Slide show of a few of my favorite things

Nov 26, 2006

See below.....

The Virtual me....hope this works

Nov 06, 2006

HOW DO YOU GET THESE THINGS TO WORK????" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="119" height="298" name="badge" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" target="_blank" style="font: bold 11px arial">

The beginning of my WLS journey....

Nov 05, 2006

My history and me:
I just turned 40 in September of 2005. When I turned 30, I decided, "that this was IT!" I took charge of my life. Went to the doctor and went on the HMR protien, doctor managed weightloss program. I lost a stunning 120#!!! I was so thrilled to be in a size 12 jean! It only seemed to last for a moment though. I managed to keep off the majority of the weightloss for 4 years. I went through and ugly divorce, moved out with my two children, played single for awhile, met and married my husband, and moved to Washington within the next few years.

Life moves pretty fast! If you don't stop to look around once in awhile, you could miss it!....... Ferris Bueller

Well...I missed it. Next thing I know I was creeping up on 300# and was in a tail spin!!! Outta control!! I need help! Serious help!

01/24/05: Over a month after turning in first referal for WLS.
I finally emailed my PCP and was told to call referal services. So I did. Only to find out that my referal has just been sitting on someone's desk because more information was needed. OUCH!!!
I was told that my "medical team" was notified that more was needed and nothing has yet been recieved from them.
I guess that got the ball rolling, because first thing this morning I got the "DENIED" call from my PCP's "medical team".
Gee....I guess whatever was missing (if there was anything) was just not enough to put me in the "Approved" category.
I really hate the fact that someone needs to be knocking on deaths door to be approved for the WLS and that my ever growing and down hill, tail spin of depression doesn't matter on the decision in the slightest. It is just what my medical file says. Not what my counselors says in addition to my MD.


now the appeal process begins. Wish me luck!!


09/06...Time does fly....
I worked very hard on my appeal to my medical group right away. I was determined. And when I am determined about something, get outta the way...I am coming through! I did not only have an appeal letter, I had corresponding documents, and letters from my MD and counselor.
Within a week I got a reply....**DENIED***
With a note attached explaining that WLS was not bought with the medical insurance package that my employer bought. If it were part of it I would be approved, but because it is not covered, no amount of appealing would make it change.

This through me into a total depression. I put everything away and decided...this was who I was. No help for me. ...sigh....

Fast forward 8 months....
Talk about a wild hair!!! I got one...and bad!!! I composed a letter explaining my situation and how it is similar to a lot of people. And that the cost factor of being obese is far more than having the surgery and subsequent medical visits. I emailed it to everyone I could think of. The Governor, the HCA, PEBB, Insurance Commisioner, and many more.
Boy...did I get a quick response. From many of them. I was told that as of January 1, 2007, it will be available to the state workers. Of course it has many flaming hoops to jump through, but it is offered. is time to get into flaming hoop jumping mode.

To be continued.....


My 41st Birthday is Friday! I hope, wish and pray that it will be my last "FAT" birthday....forever!
I went to my PCP for my yearly exam and told him that we were "BACK ON" for the WLS! I am so excited and SO ready! Not a minute goes by without me thinking of how it will be to be right here, doing the same thing, but thinner and healthier. I'm tired of being fat, tired and sore.
I have also signed up for my sleep test. I put it off because of the 'exclusion policy' in my insurance. Now I really want and need to know how to help myself. So much...that I have a total of 6 different appointments in October alone!!
I'm also vying for a promotion at my work! Keep your fingers X'd for me!!! I have not shared (in depth) with anyone at work about the WLS. It is really none of their business and I'm afraid that they would use it against me and not promote me. Thinking I will be missing a lot of time at work and they will have to do my work.
I love my work...I don't see an issue. I will keep up the confidence!
I am dreaming a lot about being thinner and healthier. I want to be able to walk without having to consider even the smallest hill as an obsticle. I want to be able to talk and walk! What a concept! I want to be a better partner to my husband...both physically and mentally. Yes...physically...sexually and helpful around the farm. I look SO forward to being "sexy" to him. He has no problems (that he tells me or lets on...gotta luv the but I am so disgusted with myself that it shows in my attention to him. That is very sad. I want to be able to work around the farm for hours on end and not have to sit down every few minutes to catch my breath. It is so embarrasing and humbling.
I will give a check up after my sleep appointment. Wish me luck! hahaha...sounds weird...but if I do have sleep apnea, I will be approved that much quicker for the surgery.


About Me
Sedro Woolley, WA
Surgery Date
Dec 12, 2005
Member Since

Friends 68

Latest Blog 23
Life changes...
Happy Surgiversary to me!!!!!
WOWS (again) for ME!!!
WOW for me!!!
Bad...bad...bad ME!!!
COMING SOON....The whole story....Lap RNY SOTB
My battle cry......
Almost go time!
Life’s rollercoaster…..(long, sorry had lots to say)
