Celest J. 19 years, 3 months ago

Congrats on being POTW. Sending many good vibes your way. Hugs, Celest

CarolineAnnMartin 19 years, 4 months ago

Hi Rachel!!!!!! What a WONDERFUL choice for POTW!!! Congrats sweetie!!!!!! I love you so hon!!!! Any chance you might want to join me Thurs night for the support group meeting at Fountain Valley Hospital? I have a PS appt that night and will be in the area, so I figure perhaps I'll attend. Hugs :) :) Caroline

Oh, Donna 19 years, 4 months ago

CONGRATULATIONS ON POTW! May God keep you in His loving hands. \o/

Donna M. 19 years, 4 months ago

What a great choice for POTW! Congratulations, Rachel! I am inspired by your journey and your dedication to your process. Your outer beauty is amazing, and only outshined by your inner beauty. I am glad that we met and look forward to getting to know you better. I hope you can make it on Sunday, too! Enjoy your week! -Donna

granola 19 years, 4 months ago

Oh!! Rachel, This is THE perfect choice for POTW. You were one of the first people from this board that welcomed me and made me feel at home. You have the dignity and grace of royalty. Your kindness shines from your eyes. I feel very blessed to have met you in person at convention; and "Sam" too. Enjoy your week in the spotlight. It's a good experience for us. We all need it at least once! I love you sweetheart.

Leonard 19 years, 4 months ago

Dearest Rachel: Certainly you know how I feel about you! You're one of the first people I met when I first joined OH! Your beauty extends from your inside to your outside. You possess a genuine warmth that endears everybody to you. Your success with WLS is a great inspiration! Your HB once told me something so very loving about you, and he had not even had one of your "woo woos" yet "she is the greatest mother, wife and friend one could ever want". I am so happy you won this!When Cosette thought up this great award, she certainly must have had you in mind, because in my mind you meet all of her qualifications! I miss you! Congratulations and enjoy your week! You deserve to be "Queen for a week" or two! Luv ya Len

Lisa C. 19 years, 4 months ago

To a very beautiful person inside and out! Congratulations on being POTW! Best wishes, Lisa

marymargaret 19 years, 4 months ago

Hi Rachel, Congrats on being POTW. I hopw you are able to enjoy and really hear all of the wonderful things people will say to you. This is one of those moments in life when you get to bask in your glory. I love being with you, you have the ability to light up the place. Know I am wishing you all the best this week and always. Enjoy your moment my friend, it is much deserved. mary in anaheim

scottey 19 years, 4 months ago

Rachel - I am thrilled that Louise chose you as POTW. You are so sweet and always have something positive to say...thanks for that! Hope you enjoy your moment of "fame!" You'll be in my thoughts. Lots of love, Jenn

tamib 19 years, 4 months ago

Hiya girlie, WTG on POTW, you are deserving. Although I don't see everybody as often as I would like. I still love ya! Have a great POTW week. Love,
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