
Jun 02, 2007

Had my bloodwork done today and the abdominal ultrasound. Everything went along smoothly today. The pysch office called and they have an appointment available on Mon., so I go for my pysch eval on Monday. Things are moving right along, but lately I've noticed that my stomach has been giving me some problems. A long time ago, I was diagnosed with having acid reflux and during that time I was having really bad chest pains, I took medication for a short time and that was that. Here recently my stomach has been feeling a little acidy (don't know if that is a word), and sometimes it feel like my food or what I am drinking gets stuck, or I have a problem with swallowing sometimes, also I have been having hiccups and belching a lot lately. I thought to myself, all these years and no problem and now when I have made the decision to have the WLS now it wants to act up, I don't know what my tests are going to show, but I go to the gastro doc on the 14th for my consult with him, then I guess they will set me up to have the endoscopy done, so I will have to wait to see wht the verdict is on that. I'm not sure how this would play in to me having the wls, but I will keep you posted! Even in the midst of this, I STILL trust God!!

okay two down....how many more to go? 5-31-07

May 31, 2007

Well today I had my venous duplex done and my chest x-ray, They were both easy.All went well except for a little snag at the registration about my referral, but once I called my pcp's office it was all straightened out. For those needing referrals that are sent over electronically, I would suggest calling your primary's office to get the referral # before you go tohave the test done, that way you won't have any delays. Tomorrow, it will be the bloodwork and abdominal ultrasound.

5-29-07...The ball is rollin!!!!!

May 29, 2007

Well today I had my appointment with Dr. Katz, he was nice and I liked what he had to say. As of today, I now think I am leaning more toward having the bypass done instead of the band. I left that appointmnet and got right on the phone trying to set up all of my pre-op work ups, whew, I think I have them all scheduled now, just have to wait for the Psych office to call me back with a date. I was a little upset today when I went to the surgeons and found out that I gained another 8lbs.

I am going to have to get my BMI to 50 or under before surgery because actually now it is at 53 and this surgeon will not perform surgeries on peolpe with a higher BMI that 50. This process can be very overwhelming and its a lot of work that I have to do myself, but I know in the end it will be worth it all.

Here are my appoinments:

Card.- 7/2
Gastro- 6/14
Upper GI- 6/7
Chest Xray- 6/1
Abdominal Ultrasound-6/1
Venous Duplex- 5/31
Bloodwork- 6/1
Psych- ?

Well, looks like I will be starting WW again to try and get these 30 lbs off before surgery. I will keep you all posted on my progress.


May 14, 2007

Wow, I had a wonderful Mother's Day! We went to church and then to dinner. I sat at the table and said to myself, that I needed to start paying attention to my body when I was full to help me begin to prepare my mindsets for wls, and I did just that, when I was full, I said that's it and brought home a doggie bag! Now, for some that might not be a big deal, but for me that was MAJOR! I thought that I needed to begin to do some things now to prepare for wls so that when I have the wls, it won't be such a culture shock to adjust to certain things. I am more than ready now to go forward with the wls. Today, I had an appointment with the Ortho because my knees have really been giving me a hard time, so this appointment didn't have anything to do with the wls. The doctor looked at me and asked me some general questions, then he hit me with the xray readings on my knees, he said that my knees were horrible and that I needed knee replacement surgery! He said that my knees looked like a 65 year olds, and at my age of 40 he didn't want to do the surgery, so we are going to try to do a couple of things to see if it works, he wants to try me on Synvesk (excuse spelling) injections in my knees, and he gave me a script for meds to take. Then he told me that a lot that is going on with my knees is associated with my weight, and I told him that I was in the process of having the wls done. So needless to say he is going to give me a letter for my insurance approval. Then I get home and got a call from the office that did my most recent mammo, and they want me to come back in for some additional imaging, they think they saw Lymph Nodes, but want to double check, so they say I don't need to be concerned, but of course I am, I go in next week for that again. Needless to say this has been an interesting morning. Oh, by the way, I didn't drag my feet on calling the surgeons office for my consult! I have an appointment with Dr. Katz on the 29th of May, I could have gotten in next week, but I want my husband to go with me and next week isn't good with his work schedule. Well, I also think that I am going to go back to Weight Watchers tonight to get me started on losing that 25 lbs. I need to lose before the wls. Okay, I think I said enough for now, I pray God's peace be upon each of you today!

I am an Achiever, the Spirit of Achievement is on me!
I am a Success, the Spirit of Success is on me!

Peace & Blessings,

I want to get this started

May 12, 2007

After the seminar on Wed. night, I left there feeling so confused about what I wanted to do. I went in knowing that I wanted to have the Lap Band done, but came out of the seminar secod guessing my initial decision. Well, today I am back to having the Lap Band done, but of course, first things first, I have to schedule a consultation with Dr. Katz's office next week and I will take it from there. I am experiencing so many different emotions right now and this surgery is all I can think about, but I will have to be patient, my insurance requires me to do 6 months of nutritional counseling. I don't know if the time I just did at Weight Watchers would apply to me, but I don't think so because it wasn't supervised by a nutrionist, lucky me. I will talk with my primary doctor to get the ball rollin with the letter n all. Well, I have been here at this computer basically all morning and I better go get some things done here in the house.

About Me
Brookhaven, PA
Surgery Date
Jul 17, 2006
Member Since

Friends 58

Latest Blog 55
Things are really, really bad!!!!! 11-17-08
Getting back on track!!!! 9-22-08
Its been a whole year!!!! 8-15-08
I can't believe it's been this long since I posted :-( (4-11-0
Its been six months already!!!!!!! 2-22-08
I haven't been around...a lot going on! 2/7/08
Today is my 41st birthday!!!!!! 1-28-08
Had my 3rd fill .........1/19/08
Wow...I can't believe that I let this much time go by :( 12-28
