JUNE 23 - 11 mos post op -98 lbs.

Jun 23, 2009

so today I am 11 post op and down 98 lbs in total (pre/post). it sure is slow going but I lost 4 lbs in the last month, probably due to my gb surgery. I think it jolted my system and thats why I dropped the pounds. BUT for the past 3 Wednesday weigh ins my weight is stuck again! UGH I need 2 measly lbs. to get to -100 and it's taking forever, and only 19 lbs to goal. boy this is just annoying.  I am able to get into my daughter's size 8 jeans, yippee, but I am wearing 10's cause I don't have funds to go out and buy clothes that fit. so I am wearing baggy jeans and trying to hold them up with a belt LOL.
here are my progress pics for 11 mos post op. I shall post again asap.

