Happiness Is.....Month 11 -147lbs

Feb 24, 2010

Wow, my surgiversary is almost here. on March 17, 2009 i was nervous as hell!! Totally scared as hell and look at me now, with the help of GOD, this website, my family and friends (who eventually came around) I have lost 147 lbs. Just 3 pounds shy of my surgiversary goal of 150!!  Thank you GOD!!
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Things fall Apart, 9 months -132

Dec 10, 2009

hey guys,

I lost the baby at 17 weeks, I kinda had mixed emotions, I knew that being pregnant so early on in my surg could be detrimental, but I chose to bring this life into the world inspite of the risk. I know God doesn't make mistakes and it wasnt our time. My hubby took it really hard. I don't like seeing such a strong man cry. Im feeling alot better and i have learned that a "missed miscarriage" is alot more common than once thought. We werent planning on this pregnancy yet we have decided to wait until im a year and several months post op before attempting again...(we still practice everyday..lol)

I had gained about 3 lbs during the pregnancy and was advised to cut back on such agressive excercise. I did it for the baby and now that I have lost him, my appetite is back to normal (no more cravings...yes!) and I can excercise. I instantly dropped 10lbs in a week after the procedure and I lost another 2 in the weeks prior to this post!!

God has blessed me with this tool but i am concerned that the cravings for carbs I had during the pregnancy have remained. I never missed bread, pasta, cereal post op and that is all i wanted pregnant. Now I dont eat it as much but I di eat it and that concerns me, because carbs can stretch my pouchie!

I had a very Happy Thanksgiving, cooking EVERYTHING, (a way to keep my mind occupied off the death of my lil sister in April and the loss of my baby in November) I laid it down and my hubby thought i shouldnt have done it all by myself but he damn sure ate everything I cooked!!  i didnt have an appetite after all that cooking, but I will admit i gave into the temptation to eat some chitterlings and cornbread with pot likker! I had too!! and it went down fine and I was good! Im in a size 15/16 in tops and 16 in pants! I am so blessed and i have had the opportunity to educated others and share my story. My friend Cheryl just had the surgery tuesday with Dr Afram and I am so happy for her!


Month 7, -120lbs

Oct 28, 2009

hey guys,

I have to make this short and sweet! I am having every pregnancy symptom known to man. I really think this is punishment for being so careless about birth control. I was on it, but I got caught up! I am trying really hard to eat enough calories in the day. I take my vitamins and i adhere to my OB's rules and regs. Morning (aka ANYTIME) Sickness is partly to blame for my increased weight loss this month. Hell month 6 i was down 101, now its Month 7, going on 8 and im down 120.  Still happy and healthy and BLESSED.

My hubby is very excited yet on my back about "feeding his baby" and my mom.....this is her first grandchild.....yet I can already tell the baby is going to be SPOILED ROTTEN, because I still am!

I still excercise, not 5 days anymore, but 3 and I have to keep my HR under 140! Which is hard because I have my music pumping and a good book....I go off on the eliptical machine and arc trainer!! i also do water aerobics once a week and I met a lady who is due around the same time as me but she has TWINS!!

Talk about counting my blessings!!

Love yall

Pregnancy ticker
Make a pregnancy ticker
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And baby makes three........6 months, -115lbs

Oct 01, 2009

"What do you mean pregnant?..........I'm on birth control and we are using protection!!"

I was feeling really ill Sunday night, sore throat, itchy eyes, runny nose...etc and by monday morning I could barely even swallow. With that being said I made an appt with my PCP, I have been with her since I was 12 years old, I trust her and she is always honest with me.

Sept, she says...before I give you any antibiotics, I would like for you to pee.

I fought her tooth and nail, Why do i have to pee, you know that my allergies take control of me every season...give me the good stuff and let me go home. I just  bought a house and I have got to WORK!!

Ok, OK, Dr. S! I am going to pee, and while im doing that please write my rx so i can go! I have been tired all weekend.

So I go pee, no biggie and I sit in the office with a HA HA HA smile I told you so......

only when she walks in she isnt smiling.........Sept you are PREGNANT

I choke...what the H&LL? I cant be, I am not ready to be a mom, I just bought a house, I am going back to school in Jan....I just had wls and lost 115lbs......


6 months, -101lbs

Sep 16, 2009


I did it!! I have lost a total of 101 lbs in the date of my 6 months post op!! I cant believe it, it went by so fast!! I can still remember the pain, the gas, the vomiting...the smells!!! Thank you Lord!!

