4 Months Post-Op and Ex-Husband regrets Divorce...

Jan 31, 2010

AND I DON"T CARE!!!! LOL! My Ex-Husband had an affair the last 8 months of our 5 year marriage with a petite red headed younger woman. The woman actually confronted me in person and told me that she was sleeping with my Husband and that she didn't care because they were in love and that he didn't want my "fat ass" anymore. He told me that he didn't love me and that he wanted a divorce. I was distraught and overcome with heart break. It took me awhile to get over it all and with the help of family, friends, church family, and counseling I moved on. I have not seen my Ex-Husband in nearly 5 years now, and the last I heard he had gotten engaged to this woman and had a child with her. Since then I got engaged to my best friend, got married three years ago, and now my Husband and I have a beautiful 2 year old son together. In early 2009 I decided to make a change with my obesity. I know this is the main reason why my Ex-Husband left me, because I was overweight. I have lost nearly 110 pounds since April 22nd and I am 4 months post op now. I lost 50 pounds on my own prior to my surgery. I don't even look the same.

Last week my wonderful Hubby took me out to eat at our favorite Mexican resturant and GUESS who I run into??? My Ex-Husband and this woman who he had had an affair with. At first I didn't recognioze them because my Ex was bald and she was about 100 pounds heavier! Now I in no means like to talk about over weight people because I know what it feels like, beleive me...my whole life I was obese. BUT>>>>I had to LAUGH! He took one look at me and my gorgeous family and put his head down. She had the biggest shocked face if I ever did see one and I felt like one HOT Moma! LOL! Anyways, tonight I get an email (my emial has stayed the same for years) and it's from my Ex-Husband. He wrote how he was so shocked seeing me and how beautiful I looked. That he had never seen me so skinny! LOL! Wow! He also wrote that he regreted divorcing me. I wrote back that I was blocking him from my email, that I was VERY happily married with a family, and that I would like it if he never contacted me again.

Anyways...I wanted to share this tonight. I was so distraught when I went through my divorce back in 2004, but time healed everything and I am now happily married to an amazing Husband who married me literally through thick and thin. Sometimes doors are closed in your life for a good reason, I also beleive what comes around goes around.  


About Me
Fowler, IN
Surgery Date
Apr 18, 2008
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