4 Months Post-Op and Ex-Husband regrets Divorce...

Jan 31, 2010

AND I DON"T CARE!!!! LOL! My Ex-Husband had an affair the last 8 months of our 5 year marriage with a petite red headed younger woman. The woman actually confronted me in person and told me that she was sleeping with my Husband and that she didn't care because they were in love and that he didn't want my "fat ass" anymore. He told me that he didn't love me and that he wanted a divorce. I was distraught and overcome with heart break. It took me awhile to get over it all and with the help of family, friends, church family, and counseling I moved on. I have not seen my Ex-Husband in nearly 5 years now, and the last I heard he had gotten engaged to this woman and had a child with her. Since then I got engaged to my best friend, got married three years ago, and now my Husband and I have a beautiful 2 year old son together. In early 2009 I decided to make a change with my obesity. I know this is the main reason why my Ex-Husband left me, because I was overweight. I have lost nearly 110 pounds since April 22nd and I am 4 months post op now. I lost 50 pounds on my own prior to my surgery. I don't even look the same.

Last week my wonderful Hubby took me out to eat at our favorite Mexican resturant and GUESS who I run into??? My Ex-Husband and this woman who he had had an affair with. At first I didn't recognioze them because my Ex was bald and she was about 100 pounds heavier! Now I in no means like to talk about over weight people because I know what it feels like, beleive me...my whole life I was obese. BUT>>>>I had to LAUGH! He took one look at me and my gorgeous family and put his head down. She had the biggest shocked face if I ever did see one and I felt like one HOT Moma! LOL! Anyways, tonight I get an email (my emial has stayed the same for years) and it's from my Ex-Husband. He wrote how he was so shocked seeing me and how beautiful I looked. That he had never seen me so skinny! LOL! Wow! He also wrote that he regreted divorcing me. I wrote back that I was blocking him from my email, that I was VERY happily married with a family, and that I would like it if he never contacted me again.

Anyways...I wanted to share this tonight. I was so distraught when I went through my divorce back in 2004, but time healed everything and I am now happily married to an amazing Husband who married me literally through thick and thin. Sometimes doors are closed in your life for a good reason, I also beleive what comes around goes around.  

3 Months post op and in Onderland!!!

Dec 22, 2009

Wow! Has it really been a little over three months now since my surgery? Time flies by so fast and in this case I'm glad that it did because I was so ready to start feeling normal again after it all. It took me about 3-4 weeks to start feeling like myself again (only healtheir). I had no strength teh first three weeks or so and I remember thinking if this might feel like what it's like when you have cancer and you are going through raidation or chemotherapy treatments. It was hard, not painful...just hard because you constantly feel so tired and loopy. Then sometimes you feel pretty sick to your stomach and all you wanna do is be an emotioanl basket case and cry because it won't stop.

With all that said, I hope that doesn't scare anyone into not going through with their upcoming surgeries because I would do it over again if I had to. I am sooo happy right now in my life. I never knew or thought that this would be a possibility for me. I mean I weighed in at 198 pounds this morning. OMG! I have lost 100 pounds since April 22nd this year. Taht is CRAZY!!! I have not been this weight since my senior year of high school! I am 30 freakin years old now. I only wish I had made tis step in my life a long time ago!

So, you always feel like when is this going to stop, you know? Like when is the weight loss going to slow down and stop? I hope to loose my last 48 pounds...but is this all too good to be true, you know? I will try my hardest to loose the last 48 pounds. I haven't even started working out yet. I do notice that I don't really loose any weight the week after my periods. Then the foillowing week I loose like 4 pounds in one week, sometimes more. It's funny that I even mention having a period. I have PCOS. Last year I think I had a period maybe twice in one year. I have now had a period normally every month since like August! This last period which just ended was way less painful then any other I have had in years also so I think maybe my PCOS symptoms are getting better. Before they were excrutiating!

I hope to continue with the normal cycles as my Hubby and I hope to try and conceive a baby after my surgeon opkays me, which I know won't be until I am at least 12-18 months post op. That's okay with me anyways. I have my little man to keep me busy for now anyways. He will be two and a half on Christmas Day! I love my baby boy!

So that's all thats going on with me right now. I can pretty much eat anything but eggs, and I stay away from carbs...no rice or pasta for sure. I have eaten some whole grain bread with some lunch meat and I did okay, but I only got in about 4 bites when I felt like okay I need to stop. I am really enjoying fudgecicles with no sugar added. I refrain from only having about 2-3 weekly. I also started eating little bites of fruit now and I absolutly love salad. I do a greek salad with green olives, cucmbers, tomatoes, and green onion with feta cheese, it's been my favorite. I just add a dab of olive oil and red wine vinegar for flavor. YUMMY! I do well with chicken and most meats as well. 

Well, I'll be going for now. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and Merry Christmas!!!! Love ya all here! Teresa
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Post Op Blog

Sep 18, 2009

I am doing fine, had my surgery on Tuesday at exactly 8 a.m. and I was Dr. Mattar's only patient. He was so calming and the nurses were so nice to me. One nurse even rubbed my feet when I was tearing up in my pre op room. I will update and write about my surgery sometime next week when I am feeling better and I am not as loopy from pain medecine. LOL! I am excited about my first post op appointment on September 25th and the surgery was nothing like what I scared myself into thinking. Any advice for now until my next blog to pre op patients would be try and be calm, relax as much as possible. Get ready to walk a lot ( helps a ton even though it doesn't sound like much fun after surgery) and sip a lot of water. Also don't forget to rest and don't feel bad for asking for medecine. Until next time....


