I had a dream last night

Jan 23, 2007

I had a dream last night- I got the srugery done I was wearing my binder and very little pain, Great right? Well I came home eating just like I had before the sugery didn't work! Wow! I am glad it was a dream! I just can't stop thinking about this surgery I hope I get my approval letter soon! 

I was also thinking I need to look into getting a living will made up- just incase! I am calling on that today. I like to be prepared and even over prepared. Wish me luck!
http://company.monster.com/inphonic/" target="_blank">Inphonic

My Family

Jan 22, 2007

I feel for the first time in my life things are working for me. 
I am a middle child of 5 kids, I have 2 older sister and 2 yonger brothers. That left me in the middle, yep middle child syndrome... So not only was I over weight but I was in the middle as well. All us kids grew apart as we were growing up and finally we are all back together. How could this be more perfect? If I had done this a few years ago I would not have had my family there to support me but now we are all back together I do. That is awesome, I wanted that surgery so bad before but I see now why the time was not right for me. My sisterwho i am closest with has been great, she is 4 years older than I am. She is going to be here when I get out of the hospital to take care of me. She is so invloved and wants everything that is the best for me. I feel lucky.

My Goals

Jan 22, 2007

**I want to be able to put my socks on with and get up from the sofa with ease!

 ** I want to be able to go anywhere and everywhere to buy clothes and have a closet full of clothes that all fit and look good one me and enjoy shopping for clothes and not be depressed at the endof my shopping day!

** I want to be able to do thngs like bike riding, walking, boating, things that normal sized peole do without effort --me for me it is an all day ordeal

** I want to walk into a room and not think I am the fattest one there

** I want to not hurt everyday

** I want this journey to take me to new heights in my life

** I want to be able to have sex with a little fun rather the same ol' same 'ol



Jan 22 2007

Jan 22, 2007

Just found out today that the paper work was sent to the ins.company! Now, I know for sure I will hear back soon! I hate waiting! I called the Dr office today to ask a few questions and asked about the paper work.. Was sent in on Saturday! Jan 20, 2007
Hopefully soon!!

GO BEARS!!!! Jan. 21 2007

Jan 21, 2007

GO BEARS! Being I am in Chicago I am a BEARS Fan! Yes!! They are going to the Superbowl!

Just got back from my brothers from a Bears Party!  My Brothers are the BIGGEST BEARS FANS THAT LIVES! Was a great time!!

All along I could just think about hoping to have surgery- I pray the ins. approves me! This is all I can thank about - night and day- day and night! Hopefully I will hear somthing soon!

I talked to my sister today- I was a little worried about losing my hair after surgery- she is a health nut so she is getting me in the right direction for the best viatmins out there she says SHAKLEE.com are the best. So this week I am starting to take them just to get in the habit of taking them every day- just in case!!! I want to be prepared and hopefully hairloss might not be as much. It doesn't hurt to try!!

I love this song!

Jan 20, 2007

Music Video:http://www.videocodezone.com/videos/n/natasha_bedingfield/unwritten.html?userid=467273" target='_blank'>UNWRITTEN  (by Natasha Bedingfield)

Music Video Code provided by VideoCodeZone.Com

http://www.videocodezone.com/rstats.php?userid=467273" width="0" height="0">

Dr. Joyce Joilet Illinois

Jan 20, 2007

I want to post about my NEW DR Joyce

A very nice person, his office is in joilet Illinois is is ranked top in hs field,  his girls in his office are nice and very helpful, He always has a smile on his face and willing to help at any time. I don't have to do any of the paper work his nurses are well trained in this and do it all.
He answered any questions I may have and gave me real answers. I felt like he was honest and willing to take all the time I needed to understand. I am currently waiting for an approval letter. I ha to do a 6 month supervised diet, and see a heart and lung Dr with a phyc dr evual. Wish me luck!


Jan 18, 2007

Hello, I was reading through posts and started thinking of me as a child, I have been over weight my whole life. I was going through memories of me as a child and some of the things I have been through that I forgot about until now.... I know we all have our little stories but these are mine, I remember bein "fat" my whole life. I went to a private school so it was a very small school I think 22 in my class. Of those 22 I was the only fat one. I was teased bad! I can remember this kid Bob Cheserick made up a song about me using the theme of pretty woman." Sandy soko walking down the street sandy soko making cracks in the concrete sandy soko isnt the one we want to met sandy soko.... " Then there is the ones who said I was ungly and not worthy of human contact becasue of my wieght.... just because I was larger than the others gave them the right to make my life a living hell. I never really had boyfriends growing up, no one wanted to go out with a fat chic

. I rememberin high school having to be weighed in during PE... "Next!".. I was the one that was next dredding having to get on that scale... Not only getting on the scale but then they called out the weight.... " Sandy 225" then hearing the gasp of everyone around me ... That was the worst..

I think as an adult I don't really hear much but I know people talk about me.... At work people pretend to be a friend but to my back they callme names, I will never do that if I become thin on the outside, males me sad to think as adults peole still make someone feel like crap for being heavier.... sad

i am not a good waiter!

Jan 18, 2007

got onthe scale today- 265

I called my dr office to see how things are going with the ins. approval, to see if the paper work has been sent it ect.ect.ect

Well, the nurse that does all the stuff for ins. companies, has been ill for a long time - I hope she is ok- they don't tell us anything except the office is 2 weeks behind in paper work! I am not one who can wait happily, I try but this is hard- I feel like I have waited 6 months already and not I have to wait more. I pray everything will work out for me in the end. 

I have a new Dr. other than the one posted, Dr. Joyce in Joilet Illinois I live in Morris, I don't know how to change the information on my profile so if anyone does let me know!!

My photos are just ones i have on my yahoo id profile, I will try to get some updates ones, these pretty much look like me maybe a few more wrinkles!!!

Thanks for reading!

I am waiting for the approval

Jan 06, 2007

Hello, it is jan 6 2007, I just have met all requirements for the surgery and now waiting for the approval letter. I can not stop thinking about it! I cant stop researching any information on approval for aetna ppo choice. This is driving me crazy the no knowing, I have a good feeling about this be I just hate to be let down. I am so worried about it!

I have had alot going on in my personal life that it is making it very hard. I just broke up with my b/f of 2 years. We just has too many problems, but I still care about him so very much. He was the one who as going to helo me after surgery andnow I am not sure what I am going to do. I hope this time passes rather quicky so I can move on with my life, having this surgery is totally going to change my life. I will be able to to just about anything, feel good about myself, have a normal life. I think about this day and night, and hope for the best!

Please wish me the best of luck!

About Me
morris, IL
Surgery Date
Jan 01, 2003
Member Since

Friends 55

Latest Blog 71
10/14/2008 154lbs
June 24 th 160ish
Feb.11,2007 weight 154
Jan.13th 158
106 pounds lost! 11/23/07 in about 7 months!
