Hi, my name is Sharon and i'm fast approaching 40! I weigh 332, my start weight at surgery a week ago was 353lbs, so i've lost 21 lbs already!  I've always battled with my weight, my lowest weight was 150lbs at age 17. I have tried every diet and pills going, i even went to Belgium last year to have the gastric balloon done twice as it only lasts for 6 months. I did lose about 40lbs with that. I now have high blood pressure and am Diabetic 2 so i finally decided to take the plunge and go for the gastric bypass. It was such a hard decision as i'm married to a lovely guy Geoff and have a 16yr old daughter Ashleigh which we're like best friends, it was hard thinking that i'd never wake up from the surgery. They have been a great support which made this decision easier. My first goal is to get to 299lbs for my 40th birthday in 2 1/2 months and then 150lbs by my 42nd birthday. Wish me luck!
