Hey...I did it again last night!!!!

Jul 16, 2008

Ok, I'm on a roll, and on my way to making a good habit!  I exercised again last night!!!  That's 2 evenings in a row.  I truly can say that I enjoyed it a lot!  I think I've always loved exercising really, but it's just that when the habit is broken, it's hard to get started again.  It's so easy to find many things to do instead of exercising.  Honestly, I also think the fact that to know my exercise routine, it's easier to stay on track.  I like knowing the exercise routine from start to finish.  I don't really get bored, and I know when moves are going to speed up to get my heart rate to its peak, and then slow down for the cool downs.  It's a bit predictable, but I don't mind.  Another thing that I like is looking at myself while I exercise.  Aww...come on...no it's not my vanity speaking.  Read on!  My bedroom  closet doors have mirrors, and looking at myself helps me keep my form as I'm exercising.  I remember to keep my abs tight, and I can tell whether or not I'm doing the movements correctly, which can make a big difference in the work-out.  Anyway, it works for me and whatever works is what we tend to stay with!  I've continued to be mindful of my eating as far as what and when and how much.  I've increased my protein intake through shakes and food.  Almost everything I eat is protein based.  No ~ I'm not doing the no carbs thing, but I do want to make sure that I get my daily quota of protein in.  That's so very important for my muscle tone, and especially for my heart since it's my most important muscle.  Yesterday I ate....yogurt with granola, rice cakes, a combination of tuna, boiled eggs, and shredded cheese for lunch (so good), beef jerky for snacking, and the a chili dog (with bun and shredded cheese) for dinner.  I'm sure that there are some things that I probably could have tweeked or should have done without, but hey, it was all good, I felt satisfied, and I didn't over do it.  I know that if I feel satisfied I won't be tempted to eat things that I definitely should not eat.  Eating the rice cakes, gives my sweet tooth a little treat, and it's definitely not as bad as eating a snickers, cookies, ice cream, or something that I know will take me on a long guilt trip.  I LOVE traveling, but those "guilt trips", are just horrible...and they last for way too long.    Well, ok...I know that I'm getting my determination back!  Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Until next time....you've got it.....Today is my BEST day!!!


Jul 15, 2008

Well....I finally broke the streak!  I EXERCISED yesterday!  I worked out to my 2 mile video, and I felt so great and empowered afterwards!  I stayed focus much better yesterday when it came to my meals, and I don't think that I did too badly at all yesterday.  I re-committed to my goals and to myself, after reading about how many people as far out as I am are gaining weight back.  We absolutely CANNOT afford to go back to where we started this journey.  That would be a total waste of time, energy, and NOT to mention all the MONEY that we and the insurances spent out.  No way will I do that.  I was pretty upset that I've gained a little shy of 20 lbs.  I couldn't believe that I was reading about some people who had gained as much as 100 lbs. back.  Although, I do know a couple of people personally who gained everything back (and then some) after having the surgery.  It's sad to think that it is so easy to do.  I knew that this surgery was not the cure all, but as someone said so clearly yesterday, we forget that we have to use the tool for what it was intended for the rest of our lives.  We can't get lazy and slack off.  We have to stay on top of our good health and do everything that we are supposed to do to keep our health good...i.e., no excess snacking, limit carbs, take in protein first, drink plenty of water, don't over-eat ~ stop when full, no drinking for 30 minutes prior or after our meals.  (Although, I have another bari-sister who I've seen drink close to a 32 oz. ice tea with her meal and she doesn't seem to gain weight with it.  Of course that just lets me know that we are no all created equal ).  And then last but not least, we must EXERCISE, EXERCISE, EXERCISE!!!!!  OK...I'm getting it now, and I'm encouraging my own self! 
I want to exercise to my video Monday through Friday...preferably in the mornings (ooooo 4:00 a.m. is soooooo early), but right now I'm doing it in the evenings when I get home from work.  I've heard that morning exercising gets the metabolism going really good.  However, I'm sure that any time is a good time to exercise!!  I'm just glad that I'm doing it again.  At 2 miles a day, I figure 10 miles a week is a good place to start...and then build up from there.  I notice also, that when I exercise to this video, she reminds us to hold in our abs while working out.  I use to unconsiously hold in my abs all the time, which made my tummy and middriff look so slim.  Oh yeah.....then I kind of got lazy....and my laziness became noticable. I didn't have that nice flat tummy look anymore.  BUT....I'm back on track now.  Hallelujah!  I even had a little soreness this morning which actually felt good.  Perhaps it's a mental thing, but the sorness served to remind me that I did a good thing yesterday and got back on track!!  And I'm going to stay on track.  Ok, ok, ok....I'm getting it!  I hope to see some results by the end of this week, but I'm not going to be too hard on myself.  I'm a slave to my scale already and I know it.  It would be great if I could only get on it once a week, but I just can't wait that long.  Sad thing, is that our body fluids shift all the time, so daily weigh-ins are not necessarily truthful.  Well, if I just HAVE to weigh in daily, I'll only record on Fridays.  That's good, and since I weigh first thing in the mornings (no clothing at weigh in ~ TMI...sorry), from Friday to Friday should give me a good indication of how I'm actually doing. 
Now then, that's the plan.  If you're reading my profile, pray with me over my concerns, and you can even send a little encouragement my way should you so desire.    In the meantime, I will sign off with my usual....Today is my BEST day!!!  God bless you all!

