7-5-09 home from hospital

Jul 05, 2009

the silly thing is I have an appointment at 8a,  (les than 24 hours from now) to get my JP drain removed. THat is 3 sayd before they did from my first step surgery so I am wary but we shall see. I still have large amount of drainage coming from arounf the tube, not much in the tube and ball.

If you wanrt to know know some basics about a JP drain here is a link http://breastcancer.about.com/od/reconstructivesurgery/p/surg_drains.htm

I had two tubes removed from me before I left that were attached to soemthing they called a "QBALL". I am going to state some basix information and then give a link for specifics. THe basix of it is that is a plastic ball full of liquid lidocaine type medication that is drained byheat into the are where you ahve surgical wounds. Aside from it being a pan in the butt to manage the concept is interesting

If youw ant to now some more about the Qball here is the link

Something beneficial that was done was I had a midline IV instead of the kind that is amll and often in your lower arm or hand (smaller IV). Although it leaked alot once it was a good thing they were able to use it and not require 2 lines or replacing an iv more than once. I am  "bad stick" so it worked out nicely. THey also have this neat attachment to it so it doesnt have to be stitched into your skin. its a plastic thing that has really sticky stiff that is plced on your skin and then the platic piece on the end of the midline catheter is snapped in place. Its always nice to have less holes in your body:)

If you want more info about the midline

so I had the RNY which obviously was not standard be cause I already had the VSG. Something I am goign to get into more in the next day or so is that in addition to the RNY I now have a "mono band" in place as well. Now i dont know the name or much information about it but i will gather it and post it.

I ahve so much more to tell but I am sleepy.

thanks forr eading take care and kease excuse the poor typing spoelling and grammer.

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