3 months out! 248lbs! Down 65lbs!

Dec 04, 2009

O---M---G!!!!  First of all it has been a couple of weeks since my last entry, but I have a lot going on right now--Lets Discuss.....  I am now 248lbs!  The last time I was 248lbs. was 7 years ago when I got pregnant with my first child!!!  I am feeling GREAT! When I left off a couple of weeks ago I was in the midst of getting ready for a small vacay to Las Vegas!  I weighed 256lbs on the day I flew to Vegas. That was the 19th.  Not only did we have a blast, but there is so much walking to be done there!  I could NEVER have done all the walking that I did, 60lbs. ago!  That is for sure!  I did it in a quick pace, nothing ached and I didn't get winded! Hallelujah!!! That alone was a milestone for me!  So when I got back on the 23rd, I weighed myself with the thought that I must have lost at least 5 pounds from just all the walking I did!  NOPE!! I was so shocked! I didn't lose a single pound! Still 256lbs!  How can that be?  I was not only annoyed, but worried that I was in a lull again!  So I decided that I wasn't going to weigh myself at all the rest of the week until I went to my 3 month check-up with my surgeon.  On 12/1 I weighed 250lbs.  Which crossed off one of my weight loss goals!!!  Well today December 4th 2009 I weigh 248lbs!!!! Michael and I were just looking at old pictures and we ran across one of Noah and I taken Fall/2004 and I almost vomited a little in my mouth.

I was probably around 285lbs in this pic.  I remember feeling ugly and I didn't want to sit that way-but we all know how those generic school photo poses are! BTW Noah was in a RARE bad mood that day, which made this pic EXTRA horrid.  I NEVER WANT TO HAVE A PICTURE LIKE THAT OF ME AGAIN!!!! I am so much happier now!  How I am able to tell the difference, is in clothes. I am currently in a size 20 in jeans, although they are a little loose! I am in a 1x top and I have lost in the Boobage dept. as well!  Before I was a 42-44DDD/G NOW I am a 42DD!!  WTF!!!  I hope I don't end up having floppy pancake boobies.  Although if I do--there is always surgery to correct that!  Anyway!  I never in my wildest dreams thought that I will have lost 65lbs. in 3 months.  I am happier than I have been in a long time and I can't wait till I reach my next milestone of 225lbs!!!!  Peace Out!