Slowly, but surely......

Jul 14, 2008

I'm happy this morning (actually, I happy every morning)...but today I saw a new "lower" number when I stepped on the scales.  I'm officially down 1 1/2 pounds, although I think it's closer to 2 lbs.  For a 1 1/2 to 2 lb loss in one week is not so bad.  Oooo whoooo....my eating better is truly paying off.  Now if I could just get my butt back into exercising regularly, I'm sure that by next Monday, I'll be even happier!!!   

I had a wonderful week-end.  For the first time this year, and in a couple of years, I got into the pool and swam like a fish.  Of course I'm self concious of these flappy, loose skin thighs and arms, but I was at my daughter's house and me and my granddaughters had the pool to ourselves, and they don't care about Nanna's legs and arms.  Actually they like jiggling the loose skin around.  They think it "moves" like jello!  I had to laugh at that myself.  Anyway, we swam and played for about 2 hours in the pool.  Towards the end, I even did a few pool exercises...my style.  I worked my upper arms, did some twists for the waistline, and some leg kicks.   It really was a lot of fun.  I've always heard that pool exercising and swimming are one of the best ways to get total exercise to the body.  If I had a pool, I would try to get in it for at least 1/2 hour and swim everyday...especially in the summer time when it's super hot here in Bakersfield!!!  In fact, on Saturday the water was kind of warm and it felt so good.  I just loved it ~ and spending time with my granddaughters!!

Well, I have a busy week scheduled this week so I'm gearing up for that.  I should have a wonderful week.  The remainder of this month is going to be quite busy as well.  I love all that I do, especially with my church and family.  I truly praise God for living a life that I think is wondeful and filled with the love and support of my friends and family....which also includes my OH family here.  I love the support that I have gotten since becoming a member back in 2005.  There is so much good advice here, in addition to encouragement.  I also love being able to give encouragement and advice from my own personal experiences.  This is what it takes to get through this life and this experience.  I thank God everyday for another chance to live a healthier life and be the best that I can be.  I pray that all who are considering, and those who have already started this journey, to have much success.  We must always remember that this is a change for the better...for a lifetime!!  We must always set ourselves up for success and not failure.  I know what failure "taste" like and I didn't like it.  I would much rather taste success, and now that I've tasted it, I LOVE it!!!  It is very delicious to me.  My endeavor is to make it to my personal goal, and even further if possible.  I'm in the countdown and I have no doubt that I will make it. 

God bless you all and remember that...Today is OUR Best day!!

Much love, ~ Rose

More encouraged than ever!

