myth of being a light-weight

May 09, 2006

May 10, 2006
Weight: ???
I changed my font color for this post because I want to call attention to this post.

Look at my starting weight. I was considered to be a light weight by most who seek this surgery. I was told "You didn't need to have surgery." "You weren't that big." I was even told "It'll be easier for you since you dont have that much to lose". Well, let me put that myth to rest. Surgery is surgery no matter what and I assure you that I struggle as much or maybe even more than some of you.

As I noted on my entry in January, my weight goes up and down. Lately, it has gone up more than down. There is alot of guilt associated with gaining weight. I even skipped my February appointment because I didnt want my surgeon to think that I'm doing something wrong. I began to shy away from the OH boards because I was embarrassed by the weight gain. Sure they cant see me but I know that I'm gaining. No, it's not a huge amount but it makes a difference in my clothing size and there's a stigma attatched when you fail at surgery.

I dont know if my pouch is stretched, my stoma is stretched, if I have a break in my staple line, or none of the above. BUT I do know that I'm HUNGRY all the time. PLEASE, dont assume that this is the HEAD HUNGER that we've all heard so much about because this is a true PHYSICAL HUNGER!! I try to fight it but as you know will power is no match for physical hunger.

I have called my surgeon. Before he does any tests, he wants to be sure that I am following the pouch rules. He wants me to keep a "diet" of everything I eat for one month. At that point, I will be further evaluated.

Why am I posting this? Because I want you to understand that surgery is not easier on light weights. It's not the EASY way out!! Obesity is a life long battle.

3 years post op

Jan 08, 2006

January 9, 2006
My weight goes up and down. Right now it is up but I am exercising again and trying to get back to my goal. Dr. Freeman says that my body is comfortable at my present weight and that I shouldnt worry about a small gain but some of my clothes are getting tight and I dont want to have to buy more.. so I'm working on it.

My three year anniversary will be next month. Surely, I'll see some results from exercising by my appointment.

exercise & I'm a Grandmommy again

Sep 18, 2005

September 12
EXERCISE: I have discovered the best workout routine and you dont have to do it alone (although I suppose you could).

INSTRUCTIONS: Find a 2 or 3 year old. Turn the TV on and pop a "Wiggles" DVD in, then try to do all the moves they say to do. This has become my regular exercise. Kaylee loves it and keeps me motivated by saying "Dance, Grandmommy, dance".

There's no intimidation when working out with a small child. They will enjoy it and your heart will gain many benefits from the routine.

I recently bought an Elmo exercise video and will try it soon, too.

September 19, 2005
I am a Grandmommy again. This is my fourth grandchild in just two years. How would I ever be able to keep up with all these babies if I had not had this surgery?

Name: Karsyn
Date: September 16, 2005
Weight: 6 pounds 14 ounces
Length: 19 inches

continuing to recover from hysterectomy

Jul 08, 2005

June 8
WEIGHT: unknown
My granddaughter broke my scales and I think this is the best thing that has happened to me. I am not obessive with my weight but I did weigh everyday. I didnt freak out over a fluctuation but I did spend too much time weighing. I am a little more comfortable with myself since I cannot weigh. I'll swing by my surgeon's office soon to weigh, just to see what my weight is doing.

I am 6 weeks post op (hysterectomy). Some people told me that I'd be an invalid after surgery.. like some of the myths of WLS, this one was not true. I have been anything but an invalid. I resumed babysitting my granddaughter when I was 10 days post op and everything has been fine. If you are anticipating a hysterectomy in your future.. email me.

July 9, 2005
My daughter, Kimberly got married today.

Hysterectomy & Recovery

May 27, 2005

April 27, 2005
Hysterectomy Day

April 29, 2005
I got out of the hospital today. It's late, I'll post more later.

May 2, 2005
I am feeling great since my abdominal hysterectomy. I had what most would consider an easy time with surgery. I had no adhesions, no complications, and the pain was tolerable. Today, I am 5 days post op and ventured to Curves. Dont freak out!! I only walked, but it's easier to walk in a group setting than it is to walk in place at home.

May 28, 2005
I went to the Anniston Picnic today. Some people have commented that it's funny that gastric bypass patients get together to eat after surgery.. aren't we supposed to eat?? Anyway, it was a great day and we had some wonderful food and fellowship. It's also my granddaughter's 2nd birthday, so after the picnic, I went to her birthday party/cookout. She got tons of presents.

I am 4 weeks post op (hysterectomy) and I am having to remind myself that I had a major surgery. There has been no pain to speak of since I was 5 days post op. The incision "appears" healed and I feel fine. I sometimes wonder why I waited 4 years to have this surgery.