This was the BEST thing i have done for myself (besides becoming a home owner on my birthday September 9th, 2009)!!

IF you are having doubts about this surgery....please contact me with any questions/concerns!! Trust me I was a worry wort.

Also if you are in the Atlanta Area and can recommend a surgeon who I can follow up with, please contact me. I have been trying to get a f/u appt with Titus Duncan but he is VERY busy!!

16 days shy of 6 month post-op, -96lbs!

Sep 01, 2009

hey Fam,

i am so happy that my goal of 100 will be before my 6 months and possibly before my birthday SEPTEMBER 9th! I have accomplished so much this year, the weight is just an added plus!! Now I am going back to school, purchasing  a home, excercising 5 days a week, drinking...eh hem...sipping water, and taking my vitamins. WE ARE SO BLESSED TO HAVE THIS TOOL!!!!!

I love you all, we are beating this Demon called obesity!!

Month 5 -90lbs

Aug 26, 2009

Hello Fam,

Wow time flys.....March 17,  2009 seems like yesturday and life has been great! I am now at 276 a far cry 90lbs ago! My goal is to be -100lbs by September 17th, and with eating right, and working out 5 times a week, i will get there.  I got kinda discouraged because the weight has slowed this month, and I have been pushing it to the limit in the gym, yet 10lbs this month. My Mom, who always encourages me explained that I am building muscle so that it is common for my weight to be slow due to burning fat and building muscle....I dont to much question her, cuz she never tells me wrong. So that is what i am sticking with. Still no bread, no sweets, no ice cream, and hardly any meat is NOT missed! I get my protiens, drink my water, take my vitamins and excercise!! Yesturday I was on my facebook going thru my pictures and it hit me I AM 90lbs GONE FOREVER!!

Thank you Lord!!


Month #4: -80lbs

Jul 23, 2009

Hey Fam,

i know I promised pre-op, not to stop posting once I had this surgery. I cannot say that the surgery has kept me from OH, so please forgive me. With my sister passing, and transferring my job back at home where I belong is draining a sistah! I am happy to announce that i am down 80lbs as of 4 months and 6 days!!

So much has transpired, I had a stint with the hair loss, which kinda bothered me because I am afraid to lighten it this summer and those who know me, know i love my strawberry blonde!! Its slowed down (the hair loss) and the weight to, but I dont even worry about that.  I am down to a 22 and some 20's depending on the brand. I have loose skin on my arms, and legs, but no one even notices, hell I am blessed to even be down 80 anything....let alone 80lbs. I am confident that by my 6 month date, I will be 100lbs.

Note: To those that have emailed  and kept in touch, you just dont know how much i have appreciated keeping in touch with me.

I made it......Minus 67lbs, and under 300!!

Jun 14, 2009

Good morning Oh,

I stepped on the scale this morning, just 2 days shy of being 3 months out and I am so happy that i achieved yet another goal...to be under 300 lbs!!

Y   E    A    H             Y     E       A       H            Y    E   A   H!!

or as we in the South say......

G     E     T          I      T         S    H      A   W      T     Y!

I have over come so many obstacles in these 3 months that I had to take time out and relish in this acheivement.


You've got to be kidding me right?

May 31, 2009

Okay you guys, here I am blessed beyond all reason....better than blessed and I'm come across my first complaint!!

I stepped on the scale today and I am 306lbs!! That means in less than 3 months (march 17th) I have lost 60lbs, and I am complaining because I have hit a stall!!

Are you kidding me September? I keep asking myself this over and over and over again......I promised that when I first joined this website I would browse the blogs and read that persons had hit the stall and wouldnt realized that they had just lost 10, 20, 30, 50 lbs in a few months.......

Lord why am I dissapointed that my weight hasnt changed in 2 weeks....Why am I afraid that I have eaten something that
I shouldnt of or didnt excercise enough last week?

Why am I blessed to have this tool, and im paranoid that this is all the weight I am going to lose?

I called my mom with these gripes, I called my husband with these gripes and they both asked was I on my period...or pregnant......wtf

Maybe its the stress getting to me, wtf I have lost 60lbs in less than 3 months, without any complications...and Im not happy with myself this week.....

Lord please remove this demon that is trying to control my thoughts....I am doing just fine

Aren't I?

Pray for me ya'll

About Me
Lithonia, GA
Surgery Date
Nov 03, 2008
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