Jul 11, 2008

Today I am more encouraged than ever.  I met a new friend on OH, and it was just what the Lord ordered for me today.  Her story is just so awesome!  Last night I went to Vons and did a little shopping. I truly endeavored to make better food choices, and I did a great job.  I did not buy anything that would come back to haunt me with "down the road" pounds.  LOL!  Even in my new 'weight loss' world, I've learned that I have to be reasonable.   Now I know that I can never live a life where I will never want to eat a little something sweet.  However, I know that I need to make wise choices even with that.  So last night I chose to buy a bag of mini caramel rice cakes.  I know they have carbs, but for the serving size, they are not as bad as some of the "protein" bars that I was eating.  Not to mention that some of those bars caused me to dump because of the sugar alcohols that were used in them. Oooo it was bad!!!  Anyway, I also bought a package of these corn chips that are covered with Flax seeds.  I looked at the Nutritional facts, and while they truly are not too bad in the Carb area, they a pretty loaded in the Protein area as far as chips go.  I thought that would be a pretty good snack.  I also purchased yogurt that was on sale.  Love those sales no matter what store I'm shopping in!  I'm not particularly fond of the smooth texture of puddings and yogurt, however I can eat them if I add just a little bit of granola...or even a few nuts.  The added nuts may sound strange, but it's really not bad with chocolate pudding ~ chocolate and peanut taste combined ~ kind of reminds me of a Reesy cup.  (Did I spell that right)?  I also bought some black forest turkey slices, cheese, chili beans, eggs, ground sausage, and watermelon.  In addition, I'm trying to drink more fluids so I bought these flavored vitamin waters called "Eating Right".  Truthfully, I'm not fond of them...they taste so empty.  Nevertheless, I'm pushing the fluids a little more.  I've vowed to also drink at least one protein drink per day, but preferably two.  I'm doing good at taking my meds, vitamins, etc.  So, I'm trying at 4 years out, to develop the focus that I had when I started.  To eat smaller meals, more often.  I guess that should have actually been the long term committment and lifestyle change in the first place.  I've heard more people say on OH that they eat several small meals a day to keep their metabolism working all day long, thus burning calories.  Since that sounds so simple, why is it so hard to continually do?  Wow!  Well, I think I'm doing great.  I have so many beautiful clothes, and the only way that I want to give them away is that they get too BIG for me ~ NOT I get to big for them!!!  THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN HERE.  Oh yes, the other thing that I need to do is start trying to slowly re-introduce exercise.  I just can't let my heel/foot problem get the best of me and force me to stop exercising altogether.  I loved to exercise when I was in the groove of it.  You couldn't pay me to miss one of my sessions.  I have got to get back to that place...even if I'm not able to push up to the vigorous routine as before.  Just as long as I'm moving a little every day is good enough.  Maybe 1 to 1 1/2 miles a day, working out to my video everyday.  That's better than what I'm doing right now which is nothing.  Ok, I've got my game plan set and now for the execution!!!  Today is July 11th.  By July 31st, I want to see at least a 5 pound drop on my scales.  I'm in the huddle and I'm cheering myself on.  I can do it....I CAN do it....I CAN DO IT!!!!!  YES!!!!!  Ready, get set, and ......GOOOOOOOOOOOOO!I know that you, my friends, are praying for me, because many of you are far enough out to know exactly what I am going through right now.  Thank you for your prayers!  You will also be in mine.  BTW, I have also returned to my local support group meetings.  They are great and it's good to see my old friends there...some are doing great and some are not.  However, we're all there to encourage one another and know that as a team together, we can make it!!

I never want to end without encouraging those who are new and/or doing the research and anticipating the possibility of WLS.  Let me say again that it's the best thing that I could have done for myself...saving my life and attaining control of my great health!  That's what it's all about!  Always start with prayer, and go from there.  Good health is TRUE success!  As I always end...Today is my BEST day!

Love you all,

Slowly....but steadily moving down!

Jul 10, 2008

Well, it seems that my scales are moving steadily downward...although VERY slowly.  That's ok, I'll take what I can get right now.  I weighed in at 180 this morning.  My snacks are much healthier, and I've added more protein to my diet.  I've also been consuming more liquids, although it's through various means, i.e. coffee, flavored water beverages, crystal lite packets, etc.  I just have a problem drinking plain water.  I think this evening when I get home, I'm going to make a pitcher of ice tea.  It's over 100 degrees here anyway and I'm sure drinking cold ice tea will be a wonderful treat to help cool me down.  :o)
This is just a short update, and I'll update again later.
Today is my BEST day!

