MAY 28 -96 lbs.

May 28, 2009

Yesterday was my Wednesday weighin, I was down to 167 which is 95 lbs.down pre/post op. today I weighed down another lb. to 166. wow I'll take it, the scale has decided to start moving again. I guess my gb surgery jumpshot my system, don't know why or what but I'll take it. I am now 4 lbs from -100 and 21 lbs. from my goal! 2 days to the wedding. tried on my bmaid dress today and it fit and I am so relieved I was worried the gb surgery swelling would be a problem but nope all is good. all I need to do is my hair on Saturday and I'm done. still not feeling 100% went to Kohls today and to the mall real quick searching for the strapless I needed and I got back home so tired I couldn't stand it, and hurting too. tomorrow nothing I'm staying put and resting otherwise Saturday I will not be able to handle the long day/night. I am watching tv right now and I am so tired, can't stand it. anyway, tomorrow is Friday, then weekend and back to work on Monday. UGH!! I'll be back here on Sunday to post about my wedding experience :)

