pre-op diet started

Jun 03, 2011

so i have started the pre-op liquid diet , it was day 1 today ,oh saved me , was feeling so hungry but kept on reading forum after forum to get my mind of hunger.
my nut has asked me to do a all liquid diet and liquid's with viscosity. and i also have to take 2 vlcd sachets in a day. i bought a hand blender to help me with the shakes soups etc. it is working awesome . 
my nut has also advised me to take no sugar substitutes and limit my salt intake to 1/2 tsp. in a day , and also i can not take any packed juices , which i am finding very ridiculous . so i wrote an e-mail to her , with all the questions in my mind.

here is the e-mail i sent her:

Hello doctor, I have some questions regarding my liquid diet that I am following at the moment for my bariatric surgery on 14Th June.
  1. Can I use nutralite or olive oil to temper the dal, so it tastes good ?
  2. Can I have fruit juices of mango?
  3. Can I blend the vlcd sachet with Sugar free chocolate syrup?
  4. Why should I avoid the packed juices, if they do not have added sugar and I count the calories I intake, and don’t go over 800 as recommended by you?
  5. can I take crystal fructose , sold by the company japtose’s
  6. Can I take wheat grass juice?
  7. and why is the salt intake less than 1tp
  8. Will low salt low sugar substitute and no packed juices help me in shrinking the liver in any way, for the surgery, or is it to just stimulate good eating habits in Me.?
well I am you asking stuff about the taste enhancers because if I have to make a life altering decision and stick to it , it should taste good , because if it doesn't’t than I doubt ill be able to stick to it for a very long time .

lest see what her reply is

frist pre-op appointment

May 31, 2011

hi all,

so i went for the doc's first appointment ,pre-op today, he tolled me i have stones in my gallbladder and also have gerd, so he prescribed me a medicine to be taken for gerd till the surgery which is scheduled for 14th June , and told me it will be better that we remove the gallbladder as well , as it is not working because  the stones prevent the gallbladder from working, and suggested that as i have pcos and want to conceive again so it would be better that the pcos drilling can also be performed!!!!!!
is it the right thing to do?
getting gallbladder removed with pcos drilling and vsg all in one surgery?
i hope the surgery does not take a toll on the body and also not to mention the added complications. so on the forum i have been suggested to take opinion from my ob/gyn , so ill do that .
well the rest all went great today , as usual i had a list of questions ready with me when i met the doc. and he very patiently explained me everything. also introduced me to a my patient co-ordination , mousami , i am suppose to contact her directly is case of any problem or questions, she will co-ordinate with all the departments and get back to me. she seemed nice .
i also met the dietitian today , she put me on a liquid diet for the 12 days pre-op , i have to consume no more than 800 cal, an have to be totally on liquids with viscosity ,like soups ,and flowing mushies, dals and watery stuff , but no sugar substitute , and very limited how is it suppose to go in side ,god knows.
but she was nice too and i felt she knows what she is talking about.
then i met the physiotherapist .he showed me some exercises to be dome to prevent thrombosis in my legs after the surgery and told me i should do 30 min walk every day ,at a stretch ,that is with out any breaks.
also the Doctor gave me a device to practice breathing to increase my lung capacity. so that i can revive faster from the anesthesia effect.
so my mom is coming on 12 the and ill be addmetted in the hospital on 13 evenin 5 o'clock and the surgery is on 14th june at 10 o'clock inlo 12 more days to go. wow i am a bit nervous , have to start everything seriously, the liquid diet and the walks . and aloso have to talk some pre-op photos,

one funny thing happened .i asked the doc that as i am addmiteed in 13th and 14th is my vsg so will i go back home by 17 june , so he said yes i told him its my b'day ,so he says "ohhhhh no cake for you" , i said "i knowww"

so the rest later.


