One Week Follow - Up

Mar 13, 2009

2/20/09 - Pre Op Visit Weight -- 359
3/13/09 - One Week (plus 2 days) Post Op Weight -- 341

18 lbs lost or......
10% of excess body weight lost.
Excess Body Weight  = 184 lbs.

Goal is 175.

Cleared for  exercise except for intense abdominal workouts.
No 10 minute ab buster "As Seen On TV" type stuff.
Cardio Goal - 4 -6 X a week for 45 minutes by April 13, 2009.

Daily Liquid Intake goal - 64 oz.
Daily Protein goal - 60 grams
Meds & Supplements:
1. Omeprazole - 1 in AM - half hour before breakfast (prevents excess stomach acid)
2. Ursodiol - 1 twice daily (gallstone prevention)
3. B-12 Sublingual - 1 in AM
4. Multivitamin - 1 twice daily
5. Calcium Citrate - 1 twice daily

Wonders if I am forgetting anything....


Day three

Mar 06, 2009

Had my RNY (proximal) on 3/4/09 and am feeling a lot better. I walked the halls about three hours after surgery and kept on doing it. That really helps, so do it!! So funny but last night I finally passed gas, I thought it was never going to happen. I've coughed and burped so the plumbing seems to be working.
Going home after dinner tonight. They want me to have three pureed meals.
Overlake is a wonderful hospital, I filled out a comment card because they were so great. They got me a recliner and I was a lot more comfortable rather than climbing out of bed. Felt like a turtle on its back but no more.
Also learned that if you are in pain and they offer you drugs....TAKE EM.

1 comment


Mar 03, 2009

Checking into the hospital at 9:45 am tomorrow.

25 Reasons for WLS

Feb 13, 2009

My friend shared this with me and wanted to save it here. Love her list.

Why I decided to have weightloss surgery...   1. I want a lululemon hoodie   2. I don't have to worry when flying about invading the space of the person next to me   3. I actually WANT to buy a bike, ride it and not worry about people looking at my fat ass   4. Smaller size = more clothing shopping choices   5. I have always wanted to be called "statuesque"   6. I just want to be categorized as "within normal range" size wise   7. I want to wear my boyfriend's shirts to bed   8. I want to wear a swimsuit with less fear   9. I want to be able to do reverse cowgirl more easily   10. I want to do yoga and not feel like I have to be in the back row so no one stares at my ass   11. I want to be more active and not worry about my face getting red   12. I don't ever want to go through the pre-op rigamarole about my weight EVER again   13. I want to my sassiness back - I want to walk in a room and "own" it again   14. I want to protect my health as I get older   15.  I don't want to go to a restaurant or somewhere in public and worry about how I look sitting in certan chairs   16. I want to take dance lessons and not have it be embarrassing or impossible   17. I want to buy lots and lots of pretty new underwear and bras   18. I don't want to worry about what angle photos of me are taken from   19. I want to be a hot MILF or cougar   20. I just don't want to hear "fat" jokes in movies or on TV and cringe any more   21. I don't want to made fun of in public by nasty little teenagers (but, hey, they will just find something else to pick at!!!)   22. I want to go on adventures and not be afraid to try things   23. I want to be able to sit in someone's lap   24. I know I can't do it on my own. I have tried and failed. I don't want to fail at it any more.   25. I want to depend on friends and family for emotional support, not chocolate.

Pre Op Class with Group Health

Feb 12, 2009

Am off work today and headed into the shower to get ready for class. I look forward to maybe meeting some new friends and learning about my potential surgery types. I was totally pro Lap Band but want to hear about RNY too. Meeting one on one with Dr. Landers on Feb 20th.

I need to find a freakin' scale today, one that has a 400 lb capacity. Any WA state locals know of where I might go to buy one? My coach Laura is strongly suggesting that I get one.

Or I could go into my doctors office and weigh myself once a week right before I talk to her. The doc's office probably won't mind. It's just a walk uptown and walks are always good right? My hesitancy is that I've obsessed on the scale in the past and I'd rather not have it in my house.
Oh well, I'll work it out I always do!

Hope everyone is doing well on their goals and having a great day.


Here's what's up!

Jan 30, 2009

Had my first counseling phone appointment with my coach Laura. We had a 45 minute overview and get acquainted session. Good chemistry there for sure. She's silly like me.
I am starting my 1200 calorie pre-surgery program on February 2nd and the goal is to lose 10 pounds by the March 4th surgery date. We do this so my liver will shrink and the surgeon can get in there and do his thing.
Coming up:
2/6/09 - Coaching appointment with Laura
2/13/09 - Group Surgery Orientation & Overview
2/20/09 - First one on one meeting with my surgeon
2/25/09 - Last day at work
2/25/09 - Fly to San Diego for a weekend getaway
3/4/09 - Surgery Date!
3/?/09 - Return to work

Talk later, Linda

Our Deepest Fear - Quote by Marianne Williamson

Dec 25, 2008

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 21, 2008
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 7