I think it's working... :o)

Jul 08, 2008

Ok, I'm pretty happy that it looks like my post are finally "sticking".  Wooo Hooo....

Well this morning I weighed and my scales said 182.5.  That's a 1/2 pound down from yesterday morning, and I'll take the 1/2 pound...as long as the arrow is pointing down, that's good enough for me!!!  There is one habit that I have that I think is worth researching out.  I was told in my group support meeting that artificial sugar makes the body react the same way that natural sugar does.  Also, I read an article that stated the same thing.  The body thinks it's real sugar and starts to dump insulin or something like that.  But the bottom line is that the body "stores" it as sugar (energy) and it causes a person to actually gain weight just as if they have consumed excess sugar.  I don't know how it works, but I do know that I use a lot of splenda.  If this is what is happening with the splenda, I need to cut back right away.  The article went on the say that when drinks like the water flavored beverages that are artificially sweetened are consumed at night before going to bed, the body responds as if it is receiving "calories" and stores it.  I've tried to explain what I read as best I could, but it doesn't make any sense to me.  Nevertheless, if my body is reacting to the splenda as if it's sugar, then I truly need to cut back ~ immediately!!  I usually put 3 to 4 packets in my coffee (I like it sweet) and many times I do drink those flavored water beverages before going to bed and even if I wake up during the night thirsty, I usually have a bottle sitting on the table next to my bed.  Oh my gosh....what am I to do with this situation???  Hasn't it been said that using an artificial sweetener is better than using real sugar which has lots of calories?  Where is a person to turn and what is a person to do....when we need our stuff sweet????  Oh well, we just have to do the best that we can do, right?!  

I wanted to say that I'm trying to get back on track with my exercising, but I thought to myself, why keep saying that...either I'm going to start doing it or not!!  It's just wasted words to keep repeating what I'm "trying" to do....like Nike says, "JUST DO IT"!!  Ok, I've beat up on myself enough to day.  I'm going to walk with a positive state of mind, knowing that I'm on my way to success!  I have the determination within me to do what is required to get my desired results!!  Amen!!!  To all who are new and are just getting started, hang in there and go for it.  I will always add that this WLS isn't for everyone.  That being said, pray about it and definitely do the research.  When you feel confident of what your plan is, go for it...whether through WLS or regular diet plans.  It's so much healthier with the weight off.  The WLS is by no means a "quick fix", and it will never be.  I'm 4 years post-op (almost), and when I mention to some of the newer WLS patients to stay focused and DON'T EVER waiver from what is required, they kind of look at me funny.  When I tell them, the weight can and will come back, they're like "yeah, right".  Well, I will say to you, don't get too comfortable in the "honeymoon" phase.  If you are not watchful and careful, you will find yourself in a place that you are not happy with...the weight WILL come back.  This is a lifetime change, and keeping the weight off is a lifetime challenge...even AFTER WLS.  Ok, I'll step down off of my soapbox now.  It's just a loving little warning that I share with anyone wanting to know the truth.  I know that there are others out there who will testify to this truth as well.

My blessings and prayers for all of us here.  And as always....today is my BEST day!!

