If you don't succeed...try, try again. I'm beyond that now...

Jun 26, 2008

I pray that all is well with everyone!  I continue to be very frustrated with trying to post on here, but I'll just keep trying. Mostly I just want to encourage all who are comtemplating WLS.  Do your homework!  For me, this new change has truly been an awesome blessing.  I'm 4 years post-op now, and loving everyday that I made this decision.  My health is so much better now.  The only problem that I have now is staying away from the bad carbs.  I'm having to learn and stick to better food choices.  I was an emotional snacker before, and I've learned that some of those same bad habits will follow you into your new life if you're not watching.  I'm learning to not allow what "cursed" me before WLS, to curse me after WLS.  So, my little advice to all, be aware and don't allow yourself to fall into past traps or past temptations.  Stay watchful!  We want this success to truly last our entire lifetime!  God bless you all!
Today is my BEST day!
Love always,

I'm not lost...

May 07, 2008

I truly have tried to add new posts to my profile, but for whatever reason when I'm finished typing and hit save, it doesn't work.  I've even been in touch with OH technical services, but nothing has helped.  If you're able to see this post, then you'll know what is going on.  If not, yet another post was not saved.  I've lost some very good information that I've tried to send, and I won't try to send it again right now.  I just want every one to know that all is well with me, and above and and most of all God is so good to me ALL THE TIME!  For all those contemplating this life, stand on your beliefs (and your hat) and hang on for a wonderful ride.  I thank God for this wonderful second chance at a wonderful "new life again"!  God bless you all, is my prayer!

I'm not doing too bad at keeping up, huh? :o)

Jan 02, 2008

A very Happy New Year to ALL!    Praise God that we made it, and I'm so happy to be here.  A lot happened in 2007.  Some things kind of shook me to the core, but I survived.  And as I reflect back, I know that through it all, I am blessed! 

Earlier in 2007, I was put to the challenge of a health issue that had not seemed a problem in the past.  I was very, very fatigued 90% of the time.  I would go to the gym and work-out, and then drag myself home only to fall into my favorite over-sized chair and not want to move for the rest of the evening.  I did this over and over again.  Finally, I knew that it was time to go and get this "thing" checked out.  I saw my PCP in March, and the first thing that she did was to give me an EKG.  Well ~ to our dismay, we found out that my heart rate was WAY too low.  Thus, the reason for my severe fatigue.  She sent me back to my cardiologist and he took many, many tests.  He determined that I had a condition known as Bradycardia - a very low heart rate.  My heart was beating at a rate of approximately 40 something beats per minute.  I understand that the heart rate can be different for many people, but a pretty "normal" and healthy heart rate would be around 70 bpm ~ according to my cardiologist.  WELL!!!  Was it any wonder that I felt so tired???? 

Then to make matters SO much worse, on July 4th (which happened to be one of the hottest days in Central California in 2007), during my family reunion, I got dehydrated and ended up in the ER.  Now THAT wasn't a good thing.  To make a pretty long story short...in August I had to have a pacemaker implanted to help my heart to stay on track with the right number of heart bpm for me.  WOW!  I have to say though, that I feel wonderful.  I'm not totally dependent on the pacemaker, but it does remind my heart to beat faster when it gets lazy! 

In between this taking place, I also experienced three ~ Yes 3 of my precious sister/friends passing away.  I loved them all, and two of them and I were so very close.  They all were in the age range of 50 to 54...they all succumbed to cancer...and they all passed away within 3 months of each other!  It was devasting to say to least!  I miss them so much!  Because of our faith, I know that they are with our Heavenly Father and have made it from Labor to Reward!  I'll see them again one day, but in the meantime, I'll never forget them.

The last test of my faith in 2007, was my own precious mother being admitted to the hospital the second week of December.  I was so thankful that God healed her, and that she came home the week before Christmas.  I am so blessed to still have both of my parents living.  They may have some afflictions in their bodies, but they are still here!!  Thank You Jesus!

Now I must hurry and say that there were some great and awesome things that took place as well!!  I'm going to be a grandma again...to a precious baby girl!!  Oh yeah!    Also, I actually laid some of the ground work for my new business!  I still have a ways to go, but I'M DOING IT!!!    I'm so looking forward to the day when the name of my company will be spoken of by people all over the world!  I have very high expectations, and I know that All things are possible if I only believe ~ Believe in God and that this is His Will concerning me, and believe in Myself!!! 

Well, there you have it...a little bit of what shaped my life in 2007.  I have a little over a week before I experience another event that will shape the first part of my life in 2008.  Yes, I'm almost to my surgery date.  I'm feeling a slight bit anxious, but I know that's because I'm ready to have it done, and move on into what I know will be a wonderful year!  To All those who believe in the Power of prayer, please pray for my success and quick healing regarding this surgery!  Many thanks to you.  I'll update again soon...