GYN problems

Mar 14, 2005

March 15, 2005
I am having female troubles... NOT related to the surgery. I have had problems off and on for the past 4 years. Today, I saw my GYN and he scheduled me for a total abdominal hysterectomy on April 27. If you will recall, I refered to myself in an earlier entry as a BIG chicken. That has not changed. I am still scared of surgery, well not of surgery but of the possibility of complications.


Nov 05, 2004

September 3
One week after increasing my meals, water and exercise (as mentioned above) I have lost 3 pounds. That is impressive and encourages me!!

I have been working out at a local gym for several months. Things in this area are going great!! In fact, I am now developing an exercise program for those who are currently obese and those who have had gastric bypass surgery.

November 6, 2004
My weight has fluctuated these past few months. The 5 meals a day plan did not work for me. By the end of September, my weight was up to 145 pounds. Being almost 2 years out, I was able to consume too much food so I had to cut back to three meals a day WITHOUT snacking. I had suffered with what I call "mental fat", commonly called "head hunger" and I felt out of control. I had prayer and prayed that God would remove this affliction but I felt that my prayers were going unanswered. One morning, I realized that God would not remove what I was continuing to feed every day. It was my own fault that He had not answered me. From that moment, I have had a better understanding of my responsibility in this journey. No longer is my surgery a "magic pill" but a "tool" that I must use properly in order for it to work properly.

I am still working out and the exercise program is going good. I have arranged for Dr. Freeman's patients to receive a sizable discount on gym memberships. To take advantage of this discount you can contact me (e-mail) and I will give you the details.

weight gain

Aug 30, 2004

July 27, 2004
BMI: 22.5

I was not going to weigh before my appointment next month but I gave in and weighed. My weight is fluctuating but I suspect that the 134 was actually the fluctuation because I have been 137 for several months, except for that above drop.

August 10, 2004
Today was my 18 month check up. I did not get to see Dr. Freeman; he was detained at the hospital. I had my grandchild with me and she was "a little" fussy, so when Joyce offered me a choice of waiting for him to return or seeing him at my next appointment, I chose the latter. All my labs were normal and I was satisified with that.

August 27, 2004
If you have noticed, my weight is moving slightly upward. I dont want to panic but it is nerve racking to see the numbers going in an upward motion. People can say, "YOU ARE SMALL, IT WONT HURT YOU TO GAIN A FEW POUNDS". but I say that those people have never known what it was like to be obese!! A gain of a pound or two is not earth shattering, but the fear is still there that it wont be just a few pounds. Who knows where the weight will stop once it starts? Besides, has that not been our cycle all of our life? We lose weight only to gain it back!! To anyone who is reading this, PLEASE never tell a formerly obese person that is okay to gain "some" weight. You never know what abnormal eating habits may be buried beneath the surface. Besides, for some of us, being told to gain "some" weight is how we became obese to begin with.

Anyway, I am not willing to tolerate an 8 pound weight increase!! So I dropped by to see Natalie (the nutritionist) at Dr. Freeman's office. She increased my water from 64 to 80 ounces per day, told me to eat 5 meals per day, and to exercise every day. The increase in water is not a problem for me. I usually drink at least 8 glasses a day... maybe my problem is that I drink most of my water early in the day and very little in the afternoon. I am hungriest in the evening, maybe there's a connection. I am going to work on this and try balancing it out.

August 31
An update concerning the water increase, the 5 meals a day and the daily exercise. As I said previously, drinking water is not a problem for me. I am drinking 5 glasses before lunch and 5 glasses afterwards. The 5 meals is a little more difficult but I'm working on it. My biggest question was what should I eat and how much. I sat down and thought about the foods my family normally eats and then devised a menu based on those foods. I printed the menu and carried it to Natalie for her stamp of approvial. I was surprised when she didn't change anything, instead she said it was great!!

As far as exercise goes, I've (at least) walked everyday. My legs feel like they are falling off but I've done it!! It's only been 4 days so I can't see a change but I'm determined to not only reach my goal but to thrive.

GOAL!!!! June 2004

Jun 09, 2004

June 10, 2004
WEIGHT: 134 One pound below goal of 135!!!
BMI: 22

Grandmommy again March 2004

Mar 08, 2004

March 9, 2004
I'm a grandmommy again!! It's a BOY!! He weighed 6 pounds 7 ounces and was 19 1/4 inches long. He was a little early. I have purchased my ticket to fly there to greet him on March 12 but I guess he couldn't wait.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 21, 2003
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Julie's got a date
Update: Julie
To clarify my last post:
Please Help
Rowley's Birthday