Always trying to post here...to encourage others as well as mys

Jul 07, 2008

Well, it's Monday morning and that means another opportunity for a fresh a new start!  I weighed this morning and the scales said 183...yikes!  WHY IS THE SCALE GOING UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    I'm so disappointed right now.  I know that I haven't gone to the gym in awhile, and I know that I need to get on the ball about several things.  In other words, I'm not blaming anyone or anything except myself!  I've got to realize that if I don't stop...and STOP right now, I am going to pay a sad price!  I've said that by the end of this year, I want to have lost the last 30 pounds to get to my own personal goal of 150.  Of course the doctor wants me to go smaller, but I don't think I would look healthy at a smaller size.  The lowest that I've gotten so far is 165, and I felt good but I did look a little "skeletal"....which I don't like that look.  It makes a person look kind of anorexic.  So, I MUST start the exercise program again.  I will tell the truth in saying that I do have a problem with my right heel.  May be a heel spur or something, but all I know is that with some of the best walking shoes, I still experience terrible pain in my heel after I've exercised regularly for a few days.  I've gone to the podiatrist before and I've gotten treatment...even a sleeping boot for Plantar Facitis (sp), especially made for my right foot (expensive).  Anyway, I just have to do what I can to get through it.  Diet alone is not working for me right now...not to mention that I know I'm probably not eating as healthy as I should be to begin with.  I've just got to keep in prayer and ask the Lord to help me with this problem.  I know that He will.  I'm still wearing a size 14, which is great.  Some of them are a little snug, but not bad.  The only thing is, is that I do have some size 12's that I was wearing comfortably.  Well, about 20 lbs later, they are not fitting comfortably any longer.  I will make a promise to myself right here and right now that I will get back into those clothes ~ THIS YEAR!!!  I promise!!  In the Name of Jesus!!!  Now that's why I want this computer to post my blogs.  It's my journal as to the goals that I set for myself, and as I look back I can track myself on how well (or bad, God forbid) that I am doing.  Please, Please post this blog computer!!!!     Well, I'll end for now, but before I go, I just want to encourage all who are checking into the WLS.  I wouldn't trade my decision for anything.  It's the best life decision that I could have ever made for myself!  All I ask is that you do your homework.  Check your doctor out thoroughly, do everything that you are suppose to do in preparation, and I'm sure that you too will experience a wonderful new life, as well as a healthier life and that's the most important reason of all!!!

God bless you all and remember...Today is your (and my) BEST day ever!


I just can't figure it out...

Jul 03, 2008

It's amazing that I keep even trying to get this computer to post my updates.  I'm not a quitter so I just keep on trying....  Hopefully, one day soon I'll look, and there will be all of my previous postings that as of yet, are not here.  Hmmmm...one can only hope.....

It's almost here...another "surgiversary".  I wonder who came up with that word ~ surgiversary?  Well, it sure does fit.  I will have 4 years post-op under my belt in approximately 2 more months.  I am so very proud of how successful I have been with this WLS.  Now I must admit that as I've gotten further out, and have been able to experience more choices, it has been a bit more difficult to "do the right thing".  HOWEVER, when I think about how it all start and how far I have come, now those thoughts encourage me to continue to "do the right things".  I don't want to ever go backwards and end up where I was before.  This is a much healthier, not to mention better, fun, exciting, exilerating, etc., lifestyle!!!!!    I wouldn't trade this for anything!

SO, I want to always encourage those who are just getting started and those who are newbies, DON'T GIVE UP EVER!!!!!  Do what you have to do to get healthier.  Living a good healthy life is the best life, and nothing else compares to that ~ NOTHING!!!

Here's to YOU, and God bless you all!!!

Today is my BEST day ever!


Working on new goals...

Jul 02, 2008

I believe that I'm still having problems posting, but I will continue to try.  :o)  

I am determined that I will get to my personal goal of 150 by Christmas 2008.  That gives me exactly 6 mos. to do this.  I need to loose approximately 30 lbs. to accomplish this goal.  That would break down to only 5 lbs. a month.  I believe that this goal is totally accomplishable, and I'm going to give it my best shot.  Just this morning I turned down donuts, but I did eat a cookie.  I know that eating the cookie wasn't a good idea either, but I do think it was better than eating the donut.  I must get to the point that I was in the beginning where I ate nothing aside from what was listed in the bariatric surgery book.  My problem is that I allowed carbs to sneak back into my life.  I have learned one thing for sure, and that is if a person goes back to eating like they did before the surgery, they will eventually get the same results as before the surgery...a life time of being over-weight and pain.  I will not go back to that.  Besides living a much healthier life, I'm having a very fun time doing it.  It is so amazing to go into Macy's, J.C. Penny's, Bloomingdales, Nordroms, Neiman Marcus or any of those stores and just pull an outfit off the rack, NOT TRY IT ON and take it home and KNOW THAT IT WILL FIT!!!!!!  How unbelievably wonderful is that???????  It's just the best feeling in all the world.  Oh ~ and to go to the sale rack and get the cutest things to wear is a high that is uncomparable to any drug that I know.  Well, let me clear that up ~ I've never used any of the recreational drugs in my life, but I just can't imagine anything better than this feeling.  I mean when I walk into a store, pick up an outfit in my "new" size and know that it will fit, I get this feeling of euphoria that feels so good.  Wow!!!  Ok, I've got to stop talking about it.  I told myself that I wouldn't buy any more clothes anytime soon.  My closets are overflowing...literally!!  Even my 8 year old granddaughter told me that I had too many clothes.  I couldn't stop laughing!!

