Jul 02, 2009

Hello OH family: I have been really nervous for the past few days then I had to think about what God said that this surgery was to save my life not to take it away . Who's report will I believe.. I will believe the report oif the Lord so If God said it then it shall come to pass. I am healed and spirit filled this surgery is already a success for me. In Jesus name Amen.  Keep pryaing and thanking God for my sucess OH I am embarking on a wholke new journay that no one in my family has ever embarked in.


3rd day

Jun 22, 2009

Hello my OH fam.. Today was day 2 of my pre-op fast. boy is this thing hard,. I am taking in all of your comments, my sisters comments as well as my own mind telling me In the end it will be well worth it. That has been keeping me from going off of this thing (Liquid diet). I don't understand it must be a mental thing because I've have fasted for spiritual reasons plenty of times without eating or drinking. I had a moment today where i had gotten really stressed over something my daughter did and the first thing i thought about doing was eat some fast food. I had to catch myself and realize that i need to get my mind right . Food is no longer my comforter. The Lord has to help me to make God my comfort, to pray, mediate, and Relax. He has to help me to get my mind right. This weight loss journey is a journey and its not going to take me one or two days to change 37 years of habits and negative choices. All I can say is help me Lord .. Please keep praying for me because I need it. I will continue to pray for you too. Its a family thing we are all in this together.

I made it on to 2nd day

Jun 21, 2009

I made it for the first day of my pre-op fast.. it was hard but so far I'm good. i am going to bed early tonight to help get my mind off of food. I understand how people just want to eat. I just wanted to have something to chew on. I had some crispy zucchini inside of my broth to try and help me feel as if i was chewing. it went well. I will be doing this again tomorrow . i hope and pray that I lose at least 20 pounds before surgery even if its water weight. OK OH family keep praying for me I am praying for you.

June 21st

Jun 20, 2009

 June 21st. I will start my liquid fast its no more playing games. The question for me now is, "How bad do i want this." Am I going to let fear and a spirit of self sabotage get in my way ..NO... I have done that so many times before and i refuse to do that again. I have to give my surgeon 500.00 by Tuesday and i know God will make the way for me to have that money. I have a chest x ray to schedule and an occult stool test and that is all. Everything except the chest x ray has to be in by Tuesday and then I will be clear. The cardiologist is the only office so far that has already faxed my clearance to the surgeons office. i knew I liked Dr. Schneider for a reason very on point. I'm waiting for the endo & the pulmologist to send their clearances. Soon and very soon I will be finished with the surgery and on my way to great health. Complication free in Jesus name... Amen. Sometimes i get anxious sometimes I have to pray and remind myself that God didn't bring me this far to leave me. He has promised me beauty for all of the ashes and hell that I have been through. My sister has already started to take her pick of my clothes in my closet. She says I want all of your old stuff. She likes my swagger. I will be more than happy to give them to her. I bought this mini summer dress for a bar -b-q next summer. It's made by some Italian designer Milley necklace dress (size 8). It was really nice but very expensive. I thought skinny clothes would be cheaper but i always have to shop designer so i guess you pay for the name. Anyway I Hung the dress on the outside of my closet door so i can see it. I also have this baby phat shirt i love. It is a medium and I praying to be a size 8 and maintain it for ever. Well OH family its getting close so please I cant stress this enough to pray for Amy. Fervently keep asking God to be with me through this weight loss journey and thank him for answering your prayers in regards to me. Thanks OH and I love you. July 7Th in the am please be in prayer for me (Amy) and Dr. Wizman my surgeon. TXS
1 comment

