I'm making a decision that's going to change my whole life, and I chose this site to help support me on my decision. I have been battling my weight problem since the age of 12 years old. The scales were always going up and down, but mostly up for me through out my teenage years. I was diagnosed with PCOS in May of 2000 and at the time I had just gotten married to my 1st husband. We tried for a little over 5 years to conceive a baby.  We even tried clomid~Nothing seemed to work. We ended up divorcing because he was unfaithful to me in the end and I was relieved at that point that we hadn't had a family together after all. I married once more to my Husband, Terry Joe on September 16th 2006. He has been so supportive with all of my dreams and he is the best Hubby! He knew before we married that there was a chance that we would never have children biologically so he and I made the decision to create our family through adoption. We didn't wait long to start the process of becoming foster parents (6 months after our marriage) in hopes that we would be able to adopt. At that point in my life I had stopped caring about having a "baby"~I just wanted to be a "Mommy". We finished up our foster care classes and home study (which took three months) and received our license on July 17th 2007. On July 23rd at 5 p.m. I received a call about a 3 week old baby boy. We had Clayton as a foster baby for five months until his birth mother asked my husband and I to adopt him. He became legally ours on February 27th 2008. Praise God! He's now 2 years old (just had a birthday on June 25th) and the love of my life...so is my Hubby of course! One of the reasons I am choosing to have this surgery is for him. I want to be a more physically fun Momma for him. I want to be able to run around at the park with him without being in pain. I want to enjoy life without pain and depression due to my weight. I waited for seven years to become a Mother and when it happened I was too embaressed to get those new Mommy and Baby portraits done. I want to have this done with my son. I felt like ,"Gezz, Teresa, Do you want your son to look back at those pictures and see how fat his Mommy was." I was humiliated and I didn't want him to be ashamed of me.  I am having an Laproscopic RNY hopefully if all works out on Sepetmber 15th 2009! I have attended my informational seminar and had my first consult with my surgeon, Dr. Mattar on April 22nd. I weighed in at 298 pounds! The heaviest that I have EVER weighed! I almost cried. After my consult I had an appointment with the dietitian who put me on a Liver reduction diet. I had to loose 25 or more pounds before a surgery date can be scheduled per my Surgeon's request. My second Supervised weight loss appointment was on May 5th and I weighed in at 286 pounds! I couldn't believe my eyes...I lost 12 pounds in 2 weeks! I felt better, but I had no idea! My next Supervised weight loss appoint. was on June 4th and again I lost more weight! My last appointment was on July 2nd and I had lost almost 30 pounds by then...I exceeded my Surgeon's requirement of 25 pounds! As of August 25th I have lost a total of 40 pounds. I feel so much healthier already, but I know I need to loose more. 113 pounds to be exact. I know this surgery will help me complete my goals of becoming healthy and getting in a normal BMI range. I'm not going to lie...I'm terrified of surgery. I've come to realize though that I am more terrified of not having my surgery done. Thanks for listening and I hope to find some support through this all.

About Me
Fowler, IN
Surgery Date
Apr 18, 2008
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