
Sep 25, 2010

I'm finally getting into the groove!  Eating small frequent meals.  Protein shakes a few times a week, learning to chew, chew, chew. . .slow down, and know the foods I can tolerate.  I am now losing like crazy.  I'm down about 74 lbs and finally getting it.  It's been a 2 yr struggle of losing/gaining/losing/whatever.  But, I finally get it.  I'm getting the lifestyle change and it's pretty good.  At least for now, I'm thankful for the decision to get the band.  While I watch others revise their gastric bypass surgeries because their stomachs are stretching, I'm learning the lessons and while slow, I'm still losing while learning.  And hopefully, I'll reach my goal and stay there now that I've corrected the head issues along the way. 

The year in review

Sep 18, 2009

Well, it's been quite a year.  I currently weigh 8 lbs more than I did this time last year.  But I'm not gonna get myself all worked up over it.  I've endured a lot of stress and physical trials; starting with my cornea being removed by my infant daughter, my mom having three heart attacks,  and my dad having a stroke.  This was all followed by an overfill which left my esophogas completely swollen shut.  After vomiting and spiting up saliva over 24 hrs, I finally had an unfill.  Since then I've had two or three fills.  I'm not at my max, but close to it.  I could probably use a little more restriction, but I still get stuck every once in a while and would like to play it safe.

Since I'm over a year out, I no longer get free fills or free doctor consults.  A fill would now cost me $400.  In this economy, and the fact that I'm trying to keep our five children fed and clothed. . .it's not a possibility right now.

I've recently started losing the 15 lbs I gained since Thanksgiving last year.  I've added three things to my daily routine.  I like adding, not subtracting. 
1.  I'm keeping a glass of water in my hand at all times.  Water, water, water.
2.  I'm keeping up with my protein shakes at breakfast time.  I have to have a hot drink in the a.m. to warm up my band.
3.  I'm fitting in just 10 min of physical activity each day.  Not much. . .but it's something.  With plantar fasciitis, it's a lot.

My goal is to lose 10 lbs in 5 weeks.  I'm just not ready to give up on this band!

There is hope:)

Mar 03, 2009

Ok folks, I've been listening to my band signals and trying not to deprive myself too much.  I have found that if I cut carbs completely, I'll lose right away, but then I end up binging and gaining it all back.  So, lately, If I want toast for breakfast, I'll have a little.  It's working. . .I've lost 4 lbs in one week.  Finally!!!!  Back to losing.  My goal is to get to 50 lbs weight loss. 

I'm hanging in there. . .

Jan 30, 2009

Today is January 31 and I have seen no progress, weight loss wise, since September.  I'm the exact same weight that I was then.  Talk about discouraging.  Well, a lot of stressful things have happened since then.  To name a few:
In August, my band was filled too tight and had to have the saline taken out.  I had to start all over.  I still have no restriction.  There, it just goes to show you that the band does work.  Well, I've had a lot of medical mishaps such as . . .my baby ripped my cornea off of my right eye, I have plantar fasciitis, and of course all of the wonderful winter illnesses.  I comforted myself once again with food.  I had the same excuse as always.  Oh, one little bite won't matter.  Ya, if I could just keep it to that one little bite.  But I don't, I never have and I never will.  The Christmas chocolate phase led me to believe that 6 lbs gained would be ok, and easy to lose.  Well, that turned into another 6 lbs, which I've been taking off and putting back on since Christmas.  Well, I finally had enough.  I took care of my physical problems, gave myself a pep talk and started the high protein plateau buster.  Sticking to it the first few days was hard, but the reward has been a 6 lb weight loss in 5 days.  YES!!!  I finally feel back on track.  Not being able to exercise for so long really effected my emotional state of being.  Well, even though I still have plantar fasciitis, I'm using my elliptical 35min every day.  I'm not looking at this weight gain as a failure.  After all, I picked myself up and started all over again.  I've never given up on my band and I hope my fill in two weeks will prove that it hasn't given up on me. 


September 3 still only 40 lbs down!

Sep 03, 2008

What in the world is happening?  I actually lost another pound, but gained it back.  It's been four weeks since the scale has moved.  I was so discouraged, I started considering the gastric sleeve.  I know that I can eat and eat and eat without being satisfied.  The fact that food sometimes still gets stuck, I thought I still had good restriction.  I'm scheduled to get and adjustment on Monday.  But, the doc wants to unfill.  I'm trying really hard tomorrow to not snack.  I now know what they mean about eating around the band.  I've been taking a little bite here and there and it's adding up. So, today I beefed up the protein and exercise and am hoping that this will start that scale moving again.  I would really like to wait another 2 weeks before getting an adjustment.  Hopefully we won't have to unfill.  Although some days I want to give up, I remember why I started this journey.  To live a better life with my husband and family.  I am a fighter and won't give up on myself.  I just have to get a "mental fill" and start over tomorrow; follow the rules; and listen to my body.  I have one day to get back on track!!!!!

stats: 8.25 cc's in 10 cc band, 2 fills, 4 week plateau, 40 lbs down.

YES! 40 lbs down!