Worst things about being fat:

May 22, 2011

1.     hot all the time
2.     Infertility taking over, and not being able to conceive another baby.
3.     sweating all the time’
4.    Not being able to buy or wear ready made clothes.
5.     Scared of seating on the computer chair, for the fear it might break again. As it has happened twice.
6.    While shopping trying to be careful, so that you don’t bump something from your back.
7.    Not being able to go on picnics, hiking, or any thing with long walks involved.
8.     Not being able to climb stairs.
9.     Not being able to tell any body my weight.
10.Husband analyzing what you order at restaurant. Forget going into an ice cream shop.
11.Not being able to tie the seat belts on the airplane.
12.Deleting the pictures I am in. because they don’t look good. 13.Always being at the back of the camera, never in front. Prefer it that way.
14.      Not being able to stair at the mirror for a long time.
15.Not being able to carry my baby for a long time.
16.      Fearing the back ache will be back again.
17.      Husband making fat comments.
18.Fearing my husband doesn’t like what he sees, in me.
19.Never being able to wear jeans and top, skirts, saris..
20.Trying to avoid, any family functions.
21.Worried what people are thinking and looking at me.
22.      Fearing posting my photos on face book.
23.      Fearing to meet old friends and relatives, who have not seen me in ages.
24.     Not able to wear jewelry, (large earrings, necklace) cause I wont look good in it.
25.      Not being able to get a cool hair cut, because I fear I will look horrible.
26.     Fear husband is not proud of me.
27.     No periods. And when they come very heavy periods or light periods which last for 2 months.

found this very intresting , on metabolism

May 11, 2011

something a fellow vsger posted in the fourm:

5 No-brainer ways to motivate your metabolism

Losing weight isn’t about eating less, it’s about eating more—more nutrition-dense food, to crowd out the empty calories and keep you full all day. That’s important, because restricting food will kill your metabolism. It sends a signal to your body that says, “I’m starving here!” And your body responds by slowing your metabolic rate in order to hold onto existing energy stores.

What’s worse, if the food shortage (meaning, your crash diet) continues, you’ll begin burning muscle tissue, which just gives your enemy, visceral fat, a greater advantage. Your metabolism drops even more, and fat goes on to claim even more territory. Here are some no-brainer ways to motivate your metabolism to burn more fat.

A study in Finland looked at sets of identical twins and discovered that of each set of siblings, the twin who slept less and was under more stress had more visceral fat.

2. EAT MORE PROTEIN Your body needs protein to maintain lean muscle. In a 2006 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, "The Underappreciated Role of Muscle in Health and Disease," researchers argue that the present recommended daily allowance of protein, 0.36 grams per pound of body weight, was established using obsolete data and is woefully inadequate for an individual doing resistance training. Researchers now recommend that women get an amount between 0.54 and 1 gram per pound of body weight. (If you want to lose weight, use your goal body weight as your guide.) Add a serving, like 3 ounces of lean meat, 2 tablespoons of nuts, or 8 ounces of low-fat yogurt, to every meal and snack. Plus, research shows protein can up postmeal calorie burn by as much as 35 percent.

37 Protein-Packed Recipes to Keep You Satisfied

3. GO ORGANIC WHEN YOU CAN Canadian researchers report that dieters with the most organochlorines (pollutants from pesticides, which are stored in fat cells) experience a greater than normal dip in metabolism as they lose weight, perhaps because the toxins interfere with the energy-burning process. In other words, pesticides make it harder to lose pounds. Other research hints that pesticides can trigger weight gain.

Of course, it’s not always easy to find—or easy to afford—a whole bunch of organic produce. So you need to know when organic counts, and when it’s not that important. Organic onions, avocado, grapefruit? Not necessary. But choose organic when buying celery, peaches, strawberries, apples, blueberries, nectarines, sweet bell peppers, spinach, kale / collard greens, cherries, potatoes, and imported grapes; they tend to have the highest levels of pesticides.

4. GET UP, STAND UP Whether you sit or stand at work may play as big a role in your health and your waistline as your fitness routine. Missouri University researchers discovered that inactivity (4 hours or more) causes a near shutdown of an enzyme that controls fat and cholesterol metabolism, so you store more fat, rather than using it for energy, all day long. To keep this enzyme active and increase your fat burning, break up long periods of downtime by standing up--for example, while talking on the phone.

Is the Sitting Disease Shaving Years Off Your Life?

5. DRINK COLD WATER German researchers found that drinking 6 cups of cold water a day (that's 48 ounces) can raise resting metabolism by about 50 calories daily--enough to shed 5 pounds in a year. The increase may come from the work it takes to heat the water to body temperature. Though the extra calories you burn drinking a single glass doesn't amount to much, making it a habit can add up to pounds lost with essentially zero additional effort.

