3-20-2010 baby died

Mar 20, 2010

Our lil one died shortly after the last ultrassound that I described below. I had a missed miscarriage though and we did not find out until yesterday. I had a d+c this morning. My heart is broken.

3-4-2010 ultrasound and OB appointment

Mar 04, 2010

FIrst we had both types of ultrasound. THe regualr ultrasound we could only see a lil fuzzy circle. THe internal one we saw so much! Baby was wiggling and kicking its right leg. Rolled to the side, tech had to wait a minute to get the heart picture. Watching the baby move when its only the size of a large grape was amazing! It was real. We are measuring 8 weeks 6 days, right on schedule, growth is good. Baby is planted high in the uterus all snug as a bug in a rug. Heart was 180 and sounded good:)

We met with the perinatologist and everything with baby is fine right now. BUT Because of my medical history and surgeries I am high risk and he suggested that we not continue this pregnancy and wait until I am healthier.,,,,,,, Once we made out intentions even clearer he is going to work with us after educating on all the risks and importance of extra precautions.

Plan: I am to see him and the OB, get an ultrasound, loads of labs, and see a nutritionist (bariatric) once a month. All of them once a month. My next appointment is April 5th.

Lotsa blood work taken today but no hormones just nutritional stuff. I also have to put my pee in a jug for 24 hours to test for protein. NOt really clear on it but whatever.

THeres my update. Wishing wonderfuls things for everyone.


3-1-2010 TMI, Pissed off, BS, & copy my forum post as an FYI

Mar 01, 2010

THis is the information realted to my pregnancy. It is not an excuse or an "accidentally on purpose" I am getting really pissed at people assuming my situation or how it came to be that way. THis below is how it is.

If you want to know read please, if not just make your own assumptions and KMA:) lol

I can give you some open and honest  information on my situation. Please take a minute to read through.

I have been married twice no protection at all during previous and current marriage. I NEVER had a scare, not even once. I had been tested and found to have PCOS when I was 19. I was very healthy and not very overweight in the earlier years of marriage. I have had homrone testing and was literally told I had a better chance of winning the lottery even with hormone assistance. I actually did not have a period for 21/2 years (technically menopause according to one GYN). We had reserved ourselves to not being able to have a baby for the most part.


ONce I was recovered enough in 10/09 I saw a GYN and got the consult for a hormone IUD. (It has less side effects than oral/ injection birth control and is absorbed locally instead of systemically) As instructed I came back to the office within 5 days of the start of my next period. They test for infection prior to insertion and I found out I had a pretty bad one. I was on oral and vaginal antibiotics. I had to wait until my next period now. A few days before my next period I ended up having a raging painful yeast infection and was told I could not come in this time either. SO the last plan was to wait for my next period.


My next period never came which was not weird to me considering my extremely irregular cycle.


We used alternative methods alot for intimacy as well as frank abstinance for long periods of time.

We were going with the IUD because of my very high risk for clotting (birth control can increase that)

We did NOT use condoms, hind sight we needed to be more vigilant

Frank Honesty

Despite all of the information above I seriously did not believe I could get pregnant without assistance because even when I was healthy I could not get pregnant

THis is not the time to be pregnant, I know that, we know that, my Doctors know that.

That being said, Abortion is not an option for us. I have made all the immeadiate changes I need I have seen/ made appoinments for who I need to see. I will do all I can to carry this baby and if its not meant to be, as soon as I am allowed to I will get an IUD as planned.

This was a complete surprise, I did not plan it, I am petrified,

SO there you have my non judgemental open honest opinion.

Thanks for reading.


2-27-2010 MAJOR Update with an oooops....

Feb 27, 2010

OK, weight loss slowed down a bunch but with exercising it was still moving along. A month ago I herniated the L5 disk in my back and had to "rest" I kept working walking and using the stairs but I could not exercise.

I felt wonderful overall moving and spirit:)

Less than a week ago I started having some bizarre symptoms, in hind sight there were more I didnt pay attention to. I found out on the 24th that I am PREGNANT!. I am two months today and because I am high rsk I had an ultrasound and heard the heartbeat already.

I know this is the wrong time and so many other reasons and know we werent supposed to. I am pleasantly surprised and pertrified at the same time. I was waiting for my next period to get an IUD and well I didnt get the next period.