The time is drawing near

Jun 17, 2009

Hello my Oh family, You guys may already know that my date is July 7Th. my surgeon requires 2 weeks of fasting on liquid diets i start on the 20Th of June. I am going to have to do this as hard as it sounds i am praying for Gods help. I have fasted plenty of times before for spiritual reasons and i will make this a fast to not only get my body in order but my spirit also. I will be doing allot of praying and reading the word to hear what thus says the Lord.this is a new beginning and i know there will be some ups and downs but I am praying for a miracle. i am praying for Gods mercy and his divine intervention and help. I believe 6 months from now my life will be changed for the better. Also my PCP started me on byetta injections to help control my glucose levels. its not insulin per say its more a drug to help my pancreas make and release more insulin and stop my liver from producing so much glucose. So I'm trying it until after my surgery because i am already delivered from obesity, diabetes, sleep apnea and any other illness or plaque that has tried to come nigh my dwelling in Jesus name. Oh family please keep me in your prayers because as the date draws closer I can feel my mind trying to play tricks on me and trying to make me doubt and get nervous but I keep reminding myself that if God be for me who can stand against me not even this weight. That God will not allow more to be placed on me than I can bare and this weight has become unbearable so it has to leave in Jesus name. I am also remembering the scripture  that if your right had offends you or causes you harm cut it off. And if my stomach and my intestine is offending me i am going to cut it off. I need this surgery to live and I shall live and not die but i shall live to declare the wonderful works of the Lord. Remember I am praying for you Oh family please pray for me. Amen

Another Update

Jun 09, 2009

Hello my OH family. I went to my surgeons office yesterday and they gave me a list of things I need to have down before surgery Mind you I already did all of this last month. But they said it has to be updated to reflect less than 30 days prior to surgery so I have to go back to the Cardiologist Dr tomorrow my PCP on Weds. Now I went to have a PST test done today and they had to give me a treatment saying my lungs was a little tight. Asthma treatment my gosh I thought to myself, the fat is suffocating me... It's unbelievable I fasted all day today and had cherries and grapes and water. I decided to start my fast early for my surgery just fruits and veggies until the 15Th when I have to do all liquids. The endocrinologist said i have to loose 15 pounds before the surgery.. I'm swimming again in the backyard every morning. I just cant wait until Its all said and done and new life begins.... God is good. whenever i get discouraged I read someone Else's success story and i just get the encouragement to press on. I pray I can encourage someone else so i am pressing on. Thanks everyone who has read and sent encouraging words my way.. Keep me in your prayers and you are in mine. God bless .. Oh I forget to tell everyone I just got a brand new metallic blue PT cruiser.. WOWOWO God is great all the time...I asked Him for it and he made the way... You have not because you ask not the bible says and whatsoever you ask for in prayer believe that you already recieved it and you shall have just wat you say,.. Amen

God is so good I cant begin to explain!

Jun 04, 2009

Well OH family its me again.. I just want to tell a little story about how good God is. I went to church last night and the young man that was preaching, he was prophesying to a few people in the church and as I was praying with my eyes closed I looked up and he was standing in front of me. He said " Woman of God i want you to do this". He prompted me to slap one of my hands into the other He said do it twice so i did it .. Then he said to me, "Woman of God the Lord told me to tell you to do that because he said that the old chapter in your life is closed. No more will you be the same that God is renewing you and you will have so much joy so much happiness and everything that was hindering you and holding you down God has closed it and ,moved it out of your way right now". I had my four teen-aged kids with me and they was so happy and crying out to the Lord telling God thank you because they knew what that meant. They knew I had just gotten my approval earlier that day from my insurance company. The preacher man didn't know he never met me before he was a
visting speaker.  I know that it was God talking to him. I believed that God has done what he told that young preacher (who was only 18 by the way) what to say to me. God said if we believe his word we shall be established and if we believe his prophets we shall prosper. The word of God also says that if we give to the prophet something as small as even a glass of water that we shall receive a Prophet reward. So God told me to give him 100.00 and before i could go to the later to give it to him he said , "God said that there is 3 people in here that can give $109.00 I grabbed my son by the hand and we ran up to the alter because God already told me what to give before he even said that. I knew that I was blessed and I knew God was going to get me a surgery date soon and be with me during my surgery guiding the doctors hands and healing me up quickly without any complications. I went home and over slept because I didn't get in until like 4 am because we had to drive 2.5 hours from Ft. Lauder dale to Ft. Peirce. Anyways when I woke up I had a message from my surgeons office to call and low and behold when I did call,  boy did I get the best news of my life..
JULY 7TH 2009   I will be reborn .. That is my surgery date.!! God is good all of the time. Keep holding on Oh family keep praying God will push those papers through quickly. It hasn't been six months since I decided to have my surgery and I have a date. It was supposed to  take at lease 72 working hours after the insurance company received my paperwork to approve me or not. It was less than 24 hours. Then 48 hours later I got my date. Tell me God is not good. He is all the time if you just believe that He is able and that He is a re warder of them that diligently seek Him. I am so happy and I am praying for all those who are reading this right now I ask God that he helps you in your journey and that what ever tries to block your success be moved right now in the name of Jesus Christ.. God will work it out if you only believe.. Amen...

