
Sep 17, 2006

It seems that my pouch didnt return to being a newbie after all. I started having abdominal pain, belching, and constant hunger so I was tested for H-Pylori.  The test was positive. I was given a 14 day round of medication but the medicine made me sick and I threw up several doses. After completing the treatment, I still had symptoms so I was given another round of medication (a different medication). This medicine was a little easier on my tummy and I tolerated it. My symptoms have cleared but I have not returned to the office to be re-tested (at this time).

My family

Sep 15, 2006

September 16, 2006

RockYou slideshow
Karsyn's 1st Birthday

RockYou slideshow
This is what my "adult" daughters do when they have a camera with a timer.

Century Card

Aug 21, 2006

August 22, 2006
As I posted previously, I had internal hernia surgery and my pouch got confused and thought I was a "newbie" again. I threw up for 10-12 days and dropped enough weight to re-earn a Century Card.

Profile Editing

Aug 05, 2006

August 6, 2006
As I've posted, I edited my profile. Recently, I decided to take it to the next level and edit someone else's profile. I now have several other's that I'm working on, so I decided to post links to pages that I spruce.

I move my list. Click
Profiles to go immediately to my list of spruced profiles. (This link no longer works).

a set-back???

Aug 01, 2006

August 2, 2006
I have discovered that my recent surgery has caused my pouch to think I am a newbie. I have tried to eat "normally" but if I want to keep it in my system, it must be water, crystal light, yogurt, SF jello, applesauce, cheese, and not much else.

I have thrown up in the toilet, on the side of the road, in Rite Aid, in Wal Mart, in the drive way, and in the trash can... and that is just today. I didnt list any from the past few days.

I am NOT remorseful of having WLS.. inspite of the present food issues. I needed a reminder that I am not NORMAL and that I will never be NORMAL. I have prayed for years that God will remove my appetite and right now I have no appetite. Maybe this is what God is using to help me.

I'm am drinking plenty of liquids to prevent dehydration.

Internal Hernia

Jul 27, 2006

July 11, 2006
I had a follow up appointment yesterday and got mixed reviews. I am down 7 pounds but I have to have a cat scan.

I previously had chronic diarrhea (history of IBS) and lately a bout with SEVERE gas pains. Well, I am feeling 100% better. The diarrhea has resolved and the recent gas pains are gone. Yes, I did take (eat) almost 1/2 a box of gas-x in a matter of days but the fact remains that I am better. However, Dr Freeman felt that I could have an internal hernia. He said my symptoms, although presently resolved, could be serious.

I was not going to mention the problems to him because like I said I am 100% better, but for some reason, unknown to me, I mentioned it. I fully expected him to tell me that I'm getting "old" and that I cant expect to feel good all the time. NEVER did I expect him to suggest a cat scan or the possibility of another surgery.

They are going to call me today with my cat scan appointment. I am confident that everything will be ok... no matter what the diagnosis.

July 14, 2006
I have spent a lot of time researching internal hernias. Through my research and my discussion with Dr Freeman, I have come to realize that many, most internal hernias cannot be diagnosed by a cat scan. It usually requires surgery to get a diagnosis. This is not good news for me, but I am still not grievous about it.

My cat scan is scheduled for Monday (7/17/06) morning.

Why do a cat scan, if the majority of IH cannot be diagnosed without surgery? I have pondered this question, too. The only logical answer I can come up with is "for those that can be diagnosed" so they will know exactly where the problem is when they go to surgery. The ones that cannnot be diagnosed with cat scan will have to be diagnosed in surgery, every square inch of intestines examined, looking for a kink (or a spot that can kink, as in my case).

July 25, 2006
As I suspected, my cat scan was normal but based on the fact that I had another episode with severe abdominal pain on Sunday, I will be having surgery on Friday. My doctor still suspects that I have an internal hernia and will do exploratory surgery looking for the problem. It is suspected that I have a loop of intestine that slips into an opening (hernia) without getting completely trapped. It gets lodged there just enough to cause pain, but releases itself when I move into the "correct" position.

I had the preadmission testing today and will be due at the hospital before sunrise on Friday.

I am ok (right now) but my husband is very upset by my impending surgery. Please keep him in your prayers. Also pray for the surgical-medical team that will be caring for me.

July 28, 2006

SURGERY: I arrived that the hospital at 5:45 AM and was home by about 1:00 PM. Dr Freeman did find and repair an internal hernia. I have three small dressings that I can't remove until after 48 hours.

