3 weeks to my surgiversary

Sep 09, 2008

Just realized I haven't posted in awhile. Things are pretty hectic and everything is totally out of control. But at least I'm still losing tiny bits of weight. Don't think I'll make goal by my surgiversary because there is no chance in hell that I'm going to drop 15 lbs in 3 weeks. I'm not particularly stressed about it, but it's a tiny bit disappointing.

Can't check off any more of my goals either and that's annoying. I almost got within 5 lbs of DH.. but then that little weasel lost another 5 lbs. ACK!!! Oh well, at least I can fit into his jeans now... even if they are super tight.

Going to see a PS for consultation to see what he recommends for skin removal, etc and whether he thinks I'll qualify to get it covered by insurance because of my skin condition. I suspect that the extra weight I can't shed is mostly empty flabby skin. Seriously, my thighs are so saggy you can see the skin just slide down and pool up around my knees whenever I stand up. I look like I have a deflated inner tube around my waist and hips and nothing that I do is tightening or firming anything anymore. It's a bit depressing really. All I pray is that insurance will cover getting it removed and putting my boobs back up where they belong instead of hovering around my navel.

Social Security denied my claim for disability benefits and that is really stressing me out. I know they pretty much automatically deny everyone the first time around, so I'm appealing the decision but it's such a pain and makes me anxious. It's just evil to deny someone with depression and anxiety disorders and force them to go through an even more stressful process!! My panic attacks and night terrors are back and I could seriously live without those, you know!?!  Stupid bureaucratic BS!!

I'm trying to keep myself busy planning our move to Alaska and lifestyle change from corporate to subsistence farming and homesteading. Also doing physical training for all the labor-intensive stuff I'll need to do once we get up there. It's so hard to find a trainer that knows the stuff I need to do since most of them are fimailar with sports, or running, or people who just want to look good in a swim suit. They are woefully unprepared for someone who needs to split and haul firewood everyday, or haul bales of hay around the barn, or hike through the woods for a few miles to pull in a net from the river and hike back with 100 lbs of net and 60 lbs of fish... without getting eaten by a bear in the process! Guess I'll just have to work on cardio endurance and build up all my muscles with weight training and hope that will be an adequate base for the real work I'm going to end up doing.

Some days I just wonder if any of this is going to work and whether life is just going to keep sucking no matter what amazing struggles I keep doing to fix things.  Blech!! I always get so maudlin whenever I'm stressed out.

9 Mos Post Op... NewPics

Jul 04, 2008

9 months post-op: 179lbs -- 106 lbs lost from highest, 96 lbs lost from surgery. Only 29 lbs until goal, 39 from ultra-goal. 71.25 inches lost!!  Body Fat = 36%.

Check that BMI baby... 29.8. I'm "officially" only overweight now. Wooooohooooooo

100 Lbs Lost -- yippee!!

Jun 15, 2008

Almost in Century City Baby

Jun 08, 2008

2 more pounds and I will have lost a hundred! Yippee

8 Mos Post Op... NewPics

Jun 01, 2008

8 months post-op: 190lbs -- 95 lbs lost from highest, 85 lbs lost from surgery. 65 inches lost!!  Only 40 lbs until goal, 50 from ultra-goal

And Thanks to my new electrical impedence tester -- my body fat is at 38.6%.  That's still obese, but my BMI tells me that... 25-31% is "normal" and 21-24% is "fit".

Almost pain-free

May 25, 2008

After being off the Tricor for almost 2 weeks, my pain is almost completely gone YAY. And I've noticed that I have less trouble with grouchy pouch when I eat, too - BONUS! Not being in pain has increased my energy level a little, so I can do more stuff without getting exhausted. I started my new dosage of thyroid meds today, so hopefully that will increase my energy levels back to "normal" so I'm not such a slug

Two cute mini-wows this week. DH snuggled up to me and said "wow! you're getting little" and my thighs are now small enough that only one of my cats can sit in my lap at a time or else one of them slides off the side (this does not make them happy!).

Another stall bites the dust!

May 18, 2008

Woot - I'm no longer 198! Stepped on the scale this morning and am 193 -- 5 lbs!! -- must be those 2 weekly lbs catching up for missing the last couple of weeks

Man, it's hard to believe that I now have lost twice as much as I have left to lose. Guess that means I'm 2/3's to goal. Yippee!! Only 10 more pounds to go before I'm just "overweight" -- and yeah, I'm anticipating a big stall between 180-185 because that was the lowest I ever got in recent history and I was there for a long time. Boooo on old set points

Saw my doc and she thinks the body pain was a side effect of the Tricor, so she's taken me off of it. I'm slowly starting to feel better, but it's going to take time before I'm totally pain-free. At least that weird stomach/solar plexus pain I had in the mornings is completely gone already -- no ulcer, just my pouchy reacting to the tricor I took right before bed. We're going to keep an eye on my triglycerides, but I should be fine now. 

Doc's also increasing my thyroid meds since I'm still not up to full speed yet. Hope that gets me some energy again, because I'm really beginning feel like such a slacker!!  Now that spring/summer has finally come to Seattle, I desperately need to do some home improvement projects... which are pretty difficult to imagine when I can't even clean the house without getting exhausted. Crossing fingers that my new prescription (whenever my #$@! insurance company decides to mail them to me!) helps me in the pep department. 


May 08, 2008

For some unknown reason I am in extreme pain all over my body. I've been having little aches for a few days as I've lost padding... but this pain is all over and really bad. I can't move. I can't get comfortable in any position. I can't sleep, but I'm tired all the time. I'm eating and drinking and taking my vits... have no clue what's going on.

Have an appt to see my PCP next week, maybe it's a reaction to the Tricor I'm taking for my high triglycerides. Or maybe I need to increase my thyroid meds. I don't know, but I hope they find out soon because I feel like I've been in a car accident! This sucks! And since I can't really move, much less exercise, I'm stalling (even gained back a lb or two).

7 mos Post-Op... new pics

May 02, 2008

7 months post-op: 198lbs -- 87 lbs lost from highest, 72 lbs lost from surgery. 60 inches lost!!  Only 48 lbs until goal, 58 from ultra-goal  

One flippin' pound!

Apr 20, 2008

Arg... I hate my scale!! Only one more flippin' pound and I'd be in Onederland. ACK... no fair!!

About Me
Kenmore, WA
Surgery Date
Jun 07, 2007
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