So, it's back on track for me.  I've already started this morning with taking my 1st protein drink of the day.  I want to have one in the morning and one in the evening.  I will also increase my water intake.  Unfortunately, I've developed a condition called "Plantar facitis" (sp. ?)  The back of my right heel, calf, and all the way up to my right buttock is so painful, that any exercise is difficult.  I went to my podiatrist and he made a sleeping boot for me, so I've got to start using that again at night.  Eventually, this condition gets better, but in the meantime it's hard to exercise at the gym.  I'll try continuing with my Walk Away the pounds video at home...just to keep moving even a little.  Pray for me.  :o)

Ok, let's end now and find out if this will post.  :o)  I will try again soon.  I pray all of you will have a wonderful and safe 4th of July!  This is a great journey, so repsect the tool and live your best life ever!  My prayers for all to enjoy a wonderful new jouney...

Today is my BEST day ever!


Happy Friday!

Jun 27, 2008

Well, I'm so happy that I believe I've finally gotten this posting thing down.  It has been a wonderful week.  I've gone on the OH site several times this week, and I've gotten much wonderful encouragement  ~ along with meeting some precious new friends.  Everyone is so great to talk to here...at least for me that has been my experience.  I continue to make efforts to stay focused on making better choices with my food....espcially in the area of carbs.  I know it's probably the sugar thing also.  I don't conciously add sugar to anything that I eat.  I still dump on sugar if I take too much in, and honestly I'm glad.  It's the hidden sugars that to get me.  The ones that the amount is not enough to make me dump, but just enough to halt additional weight loss.  I'm on OH a lot more now, to regain my focus, and to use my posting as a new starting point and future gage.  I've heard so many good things about how to start to scales the moving downward again.  Some of the tips I can use, and some I can't see as do-able for me.  I'm so busy during the day, that it is utterly impossible for me to stop and write down every morsel that goes into my mouth.  However, I do need to increase my protein, my water intake, and my exercise...and those things are do-able.  I just thank God for this wonderful opportunity at a heathier life.  I'm like someone else that I read about yesterday.  I've come too far in this to turn around and go back to where I came from.  Oh, BTW, I don't think I've mentioned here yet, that I've had a little "plastics" myself.  :o)  In January, I had a hernia repair with a mini abdomnioplasty.  I am so glad that my huge, heavy apron is gone.  My insurance would only pay for the apron removal and not the entire tummy tuck, but I'm happy with what I got.  I don't actually have the "coke bottle" waistline and flat tummy, but I'm still happy.  My clothes fit a lot better and it's obvious.  When I thought that I was "hiding" my apron by tucking it into a tight girdle, I really wasn't.  BUT, it looked better in the girdle than it did loose.  :o)  Does that make sense?  Anyway, I don't have to worry about that any longer.  I now need to work on getting my upper abdomin tighter and I'm sure that with some ab exercises, I can get a little results.  I always say that I don't want to have anything else done, but honestly, I have found myself researching about the upper arm lift.  I would love to have my arms done...I really would.  I find myself having to buy bigger tops that are really too large, but I have to so that the sleeves will fit.  I don't dare go sleeveless ~ EVER.  Although, I did at the beach last week-end, but I saw more horrendous stuff than my arms so I figured that I was pretty safe there.  LOL!  I pray that if it's for me to have my arms done, then the Lord will make a way for it to happen.  In the meantime, I not going to stress over it.  If I have to, I'll get my sewing machine out and make myself some tops...IF I HAVE TO.  :o)

Ok, enough posting for now.  I know how this computer has a personality of it's own and I don't want to make it angry or upset.  LOL!  Until the next time, all of you that are anticipating and you newbies...do the research and follow all the rules.  It's a wonderful blessing, but the rules MUST be followed for success.  Take care and God bless you all!  As I often say, I'm living a New life again (my signon), and Today is my BEST day!