PAIN: So far, the pain has been fairly minor. As usual, I expected it to be much worse but I havent even needed any medication. I am sore. It is easier to lie down than to sit up but I wouldnt consider that to be painful, just a discomfort.

DIET: I was released on a regular diet as tolerated. I ate SF jello for my first meal, then had burger-bean-bake later. I was afraid of having gas so I took some gas-X as a precaution.

EXERCISE: The nurse gave me NO instructions. I am following my own common sense; no lifting and no straining for 6 weeks.

FOLLOW-UP: I have a follow-up appointment on August 9, but I'm going to try to change the date because that is not a good time for me.


Jun 16, 2006

June 12, 2006
I saw my surgeon today. It had been a month since I started monitoring my intake, making sure that I follow the rules to the "T". I lost 7 pounds on the plateau buster diet but gained 6 pounds once I started eating vegetable again. I did NOT graze, did NOT snack, I followed the rules and gained 6 pounds.

Again, he assured me that a slight weight gain is NORMAL. I asked him to define a slight weight gain and he said 10-15 pounds. I was quick to point out that I have exceeded normal then since my weight gain is 22 pounds. (Well, 21 pounds if you subtract the one pound I havent gained back from the plateau buster diet). After a review of my eating habits, he prescribed a mild appetite suppressant and wants to see me back in one month.

I also showed him a lump that recently appeared on my lower rib cage. It has a dull/burning sensation but it's not painful. He said it's a lipoma (fatty tumor) and usually does not require any type of treatment. Humm.. a fatty tumor, that's all I need!! My fat trying to unit in one place to make me fat in lumps.

June 17, 2006
For the first time in MONTHS, my numbers are going down. I have worked so hard and wasnt going to weigh until next week but I gave in and stepped on the scales. (Ok I lost one pound on the plateau buster diet, but who's to say that wasnt fluctuation?)

I am optimistic that I am going to real my goal AGAIN.

So get up and dance with me (afterall, dancing is good exercise).

The boys are back in town

Jun 03, 2006

June 4
My daughter and grandsons arrived today, from California. They will be spending at least the summer in Alabama (maybe longer). My SIL is deployed so they are here to help pass the time away.
Please remember to pray for our military. Freedom is never free.

How to break a plateau

May 25, 2006

May 26, 2006
How to break a plateau

#1 - Do this for 10 days to break a plateau.
#2 - Drink 2 quarts of water a day.
#3 - You must have 45 grams of protein supplement and all your vitamins/minerals supplements each day.
#4 - You may consume up to 3 oz of the following high protein foods, 5x a day.

low fat cheese
cottage cheese
plain yogurt or artificially sweetened
Peanut butter

you may also have:

sugar free Popsicles
tea or coffee
sugar free soda
sugar free Jell-o
sugar free Kool-aid
Crystal light drinks

#5 - If it's not on the list, you can't have it for 10 days!!!!

Sample menu:
Water: 16 ounces Kool-aid (I dont like coffee)
Breakfast: 1 egg 1 bacon
Water: 16 ounces SF tea
Snack: 3 ounces tuna
Water: 16 ounces Kool-aid
Lunch: 3 ounces grilled pork chop
Water: 16 ounces water
Snack: 3 ounces canned chicken
Water: 16 ounces SF tea
Dinner: 3 ounces hamburger patty
Water: 16 ounces Crystal Light (water total 96 ounces

Keeping up with the grandkids

May 14, 2006

May 11, 2006
I dont thinik I ever mentioned that this is a NEW profile. When I edited it, I removed a lot. I didnt removed any posts but I had a lot of pictures that I deleted. They were all in black and white (trimmed in black) and didnt seem to go with my new - in color look. So here's a few pictures.

My Grandsons
Ryan (3) and Rowley (2)

My Granddaughters
Kaylee (3 this month) and Karsyn (7 months)

Without surgery, how would I be able to keep up with these kids?

My Pug Puppies

May 15, 2006

I went to Six Flags on Friday (May 12). Here's a picture of me riding a kiddy ride with my granddaughter.
WOW, there was actually room in the seatbelt... I could breathe.

Pack plenty of water (water in the park cost $3.00 a bottle)

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 21, 2003
Member Since

Friends 179

Latest Blog 61
a recent picture
I havent posted in a while...
Better than Expected
Julie's got a date
Update: Julie
To clarify my last post:
Please Help
Rowley's Birthday