Oh absolutely, I'm living a "Newlifeagain"... 

Counting down the days until my surgery.....

Dec 31, 2007

Okay...I'm almost there.  This week I will be finishing up the process of moving closer to my surgery date.  I haven't really been nervous about it.  At this point, however, I'm feeling the slight touch of anxiousness.  I think it's more because of the pre-op testing and labs that I need to do.  Also, due to the Christmas holidays, some of the dr.'s offices have been closed.  Thus, my desired appt. times are not happening exactly to my liking.  That's okay...I'm a true believer in situations happening the way that they should according to God's will for my life.  So, I know without a doubt, that all will turn out well!!

As far as my weight is concerned, I'm still in the same place.  The good thing is that I'm not in a worse place.  Last week with it being Christmas week, and with guests in my home, I couldn't exercise the way I needed to.  (My daughter in the bedroom and my grandson in the living room).  So ~ this morning I started out again with my 2 mile exercise video.  I got up at 5:15 a.m. and went to work.  It felt good and I got in a very good sweat...so I believe that I had a good work-out.  I'm going to keep going this week, and next week up to my surgery date with this program.  I know that after surgery, I'll have to wait awhile before being able to exercise like this.  Hopefully, however, the weather will be good enough for me to take short "walks" in the neighborhood.  We'll see what happens.  Honestly, at this point, I just want to get it over with and get on the road to recovery!
I'm looking for very EXCITING things to happen for me in 2008.  I want to take further steps into opening my business.  I'm so excited about that.  I'm ready to complete the building up of my website, and get started in the process of getting my business on the road.  I've had this dream for a good while, and it's time to move out with it.  I trust God that the doors will open for me, and that everything that I will need to move forward will all fall into place effortlessly!  I'm believing this with my whole heart!  
In the meantime, life is wonderful and I'm living a "Newlifeagain"! 

God bless.....


Dec 28, 2007

Wow....I'm trying NOT to get disappointed in myself.  I've put on a few extra pounds and I must get them off.  I'm finding that it's more harder to get them off now than ever before.  I'm getting ready to have a hernia repair with a panniculectomy in 2 weeks.  After my pacemaker surgery (yes...a lot going on), that's when while I was at home recouperating that I put on the extra pounds.  Prior to the pacemaker surgery, I was going to the gym faithfully.  However, after the surgery, I couldn't go to exercise the way I was use to, and I couldn't exercise my upper body at all for 6 weeks.  Of course that is MORE than enough time to change a good habit into a bad one.  I started 3 weeks ago on the exercise video again, and I was coming along with that (getting in 10 miles a week) the week-end before Christmas.  I had guests, and I wasn't able to get up and video exercise as early as I was use to.  So, I've gotten off track once more.  Well, it's after Christmas now.  The food is gone, the company is gone, and I've got to get back on track.  If at all possible, I really want to loose 10 of the extra pounds that I've put on prior to my surgery in 2 weeks.  I know that with my faithfulness to exercise and diet, and definitely through prayer, I will get there.  In the meantime, I will continue to be so thankful to God for this precious gift that He has given to me.  A 18 pound gain is no where near the 156 pounds that I have lost.  I do realize however, that I must keep a mind set that I want to always have my good health, and that means to never return to where I came from.  I am so blessed and I know it.  Ok, I will update again when I get the chance.  To all I say, take care and God bless you!  As my motto has always been for the past 3 1/2 years ~ "I'm living a 'Newlifeagain'"!!!  Hallelujah!  ;o)

It's been WAY to long since last post.... :o(

Oct 29, 2007

This is the second time that I've tried to post this message.  I can't believe that I lost all of my first post.  I'll just make this one brief and to the point!!

At my last post, I weighed in at 167 pounds.  Well today, I'm not happy to say that I'm weighing in at 176 approximately.   Which means, not only have I NOT made it to my goal, but I have a longer way to go before I reach it.  I must admit that it's partly because I have picked up the nasty habit of eating too many carbs.  Not only that, it's a very difficult habit to break.  I was going to the gym religiously, however, a little over 3 months ago, I had to have a pacemaker implanted.  I will say that now I am ready to go back to the gym.  I NEED to go back to the gym.  I'm going to do all that I can to get off the carbs and get back into the gym so that when I get my panniculectomy in December I'll be in better physical shape. 

My determination is to get back on track.  I will not ever go back to where I came from.  I praise God for this wonderful blessing of a second chance to be in great health!!!  Thank you Jesus!

I'm living a "Newlifeagain"...