Aug 03, 2008

You heard right.  I'm finally down 40 lbs.  This is a big accomplishment for me since I've been on a few plateaus lately.  The first few weeks after my 2nd fill I kept getting stuck and was resorting to a bad diet.  But, I finally just started eating "whatever" and just concentrated on chewing.  I am now back to my regular diet and am losing.  The rules are getting easier to follow.  I still have great restriction and am feeling great.  My next goal. . .50 lbs down.

2nd fill

Jul 24, 2008

It has been 3 days since my 2nd fill and I am back to mushies.  The fill was done at the same surgical center where I had my surgery.  From my view, it seemed like they were all new at this.  The doc seemed a little frustrated with them as well.  But, all went well and I now have 8.25 cc's after the doc added 2 cc's to my existing 6.25.  I could definately tell a differenct in the restriction during this fill versus the first one.  I could feel the cold liquids going slowly down all day.  I never had a problem with the two days of liquids.  But, yesterday, the first day of mushies didn't go so well.  I had beans for breakfast and mashed potatoes for lunch.  I was feeling restricted after just 2 or 3 bites, but still felt hungry.  Then for dinner my refried beans with melted cheese got stuck.  If you ever wonder what stuck feels like, here it is.  It feels like a giant pill or ball is stuck in your esophagus.  Mine hurt in my back and swallowing made it worse.  I ended up gaging and spitting up some tea and saliva, but the beans stood firm.  After walking around all night, they finally went down.  I felt sick all night.  Soooo, I put myself back on liquids until lunch today.  I tried the beans again (without cheese) and they went down just fine.  The swollen feeling I had is getting better.  I'll probably do mushies again for 1 more day before progressing with my diet.  So, I think I may have good restriction this time around.  Thank goodness!
STATS: 8.25cc's in 10cc band, 2nd fill:  36 lbs lost: 10 wks out

2 months out today!!!

Jul 13, 2008

I can't believe that it's already been two months.  All of the struggles with liquids, progressing to the greatly enjoyed mushies are all a thing of the past.  I'm enjoying most of the regular food I used to.  I stay away from bread, chips, pasta  and most sweets just because I know my addiction to them.  I do endulge on M&M's.  It used to be just 2 or 3 a day.  Now, I'm up to a couple of ounces.  Soooo, I threw them away tonight.  I have lost the 8 lbs I gained now I'm on a plateau.  My mother who has congestive heart failure came for a visit and it was stressful.  The stress did me in and now I'm behind where I wanted to be.  This is discouraging and I'm trying not to hang up my hat.  I've made some new goals, rewards, and exercise plans.  I know that I have lost a lot of weight and have changed drastically.  Now why can't I get that to stay in my head?  I feel I've actually accomplished a lot considering I have 5 children to feed about 6 times a day and just went through a couple of stressful months.  Well, it's one meal at a time now.  I'm looking forward to breaking the plateau.

STATS: Down: 34 lbs, exercising: 24 min in the A.M. and 40 min P.M., eating 3 meals and 3 snacks per day.

GOALS: losing another 9 lbs to my next reward.

Dove off the wagon

Jul 06, 2008

Ok, I am now 8 weeks post op and two weeks past my first fill.  The restriction is basically gone.  I do get full after about 1 1/2 cups of food.  But it doesn't hold me very long.  I really need to wait another 4 weeks until my next fill.  I'll be calling the doc tomorrow.  

Well, this holiday weekend was a bust for me.  I didn't fall off of the wagon, I dove off.  My husband bought goodies to snack on and boy have I been snacking.  The in between snacking has put back on 8 lbs that took so long to lose.  I'm discouraged and sometimes wish I would have had RNY.  But the money and recovery was just too much. 

I hope I will fall in love with my band again.  I worry that this will end up like all of my diets.  FAILURE!  Boy, those pounds come back on fast.  I have also been cutting back on walking because of re-injuring my broken ankle.  Tomorrow is a fresh new start.  I have a menu to stick to and I'll be spending a lot of time posting and writing my feelings.

After the FILL

Jun 29, 2008

Well, I am almost one week past my first fill.  The fill wasn't bad.  It took all day because I had to visit my doc first and wait for his schedule.  The worst part for me was the doc tugging on the port site.  My port is still pretty sensitive.  To compound that issue, they accidently put water in my band instead of saline.  So, about 15 min into my 1hr drive home, I was called back to the hospital to empty and refill my band. 

The first day was complete restriction.  Even liquids.  I drank my protein shake too quickly and too much and felt sick!  But after walking around a bit, it went away.  I loved the restriction.  Lost 5 lbs in two days.

Restriction is now gone!!!  3 lbs gained.  I'm looking for food all day long.  I can easily eat over a cup of food without getting full.  I'm still limiting myself on portions but I'm sure I need another fill after only one week. 

STATS:  30 lbs down, 7wks post op, 1 fill, 6.25 cc's in 10 cc band, no restriction.

About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 02, 2008
Member Since

Friends 11

Latest Blog 16
September 3 still only 40 lbs down!
YES! 40 lbs down!
2nd fill
2 months out today!!!
Dove off the wagon
After the FILL