My mind is going a million miles a minute and huge medications changes. I am excited and scared. Sop thats kinda my update....

Take care and be at peace guys

11-18-09 NEW PIC and general update

Nov 18, 2009

OK, here goes
~labs good so far
~down to five medications (not including suppliments)
~eating more vegetarian
~no longer tolerate some of my favorite foods
~no longer really have favorite foods, haha
~occasionally things still get "stuck"
~I stopped losing weight for about 6 weeks
~I started walking two miles 4-5 days a week
~weight loss resumed after increase in walking
~I am finally able to go up and down stairs, keeping as much of my weight as possible on my arms
~I do the stairs every day at work now
~New profile PIC
~down to 385
~I think thats it for now

Take care, be at peace



8-29-09 578 down to 391 GOing, GOing........

Aug 29, 2009

Well hi there and thanks for reading.

I am doing well and thank you for all the inquiries.

I am pretty much healed from surgery.

I still toss cookies or dump on things I am not supposed to a couple times a week, I also cannot eat yogurt anymore, I have eaten yogurt forever but now it doesn’t agree with me. Other dairy products are ok though. What can I say? It’s a learning process. (No chicken, no rice, no yogurt, no frozen fruit, etc)

Part of the reason I am still getting sick is I was informed is that my pouch was made to be 15ml and I had a 250 cm limb made. WOW is all I can say to that.

The other part of the reason being honest, (and lets face it you gotta be honest with yourself or you will never get anywhere) occasionally when I get rushed or don’t pay attention I eat too much too fast. I am not talking heaps of food. I mean too much for me too fast.

It is so important that you wait until you take another bite because it takes a few minutes to feel whether or not your pouch is full. I’m not even talking quantity of food in general; it tends to be different with different foods. If you don’t pay attention next thing you know you can feel the tightness in your esophagus and literally feel full in it. That’s bad and a no-no. My goals are to slow down in general and pay attention to my eating habits even more.

I get fluids in fine just limit myself due to previous edema issues it can be difficulty though as it sometimes causes big issues with constipation. After surgery I found that protein water I loved so much just doesn’t taste good to me anymore. I am now drinking G2 (low calorie Gatorade) and the grape and blueberry are wonderful.

My particular numbers we keep too are as follows (please remember this is what we do for me, my size, my health and my tolerance, no conniptions fits or aggressive responses please) I have 3,000 calories and 60gm fat per day. HAHAHAHAHAHA just kidding. I actually have 1000-1200 calories, 15 or fewer grams of fat, at least 48 ounces of liquid, and 60-90 of protein. And for the nay sayers that you can’t get your fat intake that low.... yes you can!!!!!!

My follow up with all of the bariatric clinicians is in October. I see my primary doctor on Friday. I need to have some albs done as I haven’t had any since surgery which I find kinda weird but hey, ya get that. I also have two sores on my loose skin down there but the large really bad areas healed. My touché has mostly healed too, not too much bleeding with #2. The infection in my breast is off and on. Mostly off now:)

My family and friends and coworkers continue to be supportive for the most part. My husband has been wonderful as well. I find his response interesting. He is either the food police or practically shoving food down my throat. (Not abusive or aggressive don’t worry) Also he and I had an agreement that when I reach a number close to his weight that he would start exercising and being healthier. Well he is. He has lost ten pounds in a month walks everyday a couple miles and eats much better than he has in years. YAY!

As far as exercise I am walking 5-7 days a week around a mile. I am very proud of that and it feels so good once you have done it. I have even inspired a few people I work with to go with me or to walk on their own. I go down flights of stairs a couple times a week. It is hard as I have to take part of my weight on my arms on the rails to take it off of my knees. I absolutely cannot ride a bike or go upstairs, I have torn cartilage in both knees and those two things still have proven to be elusive.

Wow, I can go on and on and on and on..... Oops sorry

thanks everyone for reading and for your support.

Take care and be at peace



7-21-09 updates back to work weight update as well

Jul 21, 2009

saw my primary today got some things addressed.
~i have ended up with a 22cm X 4cm open area under the area where my belly hangs down and some other smaller areas. saw the Dr and she gave me some medicine for it
~some constipation from not drinking enough cause some discomfort with "going" and I have a small tear with some bleeding. medicine for that too.
~an area on my breast with infection so medicine for that.
theres a bit more but hey youll have that.

