come back until about 7:00 pm that night.  My husband came up to get me even though we didn't have the final word.  She did come in, we talked and I was discharged.  I was sooooo ready.  I was able to sleep in my own bed & walk around freely.

12/3 - Today - First Day Home
Today is going well so far.  I started off with some warm decaf tea and now I'm working on my protein drink, but I'm pretty full so have slowed down.  I have long way to go and don't know if I'll get all my protein in today, but I'll be trying.  I need to take my liquid vitamins, but wanted some protein first. I'm still alert & awake though I kind of woke up at 3:00 am.  My hubby didn't have to work today so we have just been hanging out.  I've been up and about regularly as that's just how I am, but would like to go walking somewhere (we're in the country & it's not well-suited).  My incisions are stll quite sore and bending over doesn't fell really good so I'm trying to avoid that and using counters & walls for balancing. 

The staff at Legacy Good Samaritan was wonderful to work with.  They were friendly, supportive, patient, responsive and fun to work with.  I try not to be difficult or demanding of those providing services.  I've worked in restaurants when I was a teenager and know how important that respect is.  I may blog more later, but I wanted to check-in and give the run down of where I'm at. 
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Liquid Diet Day 3 of 3 - Tomorrow's the Day!

Nov 28, 2010

As far as hunger, today's liquid diet went better than the last few.  I haven't had the gnawing hunger as often and I've had less today.  Go figure!  Had a decreased amount of coffee this morning.  While hubby made eggs, I got out the recipe book my surgeon's office had and combined my Unjury Vanilla with some ice, rum extract and brand extract to make a egg nog flavored smoothie.  That was delicious and filling. I never really used extracts that much before so this was cool! 

It wasn't raining (live in Oregon where it rains all winter) today so we went out and did some yardwork.  I also got the chickens set up for my absence of a few days.  It felt good to get outdoors, be active and be busy for several hours in the fresh air.  After that, we ran into town.  I left my FMLA paperwork at the office and needed to get it.  We also didi grocery shopping getting things for when I come home.  this included a few more extracts to add to smoothies - almond, banana and raspberry.  I could go crazy on extracts, but they are kind of spendy and this should be enough.  Oh, we also bought egg nog which I warmed up when I got home.  It was filling and cozy, somewhat like a Starbucks egg nog latte without the caffeine.  I know, I know, egg nog twice in one day?  I didn't realize that until now, but it is the holidays!

I haven't been hungry since the egg nog and that was four hours ago.  We watched a movie.  I packed, but I'm not taking much so that didn't take long.  So, it's only a few hours before bed.  Nothing to eat or drink after midnight so I'll probably have another protein drink in a couple hours.  We have to be there at 7:30 to check-in so will get up between 5:00 and 5:30 to shower.  I suspect it will be like going to the airport.  Hurry up and wait!

Good luck to everyone else who's big day is tomorrow!!!

Liquid Diet Day 2 of 3

Nov 27, 2010

Today was much like yesterday, but less activity to keep me distracted.  I woke up about 2 am having to pee (must be the liquid diet) and had trouble getting back to sleep after that as my mind was racing.  Then the cat wanted out so I got up for that.  An hour later, the dog wanted out.  They couldn't just go out at the same time.  Hubby woke up early too and we just decided to get up about 5 am on a Saturday.  Had a 1/2 mug of caffeinated coffee and then a whole cup of decaf with some Unjury in it. 

Went to take the car to get aligned and walked around Costco while waiting.  Thank goodness the sample people weren't out yet as that would be hard.  I haven't been hungry, but I haven't felt "full" either.  The taste of chocolate, vanilla and turkey broth is getting old so may try some different soup tomorrow.  Came home and did some minor chores before taking a long nap a good portion of the afternoon.  "Meals" after the coffee was a Premier Nutrition shake, soy milk hot chocolate and turkey broth. Hubby has been wonderful about trying not to eat in front of me though he doesn't need to be concerned about that.  I need to drink more water so my veins are pumped up for the IV on Monday.  Will go work on that now.  Of course, then I may be up at 2 am again!!
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Liquid Diet Day 1 of 3

Nov 26, 2010

Well, today wasn't hard at all.  We'll see how I feel on Day 3.  We got up, had coffee and I switched to decaf for the 2nd cup to help mitigate the chance of a caffeine headache when I'm in the hospital.  Of course, I'll have morphine.  Duh!  I didn't think about that before.  Oh well, decaf is fine. 

I worked on cleaning house so that's done for awhile and it distracted me.  I got hungry after that so had my first Premier Protein ready-to-drink shake from Costco.  It was chocolate and tasted like most of the other protein drinks I've had.  That took the hunger away....for a little while.  We ran a couple errands and then came back home, avoiding the Black Friday crowds.  By then, I was hungry again.  My husband, eager to do something for me, siphoned off the broth from the turkey soup he made yesterday and heated it up for me.  He's so wonderful!  I drank it and then had hot chocolate with soy milk after that.  I've been full since and haven't gotten hungry again.  I think keeping busy and focusing on protein in my drinks helps.  I'm also trying to drink water, but need to be drinking more. 

Several of my OH friends requests were accepted by folks having sleeve surgery the same day or having had it recently.  It's nice comaraderie!   Hasta manana!

About Me
Salem, OR
Surgery Date
Sep 21, 2010
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