Today is my day for a miracle

Jun 03, 2009

I got the call a few hours after posting my last blog about the mail system and the kingdom of heaven and I AM APPROAVED FOR MY SURGERY WOO WOO...  My suregeons office is getting me a date and its on baby.. i am so blessed i thank God for Jesus Christ who is the head of my life.  I know all will be well and the surgery will be successful ..  Thanks for your prayers..

Taking it by force

Jun 02, 2009

Hello OH Family.. There is a scripture in the bible that says The kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force. What it means is that in  the kingdom of heaven everything thing that we need comes from there. Things happen in the spiritual first then in the natural here on eatery so If God has given you a healing from obesity in the spiritual realm then its just a matter of time before you see the manifestation of your healing here on earth. The thing is that there is a time and a process from the time God released your blessing from heaven until the time you receive it on earth. Its like the mail system they sent ya check out but now you have to wait to receive it. Now with the mail system anything can happen in the space of the time you are waiting for it. Your package can get delayed damaged or just get delivered to the wrong address now you have to wait longer,. Well its the same way in the spiritual realm. The devil is the thunderstorm that may try to delay your package getting delivered. he may be the one who try and make your blessing be delayed or delivered to the wrong address return to sender. But if you are willing and obedient faithful and persistent you will get that blessing that was sent out. You may have to call the post office a few times and go on line to track the mail . you may have to submit paper work proving that you didn't get the mail yet and then they resend out ya check again .. You will do what ever you have to do to get that money that was sent out to you. well if we can do that how much more should we be faithful and trusting and ;persist ant when God has promised us something.... Here's my story. i have been calling the insurance company and my doctors office about faxing over my binder for approval for my surgery. well each office is blaming the other for the reason the insurance company have not received it. My PCP office is a mess My insurance office is another unorganized mess. they only office that has it together is my surgeons office.. thank God. So I went down there and picked up my folder with my request and my letter of necessity and called my health insurance and faxed it my self straight to  the office of the manager who will be reviewing my case for approval. then I went to church gave my vow to the Lord and i know that I ill be getting a call from them by Friday telling me they have my paperwork and its been approved. In Jesus name. My surgeon says that after I get my approval I can expect to have my surgery 3 weeks after that. Praise God so that means I looking at the end of June. Did all of my testing except my breathing test and en do. i am doing those next week along with my chest xray. i m on my way to the losers side of the bench God is good for he has given me my hearts desire already i am just waiting for the manifestation to show forth and i take that to the bank and cash my check in Jesus name .. Amen


May 28, 2009

Hello my OH family,  I called the insurance company today to make sure they received my paper work and to my surprise they still have not. The lady I spoke to was so helpful she even knew who i was that's how much i have been calling them. She gave me the direct fax number to the person who will be reviewing my file and she said if i wanted to i could gather the information together and fax it. i am on that mission tomorrow. the surgeons office Secretary has decided to help me to this even though it should be my PCP who faxes everything over. I know that the young girl at my PCP office if i am not standing over her she will not get my paper work done. they are too busy chatting GOSSIPING AND ORDERING TAKEOUT ... Oh well OH I will keep u all informed because i am getting so desperate.. I feel like one of my legs is shorter than the other from all this weight. You know as the belly gets bigger the spine is crushed and it shortens the leg that's why some overweight people wobble when they walk. I am going to get a referral for a Chiropractor.

About Me
lauderhill, FL
Surgery Date
Mar 26, 2009
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