10 More Metabolism-Boosting Secrets from the Women’s Health Diet

sleep test.

Apr 27, 2011

so my surgeon gave in a list of tests to be done and doctors to be consulted before surgery. i was okay ed in all tests and by all doctors , but the pulmonologist  is now after my life to get the sleep test done just because i have thyroid and i snore at night  and obviously because i am morbidly obese .  but i told him i never get the choking feeling and by DH has also never experienced me choking for air ,although he can here me snoring .
 i am trying to keep every thing under wraps until the surgery and then too i am going to tell every one i am going in surgery for pcos laprascopic drilling. so that every one gets off my back . but to stay the night in hospital for sleep test will raise all the suspicions . i am so not wanting to do this .u see i have a very big family and i live in a joint family.

is sleep test really a requirement  , ill give a call to my surgeon tomorrow and ask him.

1 comment

questions i asked the surgeon when i went for counselling.

Apr 21, 2011

1.     How many bariatric operations you have performed?
2.     In your career how many operations you have seen developing complications? And why?
3.     Which surgery do you think is a good option for me?
4.     Is gastric sleeve safe compared to other bariatric surgeries?
5.     Will this be performed laprascopically?
6.     What will be the over all cost including the medicines?
7.     Is this surgery covered by medi claim?
8.     What is the mortality rate for this procedure?
9.     What are the complications?
10.How long will be my hospital stay ?
11.And how long will I be in recovery following my surgery??
12.Will I have to follow some pre operative diet?
13.What will be my recovery time?
14.What investigations I will have to go through before the surgery?
15.How much weight I will be able to loose after the surgery?
16.How fast will I loose the weight?
17.Can this weight that I loose, ever come back, in any way?
18.Will my thyroid, pcos, hormonal imbalance and infertility be cured after this?

19.Will I be able to conceive after the surgery?
20.Will my body be able to meet up with the pregnancy needs, and will I be able to provide enough nutrition to the baby inside me?
21.I have heard about the deaths after the bariatric surgery, what could be the reason for those?
22.I have heard more negatives that positives how can the negatives be avoided?

23.If I go for sleeve surgery can it ever leak in future?

24.Will the staples be removed after wards, or will they be always be a part of my body? if yes then can it ever develop infection?

25.Do you have any support group?

26.Can I talk or meet any patients who have had this surgery, in the past?
27.After the surgery what kind of support I will be able to get from your team?
28.How long will you continue to follow up with me after the surgery ? and how available will you be for me after the surgery if I have questions , or discomforts?

29.What kind of post operative care will be provided for me?
30.Will I be constantly in touch with a dietician here?
31.How long will it take for me to resume my normal activities?
32.Will I be able to go hiking, long walks, running, cycling?
33.What are the steps I need to take prior to having surgery?
34.How long will I be in surgery?
35.How soon and how often can I walk after my operation?
36.Will I feel much pain after the procedure?
37.What types of pain management will you provide after surgery?
38.How soon after surgery will I be allowed to drink water?
39.will I be able to lift my child who is about 3 years old?
40.Will I need to follow a post-operative diet after surgery? If so, for how long?
41.Will my eating habits change after surgery?
42.Are there any specific foods or beverages that I should not eat post-operatively?

43.What nutritional supplements will I need to take post-operatively?
44.Will I get sick from eating sugar, natural or otherwise?
45.Will I be able to drink alcohol after surgery?
46.What type of exercise do you recommend post-operatively?
47.Will I suffer any hair loss or other nutritional deficiencies commonly associated with bariatric surgery?

48.will I have to crush my medicines before taking them?
49.what if I over eat at any point ,after the surgery? long will I have to wait for the surgery date?       

New questions- the questions i asked on my second visit-

1.     I want the surgery date to be 12th ,13th or 14th of june.

2.     what will be the stomach pouch size ,don’t make it more than 60 cc, I have read people have stomach pouch of the size of 30 cc.

3.     after the surgery will the gherline hormone production stop fully.

4.     will I have have to get sleep apnea test done? And why ?

5.     can it be done when I get admitted in the hospital?

links to post op diet

Apr 21, 2011

