Pensgal posted a discussion topic 13 years, 2 months ago
6 days out ~ Tylenol??? - I'm only 6 days post op and my back is killing me.  (from how I have to sit and sleep still)  Can I take Adult Liquid Tylenol?  The regular dose? I'm not used to all this time o...

Pensgal posted a discussion topic 13 years, 3 months ago
I'm home!!! YEAH!!! - Well I made it home!  Surgery was Thursday and got home Sat eve.  Today I've tried some skim milk and some cream of chicken soup.  I wont be able to get in all the fluids OR "full ...

Pensgal posted a discussion topic 13 years, 3 months ago
T minus 11 hours. - Well this is it.  I leave at 5am in the morning for my 8 am sleeve.  To all my friends going under with me tomorrow GOOD LUCK!!!  Lets meet back here and compare notes!  (I'm not e...

Pensgal posted a discussion topic 13 years, 3 months ago
Self pay - insurance problems down the road? - So I've made this life changing decision.  Done the work, got the money, lost some weight, lived through the pre-op fasting and am ready for Thursdays surgery when the pessimist in...

Pensgal wrote a blog post 13 years, 3 months ago
Finally, a blog - I am new to this.  I've been reading posts since I signed up but haven't blogged or done much else cause I'm trying to figure it all out! Anyone with tips, let me know!!! LOL My ...
About Me
Apr 10, 2011
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