I returned to work yesterday, 17 days after surgery, and its rough but I am doing it:)

I have had great support from family friends and coworkers. It seems different this time. I saw a large amount of my family over the weekend some  ahdnt seen in forever. I am not sure if its me acting different or if things are truely different this time. I dont know how to explain that, have to think on it a while,

Nausea is not much at all i hold everything down, until two nights ago i had horrible nausea with taking my evening medication., we have adjusted things and found a way to make it work without making me sick.

I have dumped three times since surgery but it was on things that werent supposed to cause it. Oh well you live and learn

THe best way to explain the dumping I experienced to those who havent experienced it is this: IMagine that 24 hour flu you got that was severe and debilitating, now instead of over 24 hours imagine it all in 45 minutes. AAAACCCCCKKK

I am walking but in pain after standing or walking for a bit in the area we are concerned about a hernia. If i press against the areas it actually helps.

the week after surgery was awful but again that can happen. I continue to slowly improve.

An issue that is getting wrose for me is reflux and sciatica. I am sleeping in a bed on my back with my feet up and head up because of my surgery i cannot lay on my side or my tummy like i normally do. my scatica send fire and lightening pain down both legs and thats a little hard to handle.

Despite all of the above I am actually doing quite well. I still think about close to dying about 16 months ago and how sick i was then and know now is along the way.

THank you everyone for read please take care and be at peace.

OH yeah, I am down to 404 now from 578 16 months ago
1 comment

7-14-09 Update

Jul 14, 2009

I have been home

I have a problem getting my liquids in
I get my protein in no problem
the freakin chewable vitamins suck! nasty yucky
i am halfway between puree and soft right now, i have to toss a couple crasjers in with one of my pills because otherwise i get sick to my stomach.
I overall have had no nausea or vomiting or constipation so far.
I have planned ot go back to work on monday which is 2 weeks and three days after surgery.
the biggest issue i have right now is pain above my belly button on the right side. we shall see.
Sorry this is brief but it is an update so far.

Take care and be at peace
Thanks for reading

7-5-09 home from hospital

Jul 05, 2009

the silly thing is I have an appointment at 8a,  (les than 24 hours from now) to get my JP drain removed. THat is 3 sayd before they did from my first step surgery so I am wary but we shall see. I still have large amount of drainage coming from arounf the tube, not much in the tube and ball.

If you wanrt to know know some basics about a JP drain here is a link http://breastcancer.about.com/od/reconstructivesurgery/p/surg_drains.htm

I had two tubes removed from me before I left that were attached to soemthing they called a "QBALL". I am going to state some basix information and then give a link for specifics. THe basix of it is that is a plastic ball full of liquid lidocaine type medication that is drained byheat into the are where you ahve surgical wounds. Aside from it being a pan in the butt to manage the concept is interesting

If youw ant to now some more about the Qball here is the link

Something beneficial that was done was I had a midline IV instead of the kind that is amll and often in your lower arm or hand (smaller IV). Although it leaked alot once it was a good thing they were able to use it and not require 2 lines or replacing an iv more than once. I am  "bad stick" so it worked out nicely. THey also have this neat attachment to it so it doesnt have to be stitched into your skin. its a plastic thing that has really sticky stiff that is plced on your skin and then the platic piece on the end of the midline catheter is snapped in place. Its always nice to have less holes in your body:)

If you want more info about the midline

so I had the RNY which obviously was not standard be cause I already had the VSG. Something I am goign to get into more in the next day or so is that in addition to the RNY I now have a "mono band" in place as well. Now i dont know the name or much information about it but i will gather it and post it.

I ahve so much more to tell but I am sleepy.

thanks forr eading take care and kease excuse the poor typing spoelling and grammer.
1 comment

7-4-09 Still in hospital brief update

Jul 04, 2009

thank you guys very very much. I am still in the hiospital and now able to communicate. 7-3-09 out of surgery post was typed by my husband. and yesterdays was by my dad. I am vedry luck to have thier support and enoucragemenmt as well as al of you guys support and encouragement. Its beeen jsut about 48 hours since sirgery and I am to be here until tomorrow or monday morning. Had some rough times but things are going ok atm. I apolgize for my porr typing my vision is a bit blurry.  thanks again fro everything I will type more when i get home and feel a bit beetter. HUGZ:)