Sep 13, 2009

So, tonight I put my two year old son to sleep, but before I left his room I realized that this was going to be the last night before surgery that I would be watching him climb into his little toddler bed and snuggling up with his blankie. So before I kissed him goodnight I got down on my hands and knees and sat next to his bed and I prayed. The last time I remember praying in his room was two years ago in June before he came to us. I asked God to fill the empty crib that we had in the corner of the decorated room at the time. My Husband and I were waiting for a baby to come into our family. We had waited so long and for so many years. Little did I know at that time that I would be only waiting less than one more month when we got the call for our baby boy who had been miraculously born on the very same day I prayed in his nursery. I remember that day because our home study was scheduled this day and I was waiting for our social worker to come over while I was praying in his room.

So, I prayed again tonight in that very same room only I prayed while watching my baby fall asleep. Tomorrow we leave for Indianapolis since my surgery is at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday. We'll be staying at my parent's home in Avon, which is only 30 minutes from the hospital. I know I will be fine with my surgery, I feel good about it. I have faith. God wouldn't have given me Clayton, my special baby boy, if it didn't mean I was to be his Mommy for long. He is my every joy. I am thankful that Doctors are able to help people like me. I am ready to change my life and I am excited to know that I will have a better grasp on my health.

My family means so much to me. I just want to tell them that I love you all. Thank-you for supporting me.
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My Sugery Date!

Aug 26, 2009

I called Clarian Bariatrics this morning because it's been almost two weeks since I had my pre op testing done and I'm getting anxious.   They had scheduled my surgery date last night! So they had planned on calling me today..I just beat them to it. LOL. My pre op class is scheduled for September 8th and I was told to bring my supporter (Hubby). They said that it would be an all day class and to bring a lunch. My surgery is scheduled for September 15th 2009! I have to be there at 5:30 a.m. and my surgery is scheduled for 7:30 a.m. I think that I'm the first patient! I'm glad that it's so early because then I won't have all day to think about it and I won't be hungry or so thirsty from waiting all day.  I am less scared about this now taht I have a date...if that makes any sense??? Anyways I'm still anxious but I'm excited!
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Pre Op Testing Done!!!

Aug 14, 2009

I had my pre op testing today at Clarian North Hospital. I had an EKG, Pulmonary functioning tests, about 11 tubes of blood drawn, and two chest x-rays. I love this Hospital! It's so nice and it feels like you're in some fancy Marriot...LOL!   I'll be getting a private suite so I am glad because my Hubby will be staying with me and they have pull out couches for family to stay if thye wish. I'll also have internet access and a computer while there so I'll try and let everyone know how I'm doing although I can't promise that I'll be too busy walking halls or past out from all of the pain meds. Gosh I am getting so nervous! I did ask the Hospitalist about the pain control after surgery. He said that I'll be waking up with a pain medecine ball that will be connected to me via a small thread like tube and it will be delivering pain meds before I even wake up and then there's always the good ol morphine pump. I'd like to say to my future nurse that I will need more pain medecine than you give the average person...LOL!  I got that off of Look Who's Talking (Christy Allen). Well I should find out my surgery date here really soon so until then I hope everyone has a wonderful warm and safe weekend!


Aug 06, 2009

I found out that I was approved for my surgery today by my insurance! I was catually approved on August 4th but found out today. I have United Health care so it's been crazy trying to get them to authorize my RNY surgery. I had to gather 5 years worth of medical records to show my BMI was high enough to qualify. I am so stoked!!!! I go in on August 14th for my pre op testing and then I should get my surgery date! Yay!!!! I feel happy but now it's really gonna happen so I'm a little nervous cause we are propbably looking at like 3 more weeks! Praise GOD!

Pre Op Testing

Jul 22, 2009

So Clarian North called me yesterday to schedule my pre op testing. My am having pulmonary functioning tests (breathing tests), blood work, EKG, and some chest xrays. I am scheduled for August 14th at 8:30 a.m. so I'll probably drive up the night before since I live two hours away. Which reminds me I need to get some good easy directions since I have never been there before.   Maybe they might let me see the floor I'll be possibly staying in or an empty room. I have never stayed in a hospital before as a patient. I use to work 12 hour night shifts at Clarian West but it's a whole different feeling now that I'm going to be the patient.  I'm hoping my Hubby can go with me on the 14th. Still don't know anything about my insurance and surgery date, but I've decided to not get stressed out about it for now, my nerves are just high enough about actually having surgery.
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New Clarian information...

Jul 20, 2009

So I found out at my appointment today with Dr. Mattar that I have been sent over now for pre-op testing at Clarian North. Yippeeee! I should hear back on which day to go in no later than Wednesday this week. Since I live two hours from Indy I just plan to stay here at my parent's house since they only live about 30 minutes from Clarian North. I have a two year old and the driving back and forth with him can drive someone (namely ME) nuts. LOL! The next step is after my testing comes back I will be scheduled for surgery! I was told that my surgeon is booked for most of August at this point so I am looking at early September. I'm okay with this and besides there might be a cancellation. I am so ready and so nervous! Oh also I found out that my surgeon only does a pre-op diet of clear liquids for 48 hours prior to surgery. BOY!!! What a relief to hear that. I thought I was going to starve for 1-2 weeks. I'll update later when I have my pre-op testing...

Last appointment with Surgeon before surgery!

Jul 19, 2009

My appointment is tommorow (July 20th 2009) with Dr. Mattar. I am supose to also meet with my Nutritionist and possibly have some pre op testing done. It's getting closer and I am nervous, but I am also happy. I'll be happier when it's over though! I am now down to 265 pounds! That's 33 pounds lost since Arpil 22nd 2009! Wish me luck tommorow!
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About Me
Fowler, IN
Surgery Date
Apr 18, 2